Message from @Brunswick
Discord ID: 475755066327040040
San Jose Renaissance Faire
San Jose, CA
@Freiheit - CA @Deleted User awesome work out there!
Denver Colorado
Great photos this weekend!
Pittsburgh PA
We did a bunch more but didnt get many photos because of the intermittent rain.
@Dylan4844 and I
Great stuff!
West Loop, Chicago, IL with @Piet Dietzel and @MrDefault
Epic = long and arduous? Then ya
Manitou Springs Incline Summit with @Felden - CO . (Manitou Springs, Colorado)
Almaden Lake Park Clean Up
(San Jose, California)
@Henrik Noice.
Arvada Colorado
McCabe Park, Nashville TN.
This is Tim Wise's neighborhood park 😃
LNice Gentlemen!
Nice work gents.