Message from @Fox
Discord ID: 513891491916021763
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN As close to a natural alliance as we're likely to get.
@Phillip Wiglesworth - FL ya, I think the one you're talking about was better, though
IE is so good that we even have the best infiltrators
Speaking of which its time to register for LOPF number 2.
@godric I'm at the gym now but you can probably find it pretty easily on Google if you search stuff related to the Northwest Forum. And archives are pretty easy to make.
@Sam Anderson it's probably gonna be the weekend before finals for me again 😑
Does Washington have a particularly weird school system? Because people always seem to be shocked at when my breaks are.
You are on the quarters system correct? That sucks
@Jacob Yes.
Your summer break goes into September, no?
I worked at a Washington state summer camp and the season was odd to me.
@Sam Anderson Yes, I am
"You wouldn't see her at an AntiFa rally..." Lol "...because she'd be an abortion..."
Straight for the jugular, figuratively speaking.
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN Yes, I start school in late September. High school and below starts generally early September in Washington, though.
Gonzaga doesn't even recognize Veteran's Day. They're private, though.
I'm just waiting for an article titled 'I was a leftist art student who infiltrated a white nationalist group - and now I'm an identitarian and not gay anymore?"
Black labs can't be racist.
he's a good boy, he dindu nuffin
"conversations consisted of coding, Game of Thrones, Tolkien, how Rashomon relates to cultural relativism, etc. The sorts of things regular white people talk about at similar gatherings. For a second, I got a vision of what Seattle would be like with zero ethnic diversity: It would be dull"
He was turning his life around.
What funky conversation topics do you think ambiguous race beige latinxes have at the dinner table?
there isn't conversation per say, more like... energy?
This infiltrator article was written with far more malice than the one at lopf no. 1
that was a fun event
I can assure you it was very interesting without diversity
Has there been an infiltrator at every event? Lmfao
It's part of the charm of the events.
The only kind of diversity that exists to this dude is race, apparently.
What a dull existence he must live.
There's only one race. The fortnite race.
I dont even get it. Seattle is like 95% white yet is interesting enough for him to write a book about it.
I can paraphrase the opening of the last one for you. "I had to get a hair cut, dress like an adult, and over all make myself a presentable person in society in order to go undercover."
There's only one race, the gamer race.
Two races, fortnite and Ben shaprio