Message from @ChippedStones
Discord ID: 510336915719847937
And I have an inherent distrust of people who so flippantly join and leave organizations
with respect to the money?
I don't think he has nearly that much, as I understood it was a few million. enough to make him independently wealthy but not enough to fund a movement
He's heir to a massive fortune
@JohnAtlas Do remember that this is an in-house conversation and not public
If he doesn't have it now he will one day
We don't go after the dude in public--like he does to us
Our movement is at best only about 10 years old. Before that we had, and still have the great philosophers, but then it started to come into the open, as it needed to. The first revolutionaries who act are the generally among the fringe. That's why Trump is so exciting. He is a MAN who knows the score. He is his own man who has plowed a very difficult row. He is very, very tough and smart. Until Trump we have had some very effective leaders, but they have all been ivory tower types who have nevertheless had the courage to put Whites before career. Peter Brimelow was a monster journalist in the early-90s who queered his pitch when he began pointing out that third-world immigration was killing us. He was immediately declared a leper by the mainstream Leftists and neoCons. That's when he started
@JohnAtlas Understandable, I used to follow him, in fact one of his podcasts got me to join IE in the first place. But the issue is that he is a bit of a liability and he continuously goes after us, unprovoked.
@OMGDwayne Depending on how you define movement its almost 100 years old, here in the USA
@JRobertson I am skeptical. He wouldn't be doing what he does now if he had that kind of money. At those levels you're talking thinktanks and platforms. Not his blog and occasional periscope
@Flint Fair point. Since we’re on the subject though, I thought I’d share my views. Obviously, you can criticize him all you want.
I get you're saying he doesn't have the money yet though @JRobertson
I can respect that
@ThisIsChris Look it up dude, either he has it now or he will have it.
Land value alone, I mean Jesus
When the time comes he could fund... anything
Was that piece you're talking about not a parody? Or am I thinking of something else?
@NateDahl76 unmute me chief
Good to see the mods watching 😉
Can never be too careful
wtf? there's a chat going on?
>tfw not told
@JRobertson I see it now, looks like it's around 20-25 million dollars. he could do some stuff with that but I'm not sure how much. I don't think its worth us kowtowing to him, better a more level-headed backer
>He is in a position to know. Spencer, along with his mother and sister, are absentee landlords of 5,200 acres of cotton and corn fields in an impoverished, largely African American region of Louisiana, according to records examined by Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting. The farms, controlled by multiple family-owned businesses, are worth millions: A 1,600-acre parcel sold for $4.3 million in 2012.
>The Spencer family’s farms are also subsidized by the federal government. From 2008 through 2015, the Spencers received $2 million in US farm subsidy payments, according to federal data.
@ThisIsChris Imagine for a second if IE had just a million dollars
@JRobertson I'm confident we will get that and more
Me too. My point is avoid drama with Spencer and demonstrate that we are the future
I think we are doing that in an acceptable fashion
But one day he will have that Spencer money
And he will want to give it to people who can enact real change
lmao nah
@JRobertson Well avoid drama I agree, but I do think people within our thing should know openly what we've learned about Spencer the person. Too many people come in from the false "everyone is the same just different strategies" narrative which is misleading.
I'm pretty sure when I saw this the first time someone told me it was fake
absolutely could have been told wrong tho
Don't really know what to believe about that guy