Message from @Alexander Pechorin
Discord ID: 513477653077164043
If it isn't being used for illegal purposes you shouldn't get a say in what its spent on.
Until our views actually become illegal
But thats another rabbit hole entirely
I am all about reducing our financial fragility by any way we can
There is what should be and what is. Can't remember the name of the law that "businesses always become more left wing", since the 'unacceptable' opinion gets purged and the left wing opinion gets promoted. Mozilla is an example of a CEO who built everything getting removed for wrong think. Two options for payment processors: they become public services and regulated like phones, or right wing thought becomes more socially acceptable as left wing thought becomes less sociallly acceptable.
Neither is likely. Considering the only people who support regulation are right wingers, which means all libertarians will sperg out and divide the base. I shouldn't have to tell you why the second option is unlikely lol
All the same, we have to work in this world, and our business would almost without exception be explicitly "right wing" so I think pursuing multiple avenues of approach is the wisest path
How does someone even get removed from their own company?
Can't he just tell them to fuck off?
If your employees go on strike or your shareholders pressure you, you are EFFED mate
Depends on if he is technically an employee or an owner, a board or directors can dismis a CEO by firing him if he sold the majority of his company - protip never sell more than 49%
Honestly I love working with companys that have "suicide protocols" some guys build the company so it can never be inverted or it literally kills the entire business
Used to be a tactic against unionist, but now its mostly a protection against hostile take overs
Once you are over 100 employees, there are a lot of problems you run into with government regulations, diversity measures, labor board, etc.
They might not be able to take your business but they can sue you into bankruptcy for tiny things
And the labor board always sides against business owners unless you provide incontrovertible proof of innocence.
Does anyone know if we have new norfolk people
@Alexander Pechorin wow, straight from pledge to patron, nice
@Jacob thank you! I am very grateful to the work everyone is doing.
Open invitation to anyone: if you have funding needs for anything — businesses, activism, etc, please send me a message.
@Alexander Pechorin Thank you Alex, much appreciated.
Check out @MikePFanAccount’s Tweet:
Check out @V_of_Europe’s Tweet:
What could possibly go wrong
do people not see the conflict of interest in cases like this?
let's say you're a liberal who's totally cool with immigration and diversity and everything
even then, don't you see how their might be at least a bit of a conflict of interest putting an immigrant in charge of your national security?
even when I was apathetic on immigration, I though it was really dumb to give these people government positions
You’re misunderstanding the goal here. The goal is not “the best functioning government” is “hell yeah representation.” The highest good is not quality. The highest good is “the empowerment of marginalized groups.”
@Jacob She just gave the country away.
A spectacularly retarded decision like this makes sense only if you consider “the rule of muh oppressed groups” as positive ipso facto.
this might be a good thing
maybe people need to see consequences
@NITRODUBS wholesome
Thank you for posting
@Jacob As retarded as that almost has to happen like that. It is like people have to loose what they take for granted before they wake up and get organized. Unlike I.E. members.
Gradual negative changes are the worst, because people don't see the effects until it's too late. At least something like this intelligence service thing could have quick and easy to see negative effects.