Message from @Alexander Pechorin
Discord ID: 511656529611456549
Mexico’s just very thoroughly mixed.
Mexican as in citizens but clearly of European heritage.
@Nerv - VA Yeah probs not
Surely some exist in Brazil as well considering Portuguese influence.
There are tons in Brazil
How many “white Mexicans” insist on being minorities though?
Yea there’s a lot of Italians and germans in Brazil.
Jorge Ramos is clearly white, but makes his living on attacking this country’s white majority.
Old paintings of “Mexicans” in Mexico City
Brazil is very interesting. There are people who are lighter skinned than I am I’ve met. Then there are dark blacks
Southern Brazil is very white
It’s the passport most used in fraud because of the diversity
Brazil is the same demographic situation as us, only a few more decades ahead.
Yes ^
Argentina has a pretty strong white majority though, from what I’ve read.
Very much
With very little native presence, and almost no blacks.
I go down there with my fiancé for polo. All white.
Outside of the cities at least
@Alexander Pechorin What do the percentages look like?
Well I don’t spend much time in Buenos, which is mixed. The ranches and stuff we visit are nearly 100% white. They look like Germans who have Spanish names
Although, keep in mind, I think “white” as a category is very loose in Latin America and includes middle easterners of all varieties and people who are like a quarter non white.
It can be very easy to get an isolated picture. SA countries are very segregated, including Argentina
Our developer team is all Uruguay based. A few of them moved to Austin and I flew out to see them. Probably half of them looked like me.
Didn't expect that from Brazil
I was under the impression that Argentina is majority white. Not sure where the 30% came from
Stan Lee died
@ThisIsChris I've argued for that in the past
@TMatthews DNA studies show 75% European
@Jacob it's actually a compelling argument. Also:
@TMatthews I don’t know how accurate that map is, I thought Argentina was whiter than that too.
But yeah I'm actually kind of a fan of the conclusions, getting rid of the timezones. It would make a lot of things easier.
That’s the impression I got when I was there. Though again, there are definitely areas that are very mixed and much darker and more South American.
Well the map says over 85% European ancestry
So 80% doesn't count?