Message from @SuperTomPerry -RI
Discord ID: 515372345603653632
/k/ is fun. /k/, /out/, /fit/
I never go to /pol/ anymore. no need
all numbers must be banned. <:sad:366743316475281408>
Roman Numerals only
I just honestly forgot it was a rule. I did read through them on my first day but there's this thing called pregnancy brain that makes you forgetful lol
What if i was talking about the T Swift song ...22 ?? Or is that cheating
Arabic (Hindu) Numerals aren't white
T Swift betrayed us...
Yea she did
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN I'm burnt out on the chans. Haven't been on in a year. I spent every day on one board or another for a decade, but once I joined IE I just stopped caring for it
I like Twitter
You get pretty much the same thing without the random porn
One of my greatest accomplishments is getting post #12 on /out/
@John O - /fit/ has great memes still
And I contribute a lot to /out/
I posted a Jeff Seid meme a while ago and nobody got it
I liked /fit/
Flexing for photos...based
White pill?
White pill in that the Commies really aren't as powerful in mainstream politics as we seem to think
Weird pill
She knows that if massive immigration continues to happen, there will be massive pushback
we're seeing it already
Perhaps they want to slow it down
But just so the white man stops being so angry
That’s good
and then they will start it right back up again
when we've all fallen back asleep
Merkel and Macron and the Globalists will not listen to her. They signed the UN suicide pact
"Former Presidential Candidate"
An entire career of back stabbing bitterness, and she's remembered as a loser
The Globalists hit the throttle a bit too hard in recent years and she is simply acknowledging the mistake.
They did it way too fast