Message from @Grossly Incandescent
Discord ID: 510872000558923780
@Thugged Out Pissed Off absolutely cursed
@Grossly Incandescent grrr women
Grrr indeed
Yeah thank god my dad is an accountant and taught me about fiscal responsibility from an early age
Status symbols for the poor are things like phones, TVs, brand name clothes, and even food. They cant afford a mortgage or reliable vehicles but they can eat like a king at Golden Corral with their new Nikes on and post about it to Instagram from their iPhone.
Poor people in really bad shape financially will do everything they can to dab on other poor people
More like Facebook
Facebook is more of a poor person thing I think
Everyone has had it beat into them that these things are important from the day mom plopped them in front of the TV.
Poor/old/low IQ
That is usually what I associate chronic facebook posters with.
If you're poor and life sucks but an iPhone makes you happy it's a difficult temptation to resist.
Gotta get that dopamine hit from those likes
They can't feed they kids but they got iPhones/Shoes
His face cracks me up
His name is Jones Transfer as well.
Yup. And when tax time comes they got a car with some expensive wheels until the repo man comes.
This is reminding me of something I read about how people who win the lottery go broke in a year or so after collecting
Have you seen that video where the repo man comes, and all the people sit on the car so it can't be pulled away?
Thank you.
Lol yeah I've seen many vids like that.
welcome @Josh M. -OH !
Oh yes, welcome, Josh! Seriously. Congratulations on your pledgitude!
Thank you. Thanks for having me.
Welcome @Josh M. -OH !
I always like asking new people what made them join, care to share @Josh M. -OH
Yes, that catches my curiosity too.
@Alexander Pechorin you too
Yes, Alex, I've seen you around a teensy bit longer than Josh, but I extend you the same welcome!
I’ll be at one week tomorrow.
The pledge program is great. Having the orientation is a good thing that was a long time coming. It's been going on for new entrants for a little over 2 months now.
For a long time I've sat back and watched in horror and disgust as our country and the world slowly turned to crap. I decided to be proactive in changing that. Another member helped pushed me here specifically.
Hell yeah
@Josh M. -OH awesome, have you read <#371705962224025610> ? There are our big picture ideas for how we're going to accomplish that in there.