Message from @Reinhard Wolff

Discord ID: 385872683507646466

2017-11-20 16:56:01 UTC  

Attention @everyone:

We need more interviewers!

Please message @Alerio or @Louis Loire - NY if you’re interested.

2017-11-20 20:23:45 UTC  

@everyone if you are thinking about ways in which you can be more effective for the movement and have a college degree, consider going to law school and passing the BAR in your state and be ready for the day you may be called upon to act in our movement's defence.

2017-11-21 11:24:08 UTC  

This article offers some interesting thoughts regarding the relationship between activism and passivism. Worth the read.


2017-11-22 07:01:49 UTC  

Regarding self-indulgent extremism @everyone

2017-11-22 07:02:01 UTC

2017-11-22 23:59:54 UTC  

@everyone there will be no fireside with IE tonight. Instead take the time to have a "fireside" with your family. Enjoy and recharge and have a happy Thanksgiving!

2017-11-27 03:21:56 UTC  

I'd like @everyone to seriously consider creating a Reddit account and getting active on /r/the_donald.

While this subreddit has some admittedly cringeworthy content, it's grown increasingly red-pilled in recent months. The Left’s anti-White rhetoric has forced White Trump supporters to think about their racial identities and, well, I think we all know where that leads.

On /r/the_donald, I’d recommend doing the following:

-Submitting new posts about anti-White stuff on college campuses, in media, etc. Try to phrase it as innocuously as possible. Talking about Aryan revolution or whatever probably isn’t the best idea.
-Participating in discussions. Dropping red-pills regarding immigration, demographics, identity, etc. in relevant threads.
-Messaging users who seem sympathetic to invite them to join Identity Evropa.

We can use <#359892798071373824> to coordinate our efforts. I pulled some great members from /r/Alt_Right (RIP), and while /r/the_donald is less radical, it’s incredibly larger, so the potential for conversion and recruitment is high.

(Credit goes to @_AltRight_Anew -AZ for the idea.)

2017-11-27 03:26:53 UTC  

It's also worth keeping in mind that White Trump supporters/civic nationalists are fertile ground for recruiting: they're our main targets. They just need a push, so it's prudent for us to remain active within their spheres.

2017-11-27 19:37:06 UTC  

Also, I'd recommend checking out /v/identitarian ( @everyone

2017-11-27 19:49:01 UTC  

If anyone wants to get involved, we're working on making the sub even cleaner and more presentable than it already is. Please DM me here on discord if you have any questions on how to get involved or with the nuances of voat.

2017-11-27 22:00:30 UTC  

Attention @everyone:

There will be an impromptu fireside chat at 6 PM EST tonight.

I look forward to seeing you all there.

2017-11-27 22:52:17 UTC  


It has come to our attention that, effective today, due to prior obligations to projects with the wider movement, Eli Mosley has resigned as leader of Identity Evropa.

This is not the result of infighting or bad blood, but is a professional decision that we must accept and respect. Eli deserves a lot of credit for the work he has done since he has joined us and is deserving of the greatest success in his endeavors.

I look forward to hearing further updates at our fireside chat in just a few minutes.

2017-11-27 22:56:29 UTC  

Members of Identity Evropa,

I am honored to announce that I, Patrick Casey (otherwise known as Reinhard Wolff), have accepted the position of Chief Executive Officer of Identity Evropa.

After being notified of Eli’s resignation, I was asked to take over leadership of our organization. I accepted without hesitation, and wish Eli success in all future endeavors.

When I joined Identity Evropa in May of 2016, the organization had less than fifty people. Since then, I have had the pleasure of watching Identity Evropa grow at a rate that is nothing short of inspiring. Notwithstanding our stringent admission standards, we now boast nearly one-thousand members, and I have confidence that we can double in size by this time next year.

But in order to do that, we’ll need to take Identity Evropa to the next level. Despite the phenomenal activism and networking you all continue to produce, I’m of the opinion that our organization’s talent pool still remains largely untapped. This isn’t the fault of our membership; on the contrary, it will up to our leadership to ensure that your energy is effectively channeled into constructive endeavors. You all represent some of the most intelligent, driven, and respectable people I’ve met, and I am honored to call many of you friends.

Moving forward, you can count on an even more active and engaged Identity Evropa. I will be working closely with our new activism coordinators, Wayne and Saint Charles, on a few excellent activism events in the near future. If you’re interested in doing activism beyond simple flyering, please contact them for approval. We will also be pushing for more frequent meetups, conferences, activism workshops, etc.


2017-11-27 22:56:43 UTC  

Furthermore, I am looking forward to having a far more in-depth conversation regarding not only Identity Evropa, but the movement overall. Lately, I have seen and heard many people asking a very reasonable question: “What do we do next? Where are we going?” While we all understand that networking and activism are beneficial to the growth of our organization, many are rightfully wondering what the next step is. In other words, how do we translate what we have into real power?

I have given this particular issue much thought in the last year, and I am looking forward to sharing with you all my thoughts on the subject in the upcoming weeks.

