Message from @Dedkraken

Discord ID: 788723826879234058

2020-12-16 04:01:55 UTC  

@ankiwo, you just advanced to level 5!

2020-12-16 04:02:02 UTC  

Good nite Doc

2020-12-16 04:02:40 UTC  

WtW says I advanced to level 5. I shudder to think what level some of you are on here LOL

2020-12-16 04:02:50 UTC  


2020-12-16 04:02:53 UTC  


2020-12-16 04:02:54 UTC

2020-12-16 04:02:58 UTC  


2020-12-16 04:03:03 UTC  

If he "rose to the occasion" he would be vilified and reported as a fascist. He provided guidelines based on the science being presented to him. When he said,"We have to take precautions" the Dems held mass meetings in the street, called him a racist, and said the pandemic was a myth. When it turned out they were liars, they blamed him for everything and then lied as they took herculean efforts to impose tyranny and fascistic policy. As Trump made ALL of the correct choices, the Media and Dems lied about him at every turn. They did and do NOT care about the American people. They bolstered the death counts, on purpose and by accident, in efforts to make the people suffer because they are Conservatives. They used the pandemic to declare war on the people so they could blame the results they caused on PResident Trump.

2020-12-16 04:05:03 UTC  

Goodnight, @Doc and @Zuluzeit

2020-12-16 04:06:14 UTC  

G’nite everyone!

2020-12-16 04:06:24 UTC  

We agree up to the conclusion. We have to find an assessment formula that doesn't run to lean and promote wage stagnation and impoverishment, nor too high which would break the banks. I suspect it is in the elusive mathematical connection that will properly correlate macro and micro economics; the connection we have not been able to identify since economics became a science.

2020-12-16 04:12:24 UTC  

@meglide Uncivil is discussing Texas. Came back to let you know.

2020-12-16 04:12:48 UTC  

Watching him now

2020-12-16 04:12:52 UTC  

@TaLoN132 Thanks. Back atcha, buddy.

2020-12-16 04:17:00 UTC  

It's a fool's errand to think that we can figure out what the assessment formula is. The more central planning we try to do the more we're going to mess it up. Over the centuries civilizations have many times over and over come to the conclusion that silver and gold are money. Also the fall of almost all civilizations have in common the debasement of the currency.

2020-12-16 04:26:01 UTC  

Lol. Please

2020-12-16 04:28:42 UTC  

Quadratic equations. Boring proofs to extrapolate social engineering. Sadly marginalized though predictable.

2020-12-16 04:34:24 UTC  

Greenback diplomacy similar to debt while epochs of earth know no difference. Eventually consumed, pressurized and mineralized or liquefied into strata.

That's what the Chinese said, anyhow.

2020-12-16 04:45:55 UTC  

Zulu...too many patches in the holes of economy but he tangentially rose to the occasion

2020-12-16 04:48:17 UTC  

Or formal election, legal votes.

2020-12-16 11:06:54 UTC  

What on earth are you talking about? Dems said follow the science this is a threat. Trump said this is not a threat. It's not worse than the flu. Dont use masks. It will just go away on it's own. He got caught directly lying. He knew it would spread and was deadly and choose the path of staight lying to the public. He has not to date put a national mask mandate or contact tracing system in place. This is the science. Trump called scientists idiots and to ignore their advice.

They "bolster death counts". That's a lie. You are saying ignore the science. We listen to the science. You are saying ignore the facts. I dont like them. You call following the science tyranny and fascism. You cant have it both ways. You decided freedom was more important than American lives. How many more American lives have to be lost before we can actually follow the science instead of pretending.

2020-12-16 11:29:12 UTC  

Use words

2020-12-16 11:30:00 UTC  

Nobody had time for 20 minute propaganda videos that told you what to think. 🤷 🍿

2020-12-16 11:51:25 UTC  

wheres that popo video?

2020-12-16 13:50:07 UTC  

You and I will have to debate about that later lol. Politics shape the world! Lol. Off to be productive now, have a nice day!

2020-12-16 14:57:37 UTC  


2020-12-16 14:57:37 UTC  

@Madeline, you just advanced to level 2!

2020-12-16 19:58:55 UTC

2020-12-16 21:58:12 UTC  

Ok so how is the courts not doing anything about all the fraud and shadow corporation controlling and contributing to democrats 1.5 bill dollars and no fraud here we have proff wtf I’m pissed I hope trump affter 45 days hmm 18 of dec uses his eo he created in 2018 to open up Millitary tribunal and all this people go to jail this is fucked

2020-12-16 21:58:43 UTC  

Shit needs to be fixed

2020-12-16 22:01:14 UTC  

I'm sorry but...wut?

2020-12-16 22:02:29 UTC  


2020-12-16 22:02:29 UTC  

@jackel37isagod, you just advanced to level 6!

2020-12-16 22:02:47 UTC  

I’m lv 6 what I win

2020-12-16 22:04:04 UTC  

Your consolation prize of pocket lint and a pile of old dog fur.

2020-12-16 22:04:11 UTC  

And appreciation for being here.

2020-12-16 22:05:03 UTC  

and the opportunity to contribute to the cause

2020-12-16 22:05:30 UTC  


2020-12-16 22:12:24 UTC  

Anyone here think trump's headed to jail?
Assuming he did somn illegal, he could. And assuming he didn't, the TDS people on a state level might still try coming after him on some technicality. He can't pardon himself on a state level-