Message from @Distracted
Discord ID: 531689523562807296
I wonder if there is a correlation between homosexual leanings vs. divorced/single parents
The drastic drop in birth rate among white people is not due to homosexuality. It’s due to the feminists and straight couples who choose not to have kids
They could be outwardly "masculine" but when you get down to the nitty gritty they are desiring the phallus.
@Jacob Dopamine receptors are very fragile and can be rewired given the right stimuli. If positive association is given to being gay or gay traits added dopamine release you can wire the brain.
There is also the increased use of plastics for food items starting mid 20th century, chemical exposure?
Yes but the problem is that accepting ANY behavior not conducive to families always leads to the acceptance of others. The slippery slope is real
@PatrickAZ Lol Sorry but one is taking the pounding and one is doing the pounding and they’re both gay LOL
@wolfwood Gay frogs is unironically true
@MrDefault I'm sure what you're saying is true. After all, every trait is a combination of genetics *and* environment.
and I said if you are able.
I think one thing we need to acknowledge is that increasing birth rates isn't an inherent good. There's some people who are better off not breeding.
@Jacob my original point being was if it was purely genetic we wouldn’t have the rate of homosexuality we currently have.
lol fair
@MrDefault sure, of course it isn't purely genetic, I don't any trait is
A big issue is that you can't always have these rigid definitions of human sexuality - putting them into formidable identities. That's not how human nature works
oy vey.
"Dopamine receptors are very fragile and can be rewired given the right stimuli. If positive association is given to being gay or gay traits added dopamine release you can wire the brain."
^ This would appear true based on the studies and presentations of one particular doctor that presented findings to the US senate. I forget her name but she had research showing how formerly straight men "became" gay after being meth addicts. The long and short of it was that they did gay stuff for meth > brains became rewired to associate gay stuff with meth high.
@@Jason - CT I don't think so. Nature has made men and women compatible. Anything outside of this is unnatural
@Nico The Great - CA this guy
I used to think being gay was 100% something determined before/during birth, but I do not think so anymore based on what gays have told me and what I've read since.
@PatrickAZ Sorry bro ha ha, but I have to lay down the law
that's what I am saying too.
Reward unnatural behavior, get unnatural behavior
Every single homosexual I have met that I've had the opportunity to speak with frankly has admitted to being the victim of sexual abuse
That's why any public policy should reward starting natural, healthy family structures
and to think that this entire big brained discussion is due to some shitpost I made about the 6th Political Theory
Plus, I would add: I have some in-laws. Super religious family. 2 boys. 1 of them is retarded (mind of a 9yr)....both of them are gay.
I'll put it this way, none of the people in that family will be alone with any of my children.
@greg_p - TX Interestingly, I have a friend who was abused as a child along with her sisters and even she admitted to me that homosexuality is often caused by abuse. And her and all her sisters seem straight to me.
That's not meant to be an argument against what you were saying, I just find it interesting that she was able to admit that to me
The retarded one offered to change my son's diaper. I politely declined. He then told me how much he loved changing diapers at church. My blood was boiling at how disgusting that family is,but what are you going to say without causing massive family issues? All I could do was reaffirm that my wife understood these people will never be around our children without us being present
Homosexuality is an encouraged deviated sexual behavior.
Obviously most people who are abused do not become homosexuals, but almost all homosexuals have been abused from what I can tell
Whether learned encouraged or from abuse the truth is your sexual behavior is a choice. The more you feed into something the stronger it gets
This is a distasteful topic we probably shouldn't dwell on...we aren't going to solve the issue of homosexuality here haha.
Long and short of it, we need people able to do studies and find more out about it without being hindered by political correctness. Then we can actually get somewhere. I fear that we will never really know until this is done.
The I'm born that way argument was always shit to me. I've got plenty of natural tendacies that I've mastered. Sexuality is no different
the Human genetics department at the university of utah has done studies and concluded that a very high percentage of identical homozigotes twins are either both straight or both gay ... even when separated at birth and raised in differnt households..