Message from @OperatorGhost6

Discord ID: 781339228209676318

2020-11-26 01:59:56 UTC  

trump cuts the resolute desk in half with a chainsaw

2020-11-26 01:59:56 UTC  

@CriMiN4L, you just advanced to level 4!

2020-11-26 01:59:59 UTC  

Looking at what's happening, I think just as much that a large number of people would be upset if these claims don't have their say in court by the time the election is certified, there would be just as many people who would get upset should it go to a contingent election.

I get an headache if I hear a single perspective on a critical topic being prodded for minutes with no end it's painful, wrong word it's political bs ^^

2020-11-26 02:00:21 UTC  

thats were you are wrong trump doesnt have too conced and wont be arrested know youre law

2020-11-26 02:00:41 UTC  

Al Gore didn't concede for 37 days

2020-11-26 02:00:55 UTC  

hes protected under the constitution

2020-11-26 02:01:08 UTC  

the combination of people looking to find support more than news, and the money being more on tycoons with agendas than on paying customers - this has completely ruined the press business model. Incentives are not the best for a functioning press.

2020-11-26 02:01:09 UTC  

I think in context the video made a lot of sense, and was a response to a moral panic on the left about trump not conceding

Wouldn't calming moral panic with no indication of resolution just pile on the panic?

It does for me these goddamn costumes I can't stand em

2020-11-26 02:01:59 UTC  

3200 too be exact

god that is awful

2020-11-26 02:02:20 UTC  

he indicated the resolution. If trump lost all his court filings, and failed to get the house to object etc. then then he will be ejected from office by the institutions which are stronger than the presidency

2020-11-26 02:02:52 UTC  

@OperatorGhost6 Many of us have gone through the Russ Ramsland information and while he has a lot of evidence from past elections, he only has possible circumstantial evidence for this election, but it was based on a false assumptions. He is also the one that mixed up MI and MN in a court filing that incorrectly asserted that there were counties that had more votes than voters.

2020-11-26 02:02:54 UTC  

I didn't say that he has to concede or that he will be arrested

That sounds reasonable but there was something in between the sentences that made me itch

2020-11-26 02:02:56 UTC  
2020-11-26 02:03:08 UTC  


2020-11-26 02:03:08 UTC  

and they are going too be tossed all 68000 of them in pa

2020-11-26 02:03:13 UTC  

It's good that he pardoned Flynn, but should also do the same for Assange and Snowden

2020-11-26 02:03:32 UTC  

had he done this before election day, he would be president

2020-11-26 02:03:37 UTC  

he wont do snoden

2020-11-26 02:03:40 UTC  

@OperatorGhost6 Great. All of our eggs in 1 basket. Just as planned.

2020-11-26 02:03:42 UTC  

why's that?

2020-11-26 02:03:48 UTC  
2020-11-26 02:04:07 UTC  

he will want to keep the inteeligance community on his side if he does prevail

2020-11-26 02:04:08 UTC  

Not if they actually understand the data. I watched what was presented today and there were logical holes you could drive a truck through.

2020-11-26 02:04:15 UTC  

We can only > had he done this before election day, he would be president
Or at least promised to.

2020-11-26 02:04:27 UTC  

if he does conced then sure why noit

2020-11-26 02:04:29 UTC  

Yea even that lol

2020-11-26 02:04:29 UTC  

He's already fired how many directors of the FBI now?

2020-11-26 02:04:31 UTC  

@realz he did break a lot of norms non one ever would think to break. Like the tax return thing is the most puzzling. We know the being under audit thing was false

He invalidates opposion opinions, statements and other lesser facts with some merit with overplaying the obvious. Like a comedy but somehow not funny. Left can't meme sort of thing ^^

2020-11-26 02:04:48 UTC  

Yea definitely

2020-11-26 02:04:52 UTC  

Trump’s biggest enemy was Trump.

2020-11-26 02:05:04 UTC  

well if the fbi directors fail to do their jobs then sure they should be fired on tv at a table, YOUR FIRED

2020-11-26 02:05:07 UTC  

I wouldn't blame him for not trusting them, these are people who also lied about the number of troops we had in the Middle-East

2020-11-26 02:05:08 UTC  

I just want all the documents released 😅 Alllll of them

2020-11-26 02:05:12 UTC  

but, he also knew the media would have a field day with his taxes, so I don't really care about him breaking the norms tbh