Message from @Dedkraken

Discord ID: 786478211080912928

2020-12-10 06:00:37 UTC  

@Dedkraken i wasnt aware that they have audited the machines, i.e. they only recounted a small sample rather than the whole state

2020-12-10 06:01:06 UTC  

@Dedkraken or maybe you just never knew that part in the first place because ... as I've told need to do research

2020-12-10 06:01:50 UTC  

Then explain how it happened with any kind of voting machine. They are all equally ridiculous.

2020-12-10 06:02:15 UTC  

not infallible but probably good enough ... so far the paper checks out with the machine ... other allegations have been investigated and found to be wanting ... only options are 1) vote in run-off with system as is or 2) boycott election as recommended (at one point) by Lin Wood ... #2) makes no sense but that sure is what all this fuss over GA is promoting

2020-12-10 06:02:49 UTC  

Many states have random audits local and/or state level. GA was a full recount triggered by a close election which ruled out most fraud.

2020-12-10 06:05:00 UTC  

want to know why something is occurring, follow the money "According to the most recent FEC report, Trump has spent $8.8 million on legal efforts to overturn the election but has used that effort to raise more than $200 million, sending hundreds of email pitches to donors begging them to contribute to his quest to save the election from being stolen by dastardly Democrats."

2020-12-10 06:05:37 UTC NOT election evidence for SCOTUS, but VERY Scary shit and completely relevant

2020-12-10 06:07:14 UTC  

Theres different types of audits though. Randomly selected recounts are one thing. If a polling location reports 1000 Biden 1000 Trump to a clerk then they go back and say scratch out 500 Trump and add 500 Biden that's a bit of a red flag and they have to go find out why. This is why actual alleged fraud happens earlier in the process than it showing up on CNN. This is farcical.

2020-12-10 06:10:16 UTC  

@meglide suppose i scanned the same ballot in 10 times, would that show up in their audit?

2020-12-10 06:11:27 UTC  

If the number of scanned ballots is very different from the number of ballots it shows up pre audit or recount.

2020-12-10 06:12:02 UTC  

you can still add paper. at least some witnesses were testifying to this.

2020-12-10 06:14:51 UTC  

Every precinct has a tally and identity of every voter that voted there. These are added up to see how many votes should be in a city or county. If you rescan them a bunch theres too many votes. If you add a bunch of paper theres too many votes. The clerks check past attendance and partisan skew for possible errors. The checks in place are more in depth than you are imagining.

2020-12-10 06:15:19 UTC  

yes ... from the article: "At each table, workers broke open taped-up boxes and removed fat stacks of ballots sealed in clear plastic bags. At Team 12’s table, a man held a sheaf of ballots, declared the name of the candidate on each one, and handed it to a woman standing across the table who double-checked him, then placed the ballot in a bin with the candidate’s name."

2020-12-10 06:15:33 UTC  

maybe, but there are few examples of government projects that are run well

2020-12-10 06:16:31 UTC  

That's why Mellissa got nailed in the Michigan interview and humiliated Guiliani it was obvious neither ballots were added nor rescanned but she insisted something was off.

2020-12-10 06:17:08 UTC  

which one was mellissa?

2020-12-10 06:17:33 UTC  

Dominion supposed whistleblower and star witness turned snl sketch

2020-12-10 06:18:27 UTC  

I swear it couldn't have been funnier than the real thing

2020-12-10 06:22:00 UTC  

The GOP congressman was spot on. If Detroit had 250k voters give or take and they have a record from precincts of who all those people are and how many there should be in order for another 100k votes to be there either they have to add people in or the poll book is off. She said the poll book is off. The final votes matched the books. It's of course much harder to go in and put 100k individual names that's a better way to supposedly commit fraud but that sends up all different red flags like hey why did 100k voters show up at 10pm election night and all vote at once.

2020-12-10 06:23:37 UTC  

But even that level of oddness is not as far as getting those final tallies and reporting them to officials and CNN and then for some reason going back and doing fraud after all done

2020-12-10 06:24:55 UTC  

if that is the case, how does a dead person vote

2020-12-10 06:25:25 UTC  

and how do they know you haven't voted in a separate state at the same time

2020-12-10 06:26:10 UTC  

I still think that we're going to find out she's a Borat-inspired method actor at some point.

2020-12-10 06:26:32 UTC  

I wonder if all the others states will start suing Texas and others for all their voter suppression

2020-12-10 06:26:41 UTC  

Limiting drop boxes

2020-12-10 06:26:52 UTC  


2020-12-10 06:27:06 UTC  

I might watch one of Sasha's movies if that ended up actually happening.

2020-12-10 06:28:18 UTC  

Alleged dead people voting rarely ever pans out on a singular vote scale and never happens in a large scale. But how you would do it is find someone who used to vote but is dead and use a mailin vote but your have to update the mailing address from theirs to yours so you get the ballot (also leading cops to you when you get caught) then you fill it out for them and fake their signature (handwriting expert for your felony conviction) and then send it in their stead.

2020-12-10 06:29:00 UTC  

That requires signature verification

2020-12-10 06:29:09 UTC  

Next step the Texas will sue the Supreme Court itself

2020-12-10 06:29:15 UTC  

Most of the time when you see something like 5000 possible dead voters they accidentally or intentionally mismatched voter rolls to casted votes.

2020-12-10 06:29:18 UTC  

Here's an interesting tid-bit. This lady (I think it's her, anyway) put together a video demonstrating how she could process a blank ballot as a legitimate vote on a dominion system. There's also this:

2020-12-10 06:29:32 UTC  

Which is part of the Texas suit, that many states didn't do signature verification

2020-12-10 06:30:27 UTC  

better than any SNL sketch could be:

2020-12-10 06:30:45 UTC  

That's a name you don't see every day.

2020-12-10 06:30:50 UTC  

It doesnt take signature verification but that would kick off the criminal investigation. When 5000 possible dead voters gets checked if 1 of those is a legit case you also get caught. Just often they are all bogus.

2020-12-10 06:32:06 UTC  

Criminal investigation? They're not even hearing much lower standard of evidence cases on merits.

2020-12-10 06:33:03 UTC  

That is false if they find a legitimate case of voter fraud its 100% turned over to prosecutors it's just very rare.

2020-12-10 06:33:08 UTC  

Attempted massive mail-in fraud takes a special kind of stupid. There was a report that a man in NC tried to request 50 mail-in ballots to the same address - his address.