Also, as you can see, I have decided that it is time to begin using my real name. This was no easy choice, for while I have been operating in the open for quite some time now, using an alias has allowed me to exist, for intents and purposes, as a “normal” person. However, I am more than willing to sacrifice my comfortable anonymity – and far more – for the advancement of our people and civilization.

I understand that things have been relatively chaotic since Charlottesville: change in leadership, lawsuit, etc. But it should be remembered that despite these hurdles, Identity Evropa has grown in both size and complexity. We have more members than ever, and our activism continues to both impress and inspire. As such, I have the utmost confidence that Identity Evropa will continue to find success in the future.

With that said, I want to thank you all for your efforts thus far. I look forward to working with you all to help take Identity Evropa to the next level.

Onward and upwards!


Patrick Casey
Chief Executive Officer, Identity Evropa


2017-11-28 04:11:32 UTC  

Hey @everyone, there’s been some concern over the supposed anonymity of the board.

Most of the coordinators know who’s on there. Until now, the board hasn’t been an official, legal construct; however, with this transition Nathan will be handing over ownership of the organization to the board.

Who exactly will be on the board has not been entirely decided, but I can tell you for sure that me, @Deleted User, @Evan Thomas and @Deleted User will be on the board.

2017-11-29 22:53:27 UTC  

Attention @everyone:

I hope you’re having a good week!

Given that it’s Wednesday, I will be hosting a fireside chat tonight at 8 PM EST. I’ll be discussing the future of Identity Evropa, the role transgression plays in dissident politics, and then will answer questions until 9 PM EST, at which point I’ll be recording an interview with Henrik.

I look forward to speaking with you all tonight.

2017-11-30 00:55:44 UTC  

@everyone Fireside in 5! Get in general voice!

2017-11-30 03:26:39 UTC  

Thanks to @everyone who showed up tonight! I had a great time talking with you all and look forward to doing it on a weekly basis in the future.

2017-11-30 16:09:34 UTC  

@everyone Notch, the creator of Minecraft, one of the most popular video games and the most popular PC game of all time, just tweeted "it's okay to be White." This is what cultural change looks like. This is what happens when we use well-designed, relatable memes that people can say without appearing violent or hateful. We are living the early days of our views going mainstream. Take heart, folks: This is what winning looks like.

2017-11-30 19:20:07 UTC  

Attention, my fellow White people:

Given the nature of our organization, I feel it would best to post my 23andme results. Eli and Nathan did the same, to my knowledge, so there's no reason I shouldn't as well.

The results probably won't surprise you. @everyone

2017-11-30 19:20:16 UTC

2017-11-30 20:23:36 UTC  

I've picked @Deleted User as our new social media coordinator.

Please tag him in <#359086234175275010> whenever you post content in there.

Thanks! @everyone

2017-11-30 23:20:59 UTC  

If you haven't been added to your state server yet, please get in contact with me. @everyone

2017-12-01 01:13:12 UTC  

As you may have heard, Kate Steinle's murdered was found not guilty.

Let's try to signal boost this:


2017-12-01 01:59:18 UTC  

Attention @everyone:

People are asking if we're going to do anything about the recent news regarding Kate Steinle – the answer is yes, but we'll be keeping it quiet until it happens.

2017-12-01 03:24:08 UTC  

Our Southern California chapter recently held a successful, private speaking event on a college campus in San Diego.

Make sure to retweet this, read the action report, and, if you're up to the challenge, plan a similar event yourself.

Props to @Alerio, @Max_Pozd - CA, @PMT - CA, @eastern.patriarch, and everyone else involved.


2017-12-01 05:09:39 UTC  

My interview with Henrik will be up by tomorrow evening. @everyone

2017-12-01 07:56:09 UTC  

Props to our Bay Area members for mobilizing so quickly!

Call it a hunch, but I have a feeling we'll be seeing more from them in the upcoming days...


2017-12-01 13:30:36 UTC  


2017-12-01 14:38:40 UTC  

@everyone let's boost this post

2017-12-01 19:44:56 UTC  

Attention @everyone:

By now, many of you have seen that Richard Spencer is starting his own membership organization. Judging by the phrasing (“all of the ESSENTIAL people” etc.) it’s obvious that he doesn’t include me, our coordinators, and members as “essential” activists, and that’s totally okay.

I want to first say that I have no intention of engaging in any public drama, Twitter slap fighting, etc. We’re going to stay professional and focus on *working* rather than attempting to win people to our side by denigrating or denouncing others.

When I became CEO, I had people from virtually every corner of the movement but one – take a guess – reach out to congratulate me and wish Identity Evropa the best.

Identity Evropa has prohibited cross-membership between similar organizations for quite some time, and we won’t be changing that policy now. Unfortunately, there have been very sly, underhanded attempts to poach IE members over the past few days – attempts which have been largely unsuccessful. From what I've gathered, these attempts have picked up since Richard's announcement. This type of behavior is petty, dishonorable, and, quite honestly, reeks of desperation.

