
Discord ID: 596000596452966410

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Fun fact

Most trespassing cases are handled with simple fines and civil law suits

And very rarely go federally to which prison time is given

Itโ€™s not forced labor, itโ€™s community service

And itโ€™s different for everyone

But itโ€™s not unfairly enforced

Thereโ€™s regulations and codes

Your word choice posses a negative connection

When you commit a crime and you canโ€™t pay the fine you go into debt to the gov

Community services isnโ€™t you working for free

Youโ€™re paying off debt

And the work is never going to endanger those working

Itโ€™s regulated

Iโ€™m really confused by your stance on this position

Illegal immigration

Many countries donโ€™t take immigrants which is kinda confusing

Most of our countries immigrants where Irish and German at first

When the US was a new country Mexico actually despised us, we fought over land but never over immigration and now itโ€™s the opposite lmaoo

We wanted Texas annexed

Not immigrated

Thereโ€™s a huge difference

The annexation of Texas was wanted because Spain gave part of Texas to the US and when the Mexico uprise happened and they took over, they tried to claim back all of Texas, the US never immigrated to Texas at first, they still followed and adopted US law, they just settled in part of Texas

Lmaoo bro Iโ€™m a history major

Not inauguration

Immigration *

Spain gave America part of Texas long before the war between Mexico and America

It wasnโ€™t immigration

It was settlement

Thereโ€™s a difference

Itโ€™s not deceptive? Two different words

I donโ€™t love Mexicans?

Just because you donโ€™t know the definition of things or how shit actually happened doesnโ€™t automatically make your opponent a liberal, just saying

Ignore him smh he has no proof

His basis to his arguments is that if you disagree with him youโ€™re a Mexican lover and hence have no valid opinion

I wasnโ€™t even talking abt immigration

I was just correcting him and trying to help him get his facts straight

Cause USA never immigrated to Texas smh it was a very different process

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