
Discord ID: 538468217090342912

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found the mute I've never joined an active chat thing I despise social media stuff ^^

it's basically a proof that anarcial democracy doesn't work but it is nice to see how people see this single thing ^^

Putting vapid crimes on drug posession does bring down crime, unfortunatly black is not really keen on rules so it's proportional to that community. Now they admit it affacts blacks more than others but they don't know(or don't want to tell) why

As long as there's still a 3-way it's a loss for US either way so not really


the laptop was in FBI hands and it wasn't shown since now so I guess he's being held as a puppet there more censorship maybe 2 more election till china is copied for it's efficiency


accountable like it has been alot of years of nothing being prosecuted do you still believe that they will be held accountable for stuff they delete it's madness nothing happens rules change they adapt the people lose

I shouldn't talk about tweets they're worse than queefs, but reprogramming trumpers is ironic hiveminds reprogramming with logic is not logical ^^

You meant US militare did a reposession in a foreign country and did ask for weapons of mass destruction

There was a military base for years and noone ire'd an eye. Well unless german protesters each year noone even covered what a news we have here

I honestly have stopped watching these tidbits of information on a foreign nation it's infuriating to have a "someone dropped a spoon" news

I've been getting headaches for his last 3 videos it's baffling how you can be factual but so .....


I respect people with an unhuman patience but I dislike doubling down on a dead horse

can I post links not sure I wouldn't wanna get picked out of this moshput ^^

I get an headache if I hear a single perspective on a critical topic being prodded for minutes with no end it's painful, wrong word it's political bs ^^

Wouldn't calming moral panic with no indication of resolution just pile on the panic?

That sounds reasonable but there was something in between the sentences that made me itch

He invalidates opposion opinions, statements and other lesser facts with some merit with overplaying the obvious. Like a comedy but somehow not funny. Left can't meme sort of thing ^^

750$ as if it was 750$ it's not even with pennies % factors always have pennies simple evaluation ^^

Who checks the fact-checkers, who is nonpartisan if the basis is already the foundation on what you base your opinions on

My black humor always pulls out the worst of society if you're in the abyss there's nothing to fear nowhere to fall to

it was open from 13 to 15 I think he said it in one of these cross-asked questions they always ask him (the bank account)

can we do a vote here? red circle blue circle no other circles (the worst political system)

You try to make it more parties they call you racist I don't think it'll ever happen again ^^

imagine believing he payed 750$ I mean you have to be more than stupid or you don't pay taxes

search for buzzfeed you find numbers in them and "things" after in 70% of them

That is accurate they scream about scoops then they forget he has no head and flames coming out


Donald J Trump has payed 750$ in tax total in 2013, investigation pending...


fixing the country. It's hard to put your finger on it but jobs do work up the economy...

I doubt you had the chance it's like working any other job for a rich man you would clean those golden toilets like there was no tomorrow

Questioning authority? I bet he wouldn't fire you just to get a point across till you cause property damage then you get 3 charges and couple weeks in jail think about that a second time ^^

I have seen an interview of someone working at the reception at the new york TTower and she was happy. There was even a Undercover Boss version with Trump once ^^

any fact-checked info with evidence is good. So a dead horse being told it died of natural causes is enough for you to assume it died from old age?

not sure if I got that fact-checking thing is it you that sees it and confirms it's dead?

I can't fact check people I have seen something about humanity is flawed but that's incorrect everyone is flawed somewhere so people not seeing eye-to-eye practicing their freedom to express themselves is my way to fact-check their manners. It does make sense most of the time grounding it in the fact they compete and the more compete the more of a picture you can make yourself of the situation

You can follow their thought there are several ways to go along here the most prudant being that people without money have to make do therefore they can't plan ahead that well, money racists

they did put chemicals in the water that made the frogs lose their sexual interests


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