Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 461855863385227264

2018-06-28 04:09:03 UTC  

You wou hope

2018-06-28 04:09:22 UTC  

Unfortunately I think there's and endless supply of sjws

2018-06-28 04:09:23 UTC  

Anger is something that can last a LONG time.

2018-06-28 04:09:32 UTC  

Huh, cause I used to be left leaning, so I never got to that point.

2018-06-28 04:09:59 UTC  

That's so nice of the Trump supporters to use pink on the signs to match one of Waters's outfits.

2018-06-28 04:10:34 UTC  

How nice of the dems to wear white to match the color of the Klansmen

2018-06-28 05:26:01 UTC  

"Head of prominent charity that campaigns against child abuse is arrested for ‘trying to arrange to rape multiple children as young as two". The irony.

2018-06-28 08:05:02 UTC  

It's like the good old days where it was Christian priests getting caught for raping boys

2018-06-28 08:33:06 UTC  

Probably the same people that would have become christian priests in the good old days.

2018-06-28 10:19:07 UTC  

This (((guy))) made "2,000 fake bomb threat calls to hospitals, airlines, schools and various Jewish institutions out of boredom."

2018-06-28 10:20:13 UTC  

Yeah heard about that a while ago.

2018-06-28 10:23:09 UTC  

It shows that alot of the so called anti semitic bomb threats are just fakes or were commited by jews. This article would have you believe that it's non jews making the threats.

2018-06-28 10:38:03 UTC  

Its almost like hate crime in the west doesn't exist, isnt it?

2018-06-28 10:39:12 UTC  

It's like most of the hate crimes that happen aren't done by whites.

2018-06-28 10:41:04 UTC  

From what ive seen, almost all hate crimes in the last 2 years are self inflicted hoaxes

2018-06-28 10:41:33 UTC  


2018-06-28 10:43:51 UTC  

Only non hoax i heard of was those black students that kidnapped a simple person and started streaming their torture of him on Facebook

2018-06-28 10:44:35 UTC  

I think you may be right. I don't know of any real exaples of hates crimes in America besides the one you just mentioned.

2018-06-28 11:28:22 UTC  

Do you think the mass murders like pulse count as hate crimes?

2018-06-28 11:28:36 UTC  

I mean the guy certainly didnt feel indifferent to gays.

2018-06-28 11:30:18 UTC  

That was just another snackbar.

2018-06-28 11:30:48 UTC  

So hate isnt just the motivation?

2018-06-28 11:31:17 UTC  

The motivation isnt what makes a hate crime?

2018-06-28 11:33:39 UTC  

Sure hate crimes are crimes motivated by hatred of another group.

2018-06-28 11:34:24 UTC  

So I am curious if terror counts as a hate crime. If it is motivated out of hate for a group.

2018-06-28 11:34:38 UTC  

And even then theres the specific definition of what is hate.

2018-06-28 12:38:55 UTC  

hate crime is a stupid idea

2018-06-28 12:39:25 UTC  

murder is suddenly so much worse if its inspired by hate for the person based just off some group trait?

2018-06-28 12:41:29 UTC  

why does it matter the reason? murder is murder. You could hate the guy for something that is unique to him, why is that any different?

2018-06-28 12:43:30 UTC  

i mean, unless you are Aussie. Then its just used to justify self defense or to bring the charge down to a misdemeanor.

2018-06-28 13:21:51 UTC  
2018-06-28 13:21:54 UTC  
2018-06-28 13:22:23 UTC  

Dave Rubin had on former ACLU director

2018-06-28 13:39:52 UTC  

@GingaBomber Terrorism is usually commited to strike fear. The people who engage in it aren't really interested in what the targets are, just how many and how well they were affected.

2018-06-28 13:41:48 UTC  

That isn’t true. A lot of Islamic terrorism is launched with specific targets in mind. Rival Muslim factions typically.

2018-06-28 13:42:49 UTC  

Sometimes it’s Christians.

2018-06-28 13:43:25 UTC  

It's not a lot, all that really matters is that it's not people of their own kind

2018-06-28 13:43:52 UTC  

ISIS manuals are pretty clear about that

2018-06-28 13:43:56 UTC  

You know, all these diversity quotas and stuff, they are sexist against women as much as they are against men. Take James Damore, he suggested that women just have, on average, a different set of priorities or interests (which was also suggested by in this report about diversity and inclusion, ironically). However, just suggesting this is seen as sexist. This means that, in order to not be sexist, companies must willingly ignore the priorities or desires of most women in their pursuit of diversity, simply because they are women, and have a different priority set then men. Rather than do as James Damore tried to suggest, which was make the positions more enticing to women's interest. So, in order to not be sexist, they must ignore women for being women and instead only appeal to those women who have similar interests to men on average, which is sexist.

2018-06-28 13:45:00 UTC  

After Pulse ISIS made it clear that they wanted white straight Christians targeted.

2018-06-28 13:45:01 UTC  

on the terrorism note: if enough people are killed, a hate crime will most likely be upped to a terrorism charge unless they cannot find a political motivation for it.