Message from @Perihelion - CA

Discord ID: 550829809991811083

2019-02-28 23:32:14 UTC  

We have value problems, not demographic problems.

2019-02-28 23:32:39 UTC  

I have to strongly disagree and drop it on that basis

2019-02-28 23:33:22 UTC  

Demographics are not something we can can control. Our policy advocacy is only means to demonstrating our values to others

2019-02-28 23:34:22 UTC  

Our problems are not demographic, they are value driven.

2019-02-28 23:35:10 UTC  

We are reaching out to people and saying they have inherent dignity, a right to exist and flourish. White people don't deserve to be marginalized

2019-02-28 23:36:06 UTC  

Politics is downstream from culture, logic downstream from values

2019-02-28 23:36:59 UTC  

No demographic percentages prevented our current situation. No governmental system stopped the decline either (both the major capitalist and communist powers were demographichically majority white)

2019-02-28 23:38:34 UTC  

<#371705962224025610> has a document Values_Before_Policy.pdf

2019-02-28 23:38:46 UTC  

This is just straight from there

2019-02-28 23:42:59 UTC  

Brazil, a country considerable less White than the US, arguably elected a more-pro White president than the US did.

2019-02-28 23:43:40 UTC  

@Wood-Ape - OK/MN I don't want "less black people" I want more white people if possible <:4dchess:439923932062154782> I'm simply in the business of bringing more seats of white representation to the table.

2019-02-28 23:44:31 UTC  

Despite our demographic situation, if the vast majority of whites are identitarians by the time we become a minority in 2040, then we have succeeded and the course can be reversed.

2019-02-28 23:46:59 UTC  

If we're just 2% of the population and we can get as organized as Jews then we'd run everything

2019-02-28 23:47:52 UTC  

Jews are just barely 2% of the US. Worldwide they're like .1% or something

2019-02-28 23:48:24 UTC  

So we have plenty of breathing room, our goal is value change

2019-02-28 23:52:57 UTC  

idk I only see running things as a means to an end

2019-02-28 23:53:43 UTC  

The way whites run things in Brazil is definitely a whitepill, but only to the extent that they are able to use it to prevent further demographic decline

2019-02-28 23:56:48 UTC  

@Jacob Agreed, though whites having political power means we can use it to prevent our decline, much in the same way that certain other ethnic groups, despite being incredibly small percentiles of the population, are able to maintain their population

2019-02-28 23:59:12 UTC  

sure, I'm definitely for political power

2019-02-28 23:59:52 UTC  

I've started to notice everyday political occurrences by blacks and other groups where they act either subtlety or explicitly in the interest of their group. Example: Black activists complaining/protesting that a company doesn't have enough blacks hired, thereby pressuring them to hire more blacks, getting their people jobs.

2019-03-01 00:01:00 UTC  

hey guys quick question: which hedge fund is not run by jews?

2019-03-01 00:01:02 UTC  

Oh yeah I see that all the time. It's pretty much an open practice here in New York City

2019-03-01 00:01:24 UTC  

@Perihelion - CA That's a rather interesting question lol

2019-03-01 00:01:45 UTC  

The one Martin Shkreli worked for... wait.

2019-03-01 00:02:23 UTC  

@Perihelion - CA interest question, why do you want to know though? Looking to invest? Because hedgefunds don't take retail investments.

2019-03-01 00:04:16 UTC  

usually the big firms have retail arms

2019-03-01 00:05:10 UTC  

I'm pretty sure if we get 10 more people for LOPF we will hit 200

2019-03-01 00:05:33 UTC  

So which Dem candidate are we voting for the primaries? The most anti-white one to further push more whites to our cause?

2019-03-01 00:06:45 UTC  

I can't think of an example where accelerationism worked

2019-03-01 00:08:47 UTC  

In this case, accelerationism primarily occurs in public opinion, as more people realize the widespread anti-white narrative a candidate like Kamala Harris would espouse. If she wins, then that's another thing, but if she loses, then she makes the Democratic Party even less appealing and pushes more Whites to the right.

2019-03-01 00:10:11 UTC  
2019-03-01 00:10:38 UTC  

Eastern Europe gets to have torch lit marches. I want some too.

2019-03-01 00:11:06 UTC  

torches scare boomers

2019-03-01 00:11:13 UTC  


2019-03-01 00:11:19 UTC  

Eesti stronk

2019-03-01 00:11:51 UTC  

Controversial take here but the pre Charlottesville torch march was cool but then actual charlottesville ruined it

2019-03-01 00:12:17 UTC  

We're not here to scare people

2019-03-01 00:12:20 UTC  

kkk ruined torch marches and until all the boomers are senile it's probably a bad look

2019-03-01 00:12:39 UTC  


2019-03-01 00:14:02 UTC  

did the KKK even do torch marches?

2019-03-01 00:14:23 UTC  

I think it's likely they didn't