This new organization will likely exist to promote NPI. If that’s where you feel your limited time on this planet is best invested, I won’t hold your departure against you.

But judging from recent talks with many of you, I have complete confidence that our organization will continue to flourish. We’ve just published a beautiful video from last night, and we have two larger actions coming up in *less than a week*. I’m planning to hit the ground running and show everyone just what IE is capable of.

Have a great weekend!

2017-12-01 19:53:02 UTC  

I have to run some errands (and I get spotty service out here in good ol' WV) so if you have any questions, please direct them to @Matthias, @Evan Thomas, @Deleted User, or your state coordinator. @everyone

2017-12-02 08:48:18 UTC  

Here's the interview with Henrik. I think it turned out pretty despite me having a cold and being pretty exhausted from the past week.

Have a great weekend!


2017-12-02 20:29:38 UTC  

I would like to encourage @everyone to spread our Hatreon acount on any page that you manage. We need to raise twice as much monthly as we currently are to continue to pay our lawyers. Our legal fees are $2,800 a month.

2017-12-02 22:59:41 UTC  

Attention @everyone:

As you may have heard, Richard will be doing something outside of the White House tomorrow.

We’re not going to prevent anyone from going, but just keep in mind that some people in attendance are working to subvert IE and poach members from behind the scenes. So if you do attend, just keep that in mind.

Anyone interested in attending should get in touch with @Matthias. Since this isn't an IE event, we're asking that you don't bring an IE flag, banners, etc.

And it should be noted that this event apparently will be announced beforehand, so keep in mind that antifa will be there.

Also, let’s keep all non-IE activism off of the IE activism server.


2017-12-02 23:47:41 UTC  

@The Soy Goy has a plan to bring Simon Roche to the US so that he can engage in a massive speaking tour across the US to help get people talking about what is happening to the whites in South Africa. If any of you guys are in student organizations at your university or are interested in being a part of this, please message @The Soy Goy. @everyone

2017-12-03 01:25:31 UTC  


We have tried to keep divisive conversations about IE's transition off social media and we will continue to do so. Do not attack those that are attacking us. Private constructive criticism is fine, so long as we are learning and developing from it. We are all better off if we are able to act cordially and professionally and reestablish mutual respect.

My opinion on the current dust-up on Twitter:

The movement is more powerful as a dynamic force, with various parts attacking with our message on many levels. IE's goals do not go against the goals of Richard Spencer or anyone else that desires the survival and progress of the European race.

People join Identity Evropa because they want to be part of a brotherhood and they want to build something that lasts. They want a better, and many times bigger movement that is able to establish good relations with the European American community.

We need *many* capable leaders who can awaken and organize the best of our people to save our race and build our civilization anew. That job is so difficult, so monumental, and requires so much energy and dedication that it cannot be accomplished unless our organization and its leaders are devoted *entirely* to that mission.

Many of us are friends of Richard's, he is not going away and nobody wishes for him or his projects to fail. But NPI does not have the infrastructure, the energy, or even the immediate goal of developing the next generation of leaders of our people. This fact is not a problem because *one* institution cannot carry the burden of all of the work that must be accomplished.

*We will need hundreds of leaders and thousands of institutions and organizations if we are to succeed*.

The goal of training the next generation of leaders that can inspire our people to rise to their defense and save themselves from the dark times ahead is the primary goal of Identity Evropa.

2017-12-03 03:13:07 UTC  

Please message @Marius if you have Wordpress experience and are willing to help out with our website. @everyone

2017-12-03 07:34:44 UTC  

Attention @everyone:

By now, you are probably aware of NPI’s new organization, “Operation Homeland”.

They are intentionally not billing this as a membership organization in the attempts to prevent us from stopping IE members from joining. However, so long as it is an organization that has members, it is a membership organization. Whether or not they charge dues is irrelevant.

Their goal is to frame us as the bad guys, and them as innocent victims. Unfortunately for them, however, they’ve been tweeting/retweeting jabs at IE in the past few days, so I think everyone knows that there’s more going on.

Alarmingly, people on the list of Operation Homeland’s “board” have been documented telling others that IE is dead, and that people should leave IE. This is extremely dishonorable and unprofessional. They have also told people to spy on us -- on you -- in here, in order to better subvert us. Moreover, I -- and other higher ups in IE -- were booted from Spencer’s slack group. To date, I have not been provided with any explanation, or even asked about the transition by anyone associated with the NPI crew.

Again, remember that the anti-IE stuff is coming from a very small, desperate group of people. Why they feel the need to try to destroy what we’ve created is something I will let you ponder. But let’s keep in mind that the greater movement -- TRS, AmRen, Red Ice, and others -- have wished Identity Evropa (and me personally) the best in light of our recent change in leadership.

If you are attending Richard’s event tomorrow, please keep all of this in mind. I’m guessing the disparaging of IE and IE leadership will continue in person, with them framing themselves as the victims.