Message from @LAURA

Discord ID: 779879670959046664

2020-11-21 23:44:49 UTC - this is #bubblegate from the affidavits that were filed by observers.

2020-11-21 23:44:49 UTC  

@DisenchantedTruth, you just advanced to level 2!

2020-11-21 23:56:21 UTC  

Fake news is like white noise now. It's going to make any real news a harder to recognize.

2020-11-21 23:56:52 UTC  

That's the point. And it's why it's easy to get away with.

2020-11-21 23:57:06 UTC  

Sybil attacks

2020-11-22 00:29:59 UTC  

Lin Wood for DOJ

2020-11-22 00:41:13 UTC  

Lin Wood for another bar exam.

2020-11-22 00:47:31 UTC  

this show georgia counts are not what the recount finds since they are resnding in the election night totals because they were told to otherwise we wont know the real numbers

2020-11-22 00:48:13 UTC  
2020-11-22 00:50:23 UTC  

of course the court of pa would say that

2020-11-22 00:50:58 UTC  

This is the Circuit court and not the State Supreme Court right?

2020-11-22 00:54:02 UTC  

look in the article i posted the reporter asked the county employee point bland which results would be sent back to be certified the recounted numbers or election night numbers she said the origional election night numbers because thats what she was told to do

2020-11-22 00:55:23 UTC  

if they dont send the recount numbers how will we ever know the whoke thing was transparent

2020-11-22 00:58:55 UTC

2020-11-22 01:04:41 UTC  

Listed as politician, interesting.

2020-11-22 01:04:42 UTC  

@Shaggy, you just advanced to level 1!

2020-11-22 01:08:33 UTC  

It shouldn't be, but it's shocking how ignorant talk show hosts can be. The GA election officials were 100% transparent. The hand recount was a way to more than accomplish the risk limiting audit, canvassing, and reconciliation. Part of the canvassing is making sure that tabulated votes match the number of voters. The "missing" votes were caught by the checks and balances built into the process. GA voting machines are not networked together, so they use thumb drives to transfer the voting data to the tabulation system. That is a manual process, which involves human beings. These human beings were working days on end in support of our democracy. Mistakes were made, but the process was robust enough to ensure that the mistakes were caught and accounted for. The fact that we might like the result, doesn't mean that there was malfeasance involved.

2020-11-22 01:22:27 UTC  


2020-11-22 01:22:47 UTC  

nvm wrong thing

2020-11-22 01:23:23 UTC  

why dont they use the fixed votes then

2020-11-22 01:24:20 UTC  

a georgia counyu yhat recounted didnt give the fixed vote but wastold to send in the election night numbers

2020-11-22 01:25:37 UTC  

listen to the whole thing its about a quarter way thru

2020-11-22 01:26:59 UTC  

Agreed. If every state were investigated there would be widespread panic. It is an incredibly convoluted process, rife with human error and carelessness, bad equipment, overworked staff, unrealistic deadlines, and most importantly...inconsistency of process and resources from state to state. There may be certain situations where someone tampered or crossed the line, but the poll workers are likely not to blame most of it. That is a crazy job, high stress, VERY detail oriented, not just sitting around checking ids and counting

2020-11-22 01:29:07 UTC haven't watched this yet but it's bound to be good. Fan of both Tracey and Barnes (what is it with Roberts and youtube lawyers)

2020-11-22 01:34:05 UTC  

"One might expect that when
seeking such a startling outcome, a plaintiff would come formidably armed with
compelling legal arguments and factual proof of rampant corruption, such that this
Court would have no option but to regrettably grant the proposed injunctive relief
despite the impact it would have on such a large group of citizens.
That has not happened. Instead, this Court has been presented with strained
legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations, unpled in the operative
complaint and unsupported by evidence."

2020-11-22 01:39:41 UTC  

But... but... but but... the Kraken??? Where???

2020-11-22 01:54:17 UTC  

It's an invisible Kraken. That's my contribution.

2020-11-22 02:06:09 UTC  

Biden got more votes than there are people in some cities?

2020-11-22 02:06:11 UTC  


2020-11-22 02:06:17 UTC  

(watching video)

2020-11-22 02:07:53 UTC  

About to watch Sidney on Newsmax. But I may know what he's talking about in your video if it's Michigan? I'll check after Sidney talks.

2020-11-22 02:08:17 UTC  

just a guy walking through a forest talking into his phone saying a bunch of stuff

2020-11-22 02:08:27 UTC  

somebody has been smoking the Kraken 🙄

2020-11-22 02:08:27 UTC  

@meglide, you just advanced to level 2!

2020-11-22 02:08:29 UTC  

one of the stuff was that Biden got more votes than people in some cities

2020-11-22 02:09:09 UTC  

I think he might be mixing up something, such as the total votes in some counties/precincts being more than _registered voters_, in places with same-day registration

2020-11-22 02:09:16 UTC  

and thus nothing to see

2020-11-22 02:09:55 UTC  

clark co nevada admitted vote tampering 160k ish vote in the county overturning a county election however those same corrupt ballets however counted for the president election