Message from @Ryan - IN
Discord ID: 513542674943311883
@Axel Ya lol I have no idea how he had that kind of experience. Wait, maybe it was Austria he was talking about. That would make more sense.
Oh, for sure
He definitely lived in Austria for 2 years
Interesting history
Did Austria have nationalist movements for longer?
If so, then this makes a lot of sense
Well after the war, nationalism was basically the European "n-word". It is possible that they've had bigger movements there than Germany has. Something I'd like to research, actually.
I can't imagine it was too close to '45, since for a long time after the war nationalist and nazi were perceived as synonymous there. Similar to what the left is trying to pull on Trump right now.
And then this happened:
@Axel I could ask my dad about it, but I don't know if I want to re-open the topic lol
Anybody on?
Are you guys planning on attending the conference next year?
So according to Wikipedia, the Republican Party is now considered “right-wing to far-right”
I would like to, haven't been able to make any set plans yet though
Yea Wikipedia is pretty leftist controlled I try to use alternatives when I can like Infogalatic
@Axel yea I would like do but to be honest the doxing is a concern for me
@Ryan - IN I can totally relate. I share your exact concern.
I know the chances are small but the consequences are huge especially since my wife stays home so I’m the only income
@Ryan - IN I'm not married, but the consequences are very large for me too. I'm glad some people here can empathize.
I will be attending LoPF2
Please have theme music prepared
There is no Sasquatch battle music so ork music will have to do
paleowolf, is that like the new keto or something
@Axel I definitely can understand. My company just started a diversity and inclusion department lol they have an employers resource group for everyone but straight white men, but at least I can be an ally for some other group haha
I don't think there will be a large doxxing threat involved with attending the conference
@Deleted User it is a highly testosteronous band. Orkforge is his side project
@Henrik It kind of depends on the individual. For a good number of people, it won't be a problem at all, I can assume.
I would challenge those concerned with doxxing with the following: what are you doing to secure your personal identity online?
I'm certainly not overly-paranoid, but I think not having a Facebook, Twitter or Instagram account is a pretty good start.
Well, the Twitter I have is a nameless account that I just have to check things out.
Just my 2 cents. Conference last year was the best and most whitepilling experience I can remember. Lunch w JarTay and Pat, listening to all the speeches that ended with loud standing O’s every time, going back to the houses or hotel rooms with other state chapters and hanging out w them, concluding in the activism at the Parthenon on Sunday. Absolutely incredible experience that I will always remember fondly. Hotel and conference center staff loved us, had nothing but positive things to say to us and about us the entire time we were there. Absolutely zero risk of dox. I would highly encourage attendance at this year conference if you are able.
I'll definitely keep that in mind. Sounds like an amazing experience.
hopefully crypto makes me rich by the conference so I can go
I firmly believe LoPF2 is the surprise launch of Elon Musk's voyage to Europa (jovian moon). Don't miss it, but also: pack snacks!
and a sweater
I hear there's plenty of water there
Ayy lmao hyperborean aqua
anyone wanna hop on voice chat?