Message from @TV
Discord ID: 524671981401145344
They already basically are broken. Our biggest obstacles are the NFL, Marvel Movies, and all the other bread and circuses though
They're already burning that to ground for us with diversity stunts.
The more we trigger them, the more they witch Hunt, the more corporations have to virtue signal, the more they burn down their own IP
Just watched 2 marvel movies with the boys yesterday <:nervous:359009898115104770>
Good afternoon
There should be some sort of flyer that goes against all the “superheroes” and has pictures of real American heroes
If you go against pop culture it better be funny
Not gonna lie, I love Marvel movies. But I can see through all the propaganda in them so I'm not being brainwashed.
What we need is more people like Mel Gibson making movies
Anyone have that graph of where 2016 voters fell on the traditional political spectrum that dropped last week?
I don’t.
@Isabella Locke-MT that’s the hard thing for me. There are some I like but I also don’t like supporting the problem. If you need to watch media, I would recommend watching pre-1960’s movies. At least until EuropaWood gets going 😉
We generally watch them for free online, but my one birthday treat a year is going to see one in theaters since they always release the big ones around april/may.
That's pretty much the only time we go see a movie in theaters though.
*Hollywood* has become so blatantly anti-white and propagandist in the last 5-10 years, I can't even watch it anymore.
Dragged Across Concrete
2018 ‧ Drama/Thriller ‧ 2h 39m
Gibson keeps delivering
Guys Cheeto Blormphfff is malfunctioning...
I watched “The Man Who Would Be King” the other day, and that is now one of my favorite movies. I want to read the book now
Feels like they must be making this up, how could everything political go awry at once?
Maybe somebody has Yuge blackmail on Trump.
@Sam Anderson Is that real?
I haven't seen it but I know it's good by viewer rating and how much it triggers libs.
I'm sure it's good too. I've seen Zahlers other two films and they were great.
Haven't been able to track down a copy of the new one with Mel Gibson yet. I think they tested it out in festivals and are now working on a wider release.
@Rabbidsith not sure if people actually have blackmail on trump but it would make sense. Given how he has been ineffective recently.
Was the civil war about states rights or slavery?
States rights
It was about immigration
Ok, but how?
I don’t know much about it
civil war was about slavery like the yellow vest movement is about taxes
States rights vs puritanical crusade to violate all law for their feels
The subject was about slavery but the principle was states rights
Civil war was beginning of end of constitution