Discord ID: 293423838685822976
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But why would they not?
Okay, to what purpose?
I'm not trolling, I'm interested
Okay, okay, do you guys believe in the 8''/mile thing?
But you provide calculated proof with using that as a globe earth model, at least I'm told so and I'm not completely sold on using those numbers
Okay, what would be the flat earth answer to explain the atmosphere?
Uuuhm, that's kinda how you're supposed to introduce new scientific theories. They are supposed to explain everything the old theory could and more/better
Another theory, same difference
I expect an improvement
doubting whether or not they've been to the moon
ever looked into apollo 13, that wasn't particularly great
Compare that to defence budget
DoD, as in Army, Marine, Air
in case of US, more offence, you're right
I agree, decrease the budget of the DoD and increase it for NASA and DoE (for preventing Climate Change)
yes, all real. Even though I wasn't particularly alive back then
they are both the truth
and they did
they to the moon ffs
sure, well india and israel failed at it
extraordinary feat
Yeah... they were in Lunar Orbit
Ever played KSP?
Well, what if there is no ice wall. say hypothetically the earth is a ball, spinning as we go
I disagree
Yes, ever noticed what a compass does when it turns?
I deny the existence of such an ice wall, I'm not denying the existence of this server
wall != shelf
that is because, news flash, glaciers aren't anything like Antarctica
Hi hi
Gawd, I'm just imagine a priest giving prayer while watching gaming YT videos
Well, there's multiple ways to interpret that
Ask away
Since there's no friction in space, the sun and moon are both only influenced by gravity and centrifugal forces. Those keep them in orbit @Priest
Just no
Idk, I'm on the "globetard" side
But gravity itself is really interesting and a difficult subject
Some on this server do @Priest
Not I, just came here to have a laugh tbh, and see what things people believe. Not in a trolly way, just intrigued
I'm not, yet at least
Sad or jealous?
Oooh enlighten me
Maybe I'm not so dimm as one might think?
That seems to be Antarctica, yes. Not proof of a wall
You can plan your expedition to the "edge of the world"
Asking questions to peers is part of research
Near south America and Australia?
I found a few maps, but none seem to explain the two point entrance thing. The only thing I could come up with is the nearest land masses
> Entire edge, hmmm, youre a lil dim I see, as there are only two points at which you can get to the Antartica.
Ah okay, my bad then. English isn't my first language. But two points at which you an visit it. Can I read that as in two controlled points (by the government presumably) from which you can visit a supervised visit to the wall?
There's some truth in that, as far as I can see.
But the reasoning behind it is the point of interest
Hey guys
An indoctrinated young guy here
Say, who's the owner of the server? Just curious
Can agree
Ok, the earth is quite big, so you'd have to be far away to be able to see the earth wholly at once. The colour correction is needed because of the fact that the earth rotates (aka day/night). Most earth imaging satellites orbit at like 500km, which is not nearly high enough to see all of the earth so the pictures have to be "stitched" together. Aka Photoshop. I don't think the apollo crew had colour cameras with them so that colour had to be added later. This will, of course, result in small differences. The photo's themselves are still original though.
^ Apollo crew was far enough away to see it as a whole
As I know I'll be muted if I were to answer @Citizen Z with a similar kind of sentence, I will not.
Why have I been Pinged? Ghostping?
But if so, survive until you're 18 and get them yourself
Well maybe, if you have the money for it, you could arrange a ride in the Blue Origins New Shepard rocket. That will bring you just above the karman line, and at that height you can clearly see the curve
Some people, and I count myself among them, claim to be able to see some satellites, **at night when the solar panels can reflect the sunlight** thus making a sort of star that moves quickly across the sky.
@mjones hey man, you claimed earlier that you were a scientist, in which field may I ask?
And your thesis @mjones?
@mjones a thesis as in, the project at the end of your MSc
@mjones what degree?
Well, video's and photo's, but you deny them @Logrian
What evidence?
Evidence my 17-yo brain can't disprove
Honestly, the evidence that I've seen haven't convinced me at all
@mjones how do forces in general work? As in, my explanation would be that F = m โข a
As in the force F is the product our of the mass m and acceleration a. Thus more mass and same force means less acceleration, more force more acceleration and same force means less mass etc
Would you agree with me on that?
In science, the force in newtons is generally given with the letter F (with vector notation, but not possible in discord)
That is different, for instance, if you were to push a cart horizontally, there will be several forces at work.
1. You pushing the cart
2. The friction caused by the wheels
3. The friction caused by the air
Part of a long explanation
But it would be logically to say that if you push harder on the cart (with more force), the cart will accelerate faster
And here it's important to make the diffet between velocity (v) and acceleration (a)
v is measured in meters per second (m/s), a is measured in meters per second per second (m/s^2)
Acceleration is the *change* in velocity.
Without a force working on an object, the object would not change velocity
Yes, now throw something up in the air
It comes down, by which force?
What is it then? If not for a force?
Yes, and without a force pulling it down, it would have continued going up
Last thing was with gravity, but I don't think I can go there yet
With a force pulling it down, it would begin to fall back. What is this force?
Will get back on that, have work now. Just so you know, I don't think torus fields is a thing. Will get back on the atmosphere too
Just... Idk man is what I found
@Logrian so from what I understand, the human heart creates a field that applies a force to the object that you throw up. This force together with the weight of the atmosphere brings the object down again?
Also do you mean weight or mass of the atmosphere
I agree @Yabai, FEers keep claiming that the globe model remains unproven, and that all pictures of it are fakes. While they are unable to provide an alternative theorie that explains all that we see and can measure today, and that what we can't explain yet.
And I mean an alternative to gravity, to the sun's motion alongside the stars & moon. An alternative to why I can see the ISS fly by on a good night. And much more
Now that's the thing, the current model of the globe earth does explain all that we can see, and does that pretty well. Eg, gravity. I have not yet seen another explanation that fits all observations, without relying on gravity one way or another
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