Message from @Sam Anderson
Discord ID: 515366343902756896
Unknown. Only history I know is Anglo, Welsh, Norman and German. I have heard Dutch are characteristically tall.
I thought there was also quite a few tall Icelandic people?
Met a Dutch girl when I was in Ireland. Oosh bois
@Isabella Locke-MT my wife is 6' redhead Dutch
Atta boi
@Isabella Locke-MT yes Haphthor Bjornson the strongman and actor is 6'9"
Im 6'2 Irish and portuguese
Yeah there are a few other strong men from there too
Seeking: Identitarian qt3.14 with wooden shoes
@Isabella Locke-MT So glad you joined btw Twitter friend.
Thanks Sam
@Isabella Locke-MT what made u join?
In a few words
I saw that IE put up a flyer in my town
Wanted to meet other redpilled people
in person
start building community irl
Makes sense
Flyering works! Always good to hear more confirmation of that
I think it was the other way around lol
Im trying to get my wife more involved and have started reaching out to other IE women to speak with her in hopes of winning her over
Today I am thankful for all my borthers and sosteres in the cause
Hail our 🅱eople
@SuperTomPerry -RI Everyone has their own level of comfort. If they are in the community that's a big deal all its own
Well i want her to become more aquainted with IE people, so that eventually she'll want to join
My husband is supposed to be putting in an app soon
He's just very busy
@Isabella Locke-MTbut see thts nice ur husband is on board
He has a lot of ideas
He wants to talk to Patrick about them
My wife is 6'1" and German-Irish ❤️
She is also imaginary
My wife is 7'0, 240lbs, and is pregnant with quintuplets
@Rogue lol
More kids the better
I had a great aunt on mom's dad's side over 6 feet tall, never met her
My great grandma was over 6 ft