Message from @missliterallywho

Discord ID: 537372378993524737

2019-01-22 20:37:33 UTC  

If you're not going to LOPF you might have a young baby who won't tolerate a 2,000 mile road trip

2019-01-22 20:37:47 UTC  

The photo of all the Covington kids w/signed MAGA hats are going to be platinum.

2019-01-22 20:38:15 UTC  

@missliterallywho or three kids and a homeschool 😂

2019-01-22 20:39:03 UTC  

Now if the Trump admin would just make Patrick the minister of European outreach...

2019-01-22 20:39:33 UTC  

@Volkmom the real cost of le epic trad life

2019-01-22 20:40:00 UTC  

❤ worth it though!

2019-01-22 20:40:21 UTC  

@missliterallywho @Volkmom stick with it ladies, you trad moms are treasures.

2019-01-22 20:40:49 UTC  

Tis a small price to pay indeed

2019-01-22 20:40:55 UTC  

Hoping to at least "babywear" the youngest to the next local action @missliterallywho

2019-01-22 20:41:53 UTC  

@Volkmom That would be fantastic. Little baby stickering with the heart melts at the thought.

2019-01-22 20:42:51 UTC  

@Volkmom I found it very doable. Little man accompanied me to six banner drops in 2 days over the weekend.

2019-01-22 20:43:10 UTC  

@missliterallywho weak excuse; migrant moms do it lol

2019-01-22 20:43:19 UTC  

@missliterallywho I am so inspired!

2019-01-22 20:43:30 UTC  

@missliterallywhoWhoa! 6? Well done.

2019-01-22 20:43:56 UTC  

And his dad only made it to the first two! Lol

2019-01-22 20:43:59 UTC  

We have the best ladies, don't we folks? They're tremendous, they're beautiful it's true. Ask anyone.

2019-01-22 20:44:43 UTC  

What's the female "Chad"? Erika? Right?

2019-01-22 20:44:52 UTC  


2019-01-22 20:45:21 UTC  

Stacy? Huh, ok then. Something new everyday.

2019-01-22 20:45:49 UTC  

2019 is pretty awesome.
i never expected leftists to go after children and make this so easy

2019-01-22 20:45:59 UTC  

6 drops in one weekend because @Valaska the Flyering Madman was in charge

2019-01-22 20:46:46 UTC  

@Goosetoo true, the year is still new & there's going to hopefully be many more redpilling like this. Not that I wish for our kids to harassed.

2019-01-22 20:47:30 UTC  

@Valaska valaYou friend are a Chad. 6 in one weekend. GoGetter

2019-01-22 20:50:54 UTC  

@Goose dammmmmm stolen valor too <:teehee:381917632359563264>

2019-01-22 20:59:09 UTC  

Damn I knew it @Goose . From when we said “ I was a Vietnam era vet” or something, I knew he was fluffing

2019-01-22 21:02:21 UTC  

and yet leftists STILL are doubling down

2019-01-22 21:02:54 UTC  

even my liberal co-worker came in today saying how f***** up it all is after i held my ground yesterday

2019-01-22 21:08:09 UTC  

Hardcore lefties aren't worth even speaking to imo. They will not see the truth. Let them revel in their sewage.

2019-01-22 21:09:22 UTC  

Even in the face of the truth that their news outlets admitted openly to being fakenews lefties still won't budge. To blazes with them.

2019-01-22 21:12:19 UTC  

Im awesome press 3

2019-01-22 21:13:34 UTC  

These boys are bamfs. Exactly what we need more of.

2019-01-22 21:13:45 UTC  

This is why we will win.

2019-01-22 21:14:04 UTC  

Can't wait to see the meeting with them & Trump. Some of it is bound to be televised

2019-01-22 21:15:02 UTC  

We have to do a smiling action next lol

2019-01-22 21:16:55 UTC  

Assault smirks

2019-01-22 21:17:32 UTC  

Moving forward, smirks only. Especially in activism.

2019-01-22 21:18:41 UTC  

if this is the last straw that forces trump to reign in the fake media, i might lose it (in a good way)

2019-01-22 21:18:44 UTC  

"Today in X-city white nationalist group IE showed support for the Covington kids by demonstrating with universal MAGA hats & smiling while holding signs with the group's logo & other messages such as "End Immigration" on them.

2019-01-22 21:19:17 UTC  

@wayne peek please make this canon. RIP the activism scowl.

2019-01-22 21:19:33 UTC  

His narrative obviously still has a ways to go, but Owen Shroyer's becoming more and more aware of the racial component of the conflict:

2019-01-22 21:19:38 UTC  

a banner with something like "stand up for your beliefs and country" would be fitting