Message from @TMatthews
Discord ID: 527347312805019648
Why has Fox News still not tweeted in a month and a half?
In protest of Tuckers address being left up too long on Twitter
Guess its a semi-permanent protest
Merry Christmas everyone!
Woah good on them
Want something more done than just not tweeting but ok
We've come full circle.
The hyper sypathetic ideology that our enemies expouse have come back to bite them.
I love that
That is some hilarious shit
I hope you all had great huwhite Christmases
It was pretty huwhite.
Mine was full on Danish and English
Danish decorations and traditions
Good wypipo conversations with my stepfather. Told him about IE. Identitarian movements and other "alt right" stuff.
Gave him Buchanan's Decline of the West for Christmas.
He was excited for it and has read other Buchanan.
I've had a quite the huwite Christmas. not literally. all we've got is clouds and some rain.
My family spent a good amount of time looking over an extended family tree my sister has worked on for years
Talking about your ancestors is *implicit*
My parents have got ancestry tests that they'll be filling out and sending in
Ironic given how much of the general ancestry is known because of genetic testing
speaking of genetic testing, 23andme has a beta feature now that breaks down to which region in a country your ancestors most likely lived
Lovely. I bet you my entire family will be wanting to visit such and such village in such and such eurostani country in search of "the ancestral home"
It's like the plot to a bad horror movie. Sans the Elvira-esque introduction (the only reason I'd want to be near it)
I want to do a DNA test to see what heritable diseases I have
We have the disease of pathological altruism I just saved you a hundred dollars
you didn't actually
I just diagnosed I didn’t cure it <:sad:366743316475281408>
you can analyze your genome for free using third party tools
you just have to pay for the test
multiple of which are under $100
one of which is free, but takes forever
Ok I estimated the cost gosh
I've been tested for genetic disorders before. It's unpleasant and I don't recommend it.
Also because you're told that you have a genetic disorder. I'll prefer being ignorant k thx
idk to me it sounds exciting
well think of it this way