
Discord ID: 446408407713579015

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Why should we force illegals to work for us?

But why?

First world countries rarely actually need free labor because of how rich they are

Doesn't this seem extremely harsh for someone trying to get a better life?

What if someone is coming from a place where they would otherwise have died?

So we should just let them die?

You're basing your ideal society off of a book from a few thousand years ago?

Still, their standards for what makes a good society are very different from modern standards

Morality back then said that we could enslave people because they were black

Do you think that doing that isn't immoral?

How isn't it relevant?

I'm using the same argument you did

I also don't get what you mean by this

Could you explain that?

As in, things are pretty black and white morally speaking?

Why forced labor though?

Any proof of them being "immigrant lovers"?

You avoided the question. Do you have any proof that the ones conducting the studies are "immigrant lovers"?

Yeah lmao

Just as conspiratorial as saying the Earth is flat

Never a good sign

Let's see if you ingore my question for a third time. Do you have any proof that "immigration lovers" are conducting the studies?

Coming from the guy who literally used a triple parentheses

I guess this is now the 4th time you've avoided my question. Do you have any proof whatsoever that "immigrant lovers" are publishing incorrect studies?

Can't actually back up your arguments so you just make an autist joke

<:emoji_51:771471255936303105> Still haven't answered whether or not there's evidence that "immigrant lovers" are publishing incorrect studies about immigration

Are you intentionally avoiding my question? It's almost like there isn't any proof that "immigrant lovers" are publishing incorrect data, and it's just conspiratorial nonsense

Sorry to hear that reality doesn't correspond with your anti-Semitic conspiracies. Better luck ad hominem-ing your way through future debates

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