Message from @ThisIsChris
Discord ID: 511051743723913237
There's already the initiative to diversify New Hampshire, it's actually really funny
Basketball is huge in this state, and every tiny little school is importing blacks from the inner cities in to play ball for their schools.
sportsballcapitalism : (
I saw a thing that gave the best and worst parts about each state, for new hampshire it was "very low crime" and worst was "diversity"
Lotta implications here!
So you’ll have 100% white schools of like a couple hundred students in total, and you’ll add a dozen black athletes into the school,
Oy vey! They've gawt the worst diversity!
I'll have you speaking Yiddish yet
That is me roleplaying as a bad person, please don't think I am saying that to us.
My parents grew up in an over 99% white country.
Here’s a documentary about all of the evil white racists these troubled black teens have to deal with in KY.
"Given the city’s historic significance in the civil rights movement, it is especially regrettable to see how how segregated the city is today. Over half of the city’s 1.1 million residents live a racially homogeneous neighborhood that shares the same race as them. As is the case across the country, the city’s black population is far more likely to be poor, and far less likely to be employed and well educated, compared to the city’s white population. Less than 1% of the metro area’s white residents both live in poverty and live in neighborhoods where a large share of the population is also poor, compared to more than 15% of Birmingham’s black residents."
My noggin is running a marathon
Clearly this has no basis in biology, and we must do everything we can to right this wrong!
“We don’t have enough white students to provide us with gibs”
There’s not enough white kids to go around
My Congressman (Democrat) is Jewish with three parentheses around his name on his Twitter profile, but the Republican candidate running against him was running on the platform that my congressman isn't pro-israel enough.
Not a single white community is allowed to exist. Even struggling white communities in the middle of nowhere, there’s always somebody anxious to add onto the problem by bringing in foreign populations.
Since I've lived here I have testified in court as a witness 3 times, had my apartment broken into once, and had a car totaled because it was hit after a guy was running from the police because he robbed an auto parts store and stole 2 dollars
And I'm living in the whitest neighborhood in the city proper
White communities now exist by making property expensive.
My city councilwoman is the only white official in the city government
I feel bad for her
@ophiuchus sounds like identity politics, realized
Jesus, I feel bad for you, ophiuchus. That that stuff has happened to you.
59.0% of the population were of Hispanic or Latino ancestry
that is where I grew up.
My parents got a beautiful house though <:sad:366743316475281408>
Well I mean, nothing is wrong with that.
completely behind this new policy
I'd go a step further and make a "fortnite jail" server.
>boomers out in full force tonight