Message from @Goose
Discord ID: 520686058707615746
New campaign: Mariah Carrey's "All I Want for Christmas (Is You)" should be banned because it obviously promotes human trafficking.
Sam Anderson is a Sam + A Anderson = Sam Anderson
Yep. Anderson Swede gang rise up.
y'all notice how the left seem to suffer from BPD?
@Goose Among other things.
seems like we have a mental health crisis in the country that needs to be quarantined
Imagine all the scientific insight that could be gained if research funding bodies weren't leftist. Not just racial stuff either.
we would already have families on mars
Of course but even low level sociological answers like: "why do lesbians beat eachother up all of the time?"
Stop with your lesbophobia!
Or "why do Pajeets bob-post on social media?"
it is really interesting that lesbians have higher rates of violence than other relationships.
possibly because they have mental issues 🤔 has this been posted yet?
Lesbians in a relationship tend to get their cycles in sync. The result is that they're both at their moodiest at the same time. Not to mention that they have high rates of mental illness to start
@Austen if your serious of moving to pa hit up Balboa for an apprenticeship
Thanks for the lead!
@Asatru Artist - MD My hypothesis is that it is a result of the two of the three contributing factors of lesbianism: higher testosterone and having experienced earlier abuse. The third factor is media influence but that doesn't make lesbians violent, because media portrayals of LBGT are angelic. @TMatthews your period based population is a good insight
wasn't the rate of child abuse victims becoming homosexual almost 100% or something?
@Goose I think that is for gay men, but I suspect abuse fuels lebians misandry and lesbianism generally
most lesbians i've met just really hated men and found solace with another female as miserable as they were
Many such cases. Sad.
the others it was a phase or because they were tom-boys and felt societal pressure to not like boys
Remake wholesome family culture. Stop abuse and deviance at once.
"just a phase" 🤢
@Asatru Artist - MD don't forget about the "i dated a black guy in college" phase to get back at dad
Unironically there is decent money with small investment in Christian (explicit or implicit) film media. They punch WAY above their weight financially.
Just make a family values movie with no race mixing and that will please 99% of conservatives and white-advocates alike
Have a Thomas Sowell character with a respectable black wife. Who cares, it will throw them off of the scent of "Evropa studios." (name not final)
Wrangle C/D list actors (after drug test) that has been burned by conspicuous globalist media types. Surely there are some old bitter Power Rangers that will work for cheap.
Chad of chads
Belvedere is a 🅱olish brand of vodka
2019 colourized
“Mr @Wood-Ape - OK/MN, don’t you think there are too many Roman statues in this park you’re proposing?”
I’m just kidding, that’s pretty cool
@Alex Kolchak - NY#3259 lol It wasn't quite that but the specifics were implicit /SWPLish