
Discord ID: 779156220870393856

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I thought dominion software erased itself on nov 30th?

Well then yes they should grant access so we can verify those ballots weren't fraudulent

Itd be nice if they had enough to get access or if dominion would just offer up the exact access they need to prove right or prove us wrong. They were just doing their jobs in that case we could all just move on

Trump has 232 if he can find more votes say whatever that chick had on that thumbdrive...then theres more electoral votes

Idk but I still have faith he can pull it off. Probly not likely but praying he keeps his seat.


It's all so much to follow takes alot of energy I commend you all for following and reporting on these issues. Goodnight everyone

No wait I'm back.. quick thought, aren't counters supposed to be Republican if they're counting Democrat votes?

And vice versa...

What about the video of here with thumb drive in her hand sneaking off?

100% true


They see who is on the ballot right?

Oh right

Well then after the envelope is gone and they see who it's for the need to send it to an opposing counter so they will be impartial

Yes they should have 2 opposing sides ready waiting for when ballot is opened. If they dont already they need it for ga ru offs

I'm not agreeing with you but that's a good one

Yes ruby Freeman is one of the lady's in surveillance video from tonight

Yes I heard that one as well. It's all very Wild


Yes that could also affect your channel if not written properly

Well whatever robs channel any youtubers

Seriously though have a Republican a democrat and an impartial party ready to count mail absentee ballots and we be aight from here on out

Right. Not enough help

You forget Biden is also been accused of sexual assault

Bc they got the youth vote

Yea and they allowed voters younger than 17ยฝ to vote in ga and I assume all over

Yea your brain isnt even fully developed until 25-26 but 17 in some states you can vote. Oh and die for your country

I agree. And pray something big happens but have little faith in our government

This is true yet at the same time I know it's not required but makes it look shady bc they sent folks home then manager tells them to keep working so they work but no Republicans there to over see it. If that hadnt happened these ballots would've never been in question at all.

Bad communication is all it boils down to

No they were told they were done counting for the night via phone call I thnk you even see one get the call then they told everyone else hey we done. Then later secretary called manager whom called poll worker said keep working so they kept working. That's the story.

I agree with the comment last wk somehow attach voting to our bank account pay a dollar vote and your vote goes into say trumps account or really should only be a penny but you see the point. How can they claim fraud and no one even has to leave their house๐Ÿ˜˜

For anyone whom doesnt know about it trumps administration has created a website for actual news on election updates since every platform is suppressing everything it's called thedonald.win

Np spread the word too many outlets suppressing the truth.

Wow no just watched it and posted to facebook let's see if they censor this the lady is simply showing what you can do!!

Yea it's a tough one bc if he goes against objections he loses his voters he accepts objections he potentially loses career lol

I do believe timcast reported something on this earlier thnk he said It wasnt a glitch it was human error idk couldnt finish the video ran outta time

@RobertgrulerEsq is that a pink earpiece you use every week?

Hey New York attorney general is going after facebook!! See it on YouTube now

@RobertGrulerEsq Sorry I had to ask it was just nagging at me promise I'am not a troll #NoJudgement

@RobertGrulerEsq dont worry it's not my best subject either I love it but it's harder for me

Well it's been fun guys I gg to bed so must sign off so I can sleep!!!

Dude I'am even thinking of getting more involved in politics after all of this mess and I'am not the type to normally care at all..

Hiw much u wanna bet the mackril counting in gulf is for environmentalist types saying let's close gulf every yr now bc see look more fish

Hey @RobertGrulerEsq Can your medium predict if trump will pull it off in jan? ๐Ÿ˜

Merry Christmas everyone!

And see there were small journalists that actually got blacklisted for reporting on hunter bidens laptop during campaign yet now its first news. Dirty dirty games. Biden may talk like a normal president may even do an alright job but he is as dirty as they come. Biden family is thick as thieves.

No am not confused at all. And fb even censored me sharing the story during campaign

My point is how is it lies before election but its news now? Theres all sorts of evidence but whatever okay peace

C'mon man!! Hahaha love it!!!

There is no fake laptop you cannot tall to this fool let it go. I'm out merry Christmas everyone baking a bomb ass ham in oven right now. Peace out

I just wantย  The to add the girl that tried to bust in through the window probably thought that she could do that and get away with it because of what happened during the black lives matters riots when you see other people doing it getting away with it you think it's OK for you to

I just heard trump may be about to declare martial law in the next 3 days this is coming from somebody who knows folks in govt so he says have 2 wks food cash on hand plenty gas etc. So just in case this is true thought I'd let everyone here know

I know I dont wanna believe it but yea just in case ...

So in doing so it would hurt him more than it would help?

It was from a man on fb named wade McKinney fb video

Ty for posting saved to watch later!!

Also apparently trump signed the insurrection act

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