Message from @markmen

Discord ID: 785697317084069939

2020-12-08 02:35:05 UTC  

I've done mail in for several years. It's a convenience. But I'd do awaybwith that to have a fair election.

2020-12-08 02:35:23 UTC  

@ShortCircuit so what , I said paid for state voter ID. Perhaps required by law for you to have. We should really have a system like Australia where everyone is forced to vote.

2020-12-08 02:35:40 UTC  

That helps election security along greatly

2020-12-08 02:35:49 UTC  

Yea, it's truly unfortunate to see that happening. I feel like a nut ball when I tell my mom to stop watching mainstream media... lol... but truth is, a lot of people are scared with all the violence that has already taken place this year, and of coarse no one wants to be harassed, or physically harmed.

2020-12-08 02:36:10 UTC  

Wrong. Again (I know it's been mentioned above) the woman in charge of the election process at the center that night told mainstream reporters at the facility that counting was ceasing for the night. Go back and look at different Tweets from NBC, ABC, CNN reporters that night.

2020-12-08 02:36:46 UTC

2020-12-08 02:37:01 UTC  

@everyone But I thought the media reported all lies. Pick a lane, bro.

2020-12-08 02:37:03 UTC  

They better put a FISA on Biden and Kamala

2020-12-08 02:37:30 UTC  

Right. You saw the *stream* of people that called into the MI canvass zoom meetings suddenly becoming experts in MI law when they think that the Canvassers might call for a proper audit.

2020-12-08 02:37:31 UTC  

I'm shocked that they have some of these folks in places of power around the US... it should be a requirement for anyone who wants to run for these positions to have a substantial background and knowledge of history and economics... since they're the ones making decisions for the masses, they can at least do it with a brain.

2020-12-08 02:37:52 UTC  

@Cali La La that was the plan for the Trump team, never to actually prove fraud, just make a bunch of bogus claims so their base can eat it up and continue their support. There is no evidence of fraud just 6 months of suggesting that will be and is. This is enough to to half the people to ignore the actually results . Now the base thinks rain from the sky is evidence of fraud

2020-12-08 02:38:13 UTC  

@DrSammyD - I said early on that there could be some confusion on the part of the watchers.
It is completely feasible that an employee who was opening envelopes told them:

"Yeah. My team is done we are packing up to leave." Referring to opening the envelopes.

IF this happened it would have been a TRUE statement. That is not a fraudulent or misleading statement... assuming it was even made.

2020-12-08 02:38:17 UTC  

Ha! Yes, everyone is an 'expert' when it comes to things that put them in a certain light.

2020-12-08 02:38:46 UTC  

Conspiracy theorists claim that they're under the carrot/stick of CCP operatives. I put that in the category of "unlikely but plausable" except in Brian Kemp's case.

2020-12-08 02:38:59 UTC  

The problem I see with is they subverted the system under the guise of covid to rig an election. This should be clear tti every American's eyes but people won't, or don't want to see the truth. MASS COGNITIVE DISSONANCE!

2020-12-08 02:39:14 UTC  

Much like these “expert witnesses” who’s statistical models have huge glaring issues

2020-12-08 02:39:38 UTC  

I don't agree with you, but I understand why you say that. I think the truth should come out either way... and after watching you talking to everyone in this room, I know I won't change your mind, and I won't argue with you.

2020-12-08 02:39:39 UTC  

@jbird this the conspiracy, the government is evil . So there is no solution

2020-12-08 02:40:25 UTC  

@Cali La La yeah but you still believe what you see being brought forth is actually evidence and not just unverifiable stories.

2020-12-08 02:40:37 UTC  

@jfindley that’s some heavy sh%^ but I can see that happening. Either way it’s not going to be resolved ‘ascetically’ . Very discouraging... thanks for the insight!

2020-12-08 02:41:00 UTC  

I agree with the comment last wk somehow attach voting to our bank account pay a dollar vote and your vote goes into say trumps account or really should only be a penny but you see the point. How can they claim fraud and no one even has to leave their house😘

2020-12-08 02:41:28 UTC  

I imagine that the scenario where Biden is deemed illegitimate leading to a Presidency with Nancy Pelozi is entirely possible as well.

2020-12-08 02:41:28 UTC  

Yea... I think there is definitely some far fetched stories floating around. You kinda have to take most of them with a grain of salt. I'm interested in the numbers people and statistics... I'm still fascinated with the Colonel Waldron testimony.... that guy seems legit, and says when he doesn't know something, so he's not just trying to make it sound like everything is all fraud, but could be an error either way.

2020-12-08 02:41:49 UTC  

Depending on what happens with SCOTUS (if anything), if they rule against the constitutionality in the changes made in Act 77, that could have a domino effect in other states where the same type of overstep has occurred.

2020-12-08 02:41:49 UTC  

@ShortCircuit, you just advanced to level 3!

2020-12-08 02:42:07 UTC  


2020-12-08 02:42:10 UTC  

Only to speak out, act up, and forcefully take back our rights, thru every feasible method. But first people have to see reality as it is to understand the game.

2020-12-08 02:43:36 UTC  

I do see some of these things as evidence, but not all of the things that have been proven, and not all of these things have been disproven. If everyone is innocent until proven guilty, then why can't we take what the witnesses state and then investigate their stories? It seems like anyone would want to do that, instead of blindly dismissing everyone who speaks just because that sounds crazy to them... crazy things happen sometimes.

2020-12-08 02:44:08 UTC  

@Cali La La have you looked at the rebuttals of col waldrens testimony. He can’t back up a single claim , hence it’s just stories

2020-12-08 02:44:29 UTC  

Yeah we're not doing the 'forcefully' anything thing here.

2020-12-08 02:44:34 UTC  

No. Your interpretation does not square with the statements to their boss. The bins were ballots already removed from envelops much earlier, and they had packed up and put those under the table when they thought they were done, packing up and ready to leave. They then brought them out to count because they were no longer done, not because they had planned to be done except for counting the ballots in those boxes.

2020-12-08 02:44:35 UTC  

Yes I have. He said he would need access to the machines and software to gather more intel to answer the questions they had.

2020-12-08 02:44:54 UTC  

I'll assume he won't have that access...

2020-12-08 02:45:28 UTC  

Don't be a pansy, is all I can say...

2020-12-08 02:45:44 UTC  

@Cali La La because like I said the point isn’t to prove election fraud: there is a reason why guliani doesn’t even argue fraud in court and all of trump lawyers left. There is no case. He is bypassing any real scrutiny to put up a show for his base. That’s it

2020-12-08 02:45:51 UTC  

Absolutely. The DNI points his finger at the CCP for a lot of Cyberwarfare going on, especially in regards to US media and the like, and will be presenting his findings to Trump's cabinet on the 17th. I imagine a lot of people will go to jail under a lot of Implications and foreign money. I think the only way to change which president is seen is legitimate is if Counter-cyberwarfare is used as an excuse to implicate many in the media tied to money. Of course, that information is firmly in the realm of conspiracy theory, however, I see it as plausable because Radcliffe has been pretty adamant and I wouldn't be surprised at all if China was involved in the Media coverage/social media blackout.

2020-12-08 02:45:51 UTC  

@Recalibar, you just advanced to level 11!

2020-12-08 02:46:14 UTC  

If you believe that, why do you follow this so closely?

2020-12-08 02:46:14 UTC  

@Cali La La, you just advanced to level 5!

2020-12-08 02:46:29 UTC  

@Cali La La something btw the court granted and then Powell took that opportunity and made up a frivolous reason to discard the motion