Message from @Axel

Discord ID: 514960116303396876

2018-11-22 00:14:33 UTC  

@Jacob cute

2018-11-22 00:14:48 UTC  

That's one way to look at it I guess

2018-11-22 00:15:11 UTC  

t. embarrassed child

2018-11-22 00:15:30 UTC  

And Mr. Balboa, only use the tongue. Say "Air" or "hair" or "car" and move the tongue to the roof of your mouth at the end of the word. Do not use your lips or move them.

2018-11-22 00:15:40 UTC  

will do

2018-11-22 00:17:23 UTC  

Balboa has a unique accent, no problem with it so long as it’s understandable

2018-11-22 00:18:26 UTC  

I agree but its not up too Metatrons standard

2018-11-22 00:18:53 UTC  

She makes the rules around hear or here

2018-11-22 00:19:53 UTC  

no. no she does not

2018-11-22 00:20:24 UTC  

Well she the boss of me lol

2018-11-22 00:20:33 UTC  

@V.Balboa - PA If that's true then RIP V Balboa

2018-11-22 00:20:42 UTC  


2018-11-22 00:24:47 UTC  

The rain here is very alkaline from the fires.

2018-11-22 00:25:14 UTC  

@V.Balboa - PA Logan says he would listen to a podcast with you on it

2018-11-22 00:25:31 UTC  

Hot take.

2018-11-22 00:26:11 UTC  

Am I the only one that gets distracted by accents? I have a teacher with a strong Chinese accent and it's just absolutely unbearable to me, but when I look him up online, there's no complains about that.

2018-11-22 00:26:23 UTC  

He actually gets decent reviews.

2018-11-22 00:26:42 UTC  

People are probably just afraid to say anything.

2018-11-22 00:27:04 UTC  

@Jacob you're not alone. I really wish YouTube had an accent filter so I could filter out results with thick accents.

2018-11-22 00:27:04 UTC  

I miss Metatron she called me Mr Balboa 😦

2018-11-22 00:27:39 UTC  

@Jacob Depends on the accent

2018-11-22 00:27:46 UTC  

@ThisIsChris oh God that's the absolute worst for programming tutorials

2018-11-22 00:27:51 UTC  

*Several people are typing...*

2018-11-22 00:27:53 UTC
the left is gonna get a kick out of this one

2018-11-22 00:28:16 UTC  

@Jacob yes! It's those subcon accents man I can't stand them.

2018-11-22 00:28:23 UTC  

I look up how to do something in Java and 9/10 videos are useless to me. I just hear and Indian accent and I skip it.

2018-11-22 00:28:30 UTC  

We had a subcon Indian woman teaching English at my high school. My brother's class bullied her hard. I secretly made fun of the way she said "adwerb"

2018-11-22 00:28:35 UTC  

Sorry, I mean subcon accents

2018-11-22 00:29:29 UTC  

@Jacob yeah for CS videos I always look for white names on the accounts or white people in the thumbnails

2018-11-22 00:29:35 UTC  

this tbh

2018-11-22 00:29:39 UTC  

Chill Balboa lmao

2018-11-22 00:30:13 UTC  

I did one of those drawings with layers and layers of color around a single word. It said "werb" *(verb)*

2018-11-22 00:30:39 UTC  

It's not even just having an accent, it's how bad some of them are. The owner of the last place I worked was Indian and understanding him was okay, but of these CS tutorial guys, it's like... why are you even bothering making these videos?

2018-11-22 00:31:06 UTC  

@missliterallywho dude I swear people who talk like that just *don't want* to improve their accents

2018-11-22 00:31:29 UTC  

They mess up even sounds that they have in their own language

2018-11-22 00:31:37 UTC  

They just don't want to speak correctly

2018-11-22 00:31:38 UTC  

You're a bigot for wanting them to

2018-11-22 00:31:51 UTC  

ya I know lol

2018-11-22 00:32:11 UTC  

Petition for subcons to teach English at all American high schools, sign here

2018-11-22 00:32:17 UTC  

@Jacob they see that in the west the people who write books or make tutorials tend to be smart people, so they cargo cult it: they think if they make a tutorial that must mean they are smart too. I've never met people so able to miss the point of things as subcons.

2018-11-22 00:33:27 UTC  

Did you guys see the news about the proud boys a few days ago?