Message from @itsme
Discord ID: 789624104448950272
I'm using the same argument you did
and the lowering of wages is the moral charge yes?
i wasnt arguing from the book, i was making a connection to explain it better
I also don't get what you mean by this
well also they dont have any right to be here. wages is one negative impact
I see so
i believe in objective morality
Could you explain that?
As in, things are pretty black and white morally speaking?
i dont believe morality is just "whatever the norms of the society are" they are a real thing, as real as math
should the punishment for trespassing be forced labor or death norman?
since that is essentially what there doing
trespassing carries a fine, which is taking your labor value from you
death is only used for people like rapists and murderers who attempt to come
so you believe that forced labor and or death is a just punishment for the crime of trespassing as defined by the USA?
forced labor yes, essentially (fines and community service). death yes, if it is certain areas that are military related
let me make it clear
i dont want to execute them
but if they try and cross, we should be able to use lethal force to stop them
Most trespassing cases are handled with simple fines and civil law suits
fines are forced labor
Why forced labor though?
if fines are a valid substitute
And very rarely go federally to which prison time is given
the people coming across the border typically wont have money we can take
why not just use fines
the people coming across the border typically wont have money we can take
It’s not forced labor, it’s community service
okay I agree
And it’s different for everyone
which is forced labor
But it’s not unfairly enforced
There’s regulations and codes
norman just to get this clear since I dont wanna mis-represent you