Message from @Kingfish
Discord ID: 510299938471804928
@Tyler0317 What if we're uploaded to a computer emulation in the cloud before we die? Then our time won't be limited!
And shooting
I've had it with the gamer oppression
Also consider getting involved with art or music to some degree- I think everyone should
Gamers rise up
Honestly, I'm undecided on the football question. @Kingfish You have a compelling argument that you should do things for reasons that have nothing to do with politics, and football is an example of that. @Selma You have a good point that it can be a form of escapism. Though, I guess *some* escapism is kind of healthy since the world can be pretty draining.
We should all get the new animal crossing and switch our communication to that
Learn to play an instrument or take an art class at the museum
I’m being ironic pls no hate
>gaming right with a friend now while you people poop on it <:sad:366743316475281408>
I took one on pottery not too long ago- it’s fun.
Football means you’re paying money to black women beaters and absentee fathers whose kids are raised on welfare
I play guitar and I regularly attend my local museums lmao
Im a seasonal member to most of them
Subverting your own interests
Newer video games are developed to be endlessly playable by constantly activating the reward center of your brain through endless "achievements", microtransactions, and loot boxes. They are pure escapism and bad for your mind to be played long term.
And I still have time to game
Work more
When I got out of the military, I bought a Playstation.
2 months later I was disgusted by how much of a time suck I let it become.
Then sold it on Craigslist
What up my gama?
I'm 20 years old and working on a degree and I work part time
Without gaming I wouldn’t have found the best workout music, AKA sephiroths theme One winged angel. That gets me PUMPed
I have 3 hours or so a day thats free
Should just work instead of getting a degree
and I do plenty
Waste of time
Hahaha, Nitrodubs, I run to final fantasy 8's boss theme.
@Kingfish How did you readjust after, you as say, you had problems talking to people outside of politics?
If I’m doing cardio, there is no stopping me once that guitar riff kicks in
@Alexander Pechorin thanks dude let me drop out of the degree i've been working on for years because an internet racist told me I should
@Kingfish we're not racists we're normal people
College being worthless is a terrible boomer tier meme
There's some pretty good arguments for why college is a scam, but I wouldn't say anyone should drop out once they started
I dropped out. Run a business with 100 + employees now