Message from @Frosty

Discord ID: 650991948227936256

2019-12-01 17:38:26 UTC  

Brexit means Brexit

2019-12-01 23:40:13 UTC  

Brexit is Britain's exit to leave the European Union

2019-12-02 01:27:27 UTC  

Brexit is a dying right-wing xenophobic fantasy

2019-12-02 01:27:55 UTC  

An absolute waste of time, effort, and money

2019-12-02 01:28:08 UTC  


2019-12-02 02:39:38 UTC  

"xenophobic fantasy" lol

"Right-wing", yes. Because Corbyn is very right wing

2019-12-02 07:26:07 UTC  

Corbyn is wishy-washy about it, flip flopping where convenient. Though his overall position has been fairly anti-EU

He's only wishy washy because of his party

He's always been a Eurosceptic

But he knows that the other members of his Party want to Remain

It's why he's "neutral" about it

He knows he has to say Remain but he can't get himself to say it

2019-12-02 09:22:15 UTC  

Corbyn was right to be Euroskeptic when he first got started, but the EU has moved away from those earlier positions

2019-12-02 09:22:57 UTC  

I think he missed that. Unlike the Eurozone countries, Britain can get the best of both worlds, but that would require the Tories to drop their 'reasons' for opposing any fiscal policy

2019-12-02 09:23:44 UTC  

Anytime Britain has an advantage, the Tories seem desperate to destroy it as fast as possible

2019-12-02 09:25:15 UTC  

Euroscepticism used to be mainly a left-wing trait because the EU has always been about making a profit, basically Capitalism. Socialists like George Calloway and Tony Benn have been critical about it for years but the Leave Campaign was led by Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson and so Brexit became interpreted as a Neoliberal dream instead of the Socialist hope that Britain could truly become Socialist without the EU's regulations

2019-12-02 09:27:50 UTC  

Btw, I'm not a Socialist

2019-12-02 09:27:55 UTC  

as things stand now in Britain, leaving the EU is going to be a huge hit to british workers because the tories, if they stay in power, are committted to the very policies that dropped workers' share of Gross income there

2019-12-02 09:28:44 UTC  

the brexit campaign is mostly abotu getting britain away from those pro-labor policies that are clearly evident in many EU countries, along with those really slimey tax and reporting issues, and the product standards

2019-12-02 09:29:35 UTC  

True but that's Democracy and we voted them in. Staying in the EU just because you don't like the Government is a ludicrous argument

2019-12-02 09:30:10 UTC  

I'm not a brit, so i'm watching from the outside, but i follow it. I dont think the people voted for any specific Brexit, they voted for an abstract idea

2019-12-02 09:30:36 UTC  

With a published Brexit deal . I think it another ref would be fair because what was sold and what was delivered as very different

2019-12-02 09:31:04 UTC  

For example, the main brexit personalities were clearly either dead wrong or lying about the trade pictur post brexit

2019-12-02 09:31:53 UTC  

that is uncontestable. to see average brits talk about 'falling back on wto rules' makes me cross myself and im not a believer

2019-12-02 09:33:11 UTC  

Maybe so but could another Referendum be a democratically treasonous act towards 17.4 million people who voted to leave? Even the marginal remainers just want to get Brexit done

2019-12-02 09:33:40 UTC  

I dunno man, it's a tough question but I think things change dramatically when you actually have a document on the table

2019-12-02 09:33:58 UTC  

general election might be enough

2019-12-02 09:35:54 UTC  

If what Boris 'negotiated' last month was put in front of the British people 2 years ago, I doubt things would have gone that way or been even close

2019-12-02 09:41:39 UTC  

jesus what a picture

2019-12-02 09:42:16 UTC  

``` Friday’s terrorist attack on London Bridge will have reminded many voters of the security risk that a Corbyn government would pose.```

2019-12-02 10:43:25 UTC  

The Deal would make a difference but with the Backstop removed, many English, Welsh and Scottish leavers would be indifferent about the Deal and would support it
Whereas for Northern Ireland, they would see it as a direct threat to the Union.

2019-12-02 10:43:25 UTC  

GG @Frosty, you just advanced to level 1!

2019-12-02 17:31:30 UTC  

Union dosent have to be under threat if we just make a borer

2019-12-02 17:31:40 UTC  


I mean, the DUP are the No Party

They said no to the Good Friday Agreement but now are against anything that can "threaten" that agreement they hate?

2019-12-02 21:02:23 UTC  


2019-12-02 21:02:45 UTC  

Britain doesn't want to be in the fourth reich, Britain is Britain

2019-12-02 21:02:49 UTC  

brexit means brexit