R-Zone Gamer

Discord ID: 656861319596736560

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@Hake What happened to all the money JLP raised for the building?

@J_G_ arenโ€™t you the least but curious what he did with all that money? I bet the IRS is...

I agree that he can do whatever he wants with it, but his promise was that the money would be for a new building. It's like saying "Hey donate money for my cancer treatment!" and then spending it on a new car. It's really not difficult to see why people would be upset with Jesse.

I'm not really, but the people who donated large sums of money might be.

I didnโ€™t used to think heโ€™s a liar. I do now. @J_G_ wonโ€™t defend him either

Why would anyone try to make money on YouTube? You spend most of your time chasing the damn algorithm.

What happened to all the money JLP raised for the new building?

@Hake Did JLP have a lot of anger after going off the air today?

Did JLP Have anger over the situation yesterday?

Jesse must have so much anger over the live stream

Good god, I just asked a question. Drop your anger and quit jumping to conclusions you BETAs.

JLP is having a lot of anger over the no-show situation.

Yeah, I don't think he needs all those millennials screwing things up all the time lol

Maybe some older people with more experience with this kind of thing.

The crew keeps messing up and JLP likely shows a lot of anger towards them that we don't get to see.

JLP's anger has kept the show from going live many times now.

I'd like to know where all my donations to the building fund went, but other than that, I'm good.

I didn't have a chance to. Any updates from anyone or are we to assume that JLP just pocketed the cash?

Why does it matter? He pushed that fund raiser for a long time and raised a lot of money. Don't we deserve to see if we'd been lied to??

You had the NERVE... the AUDACITY to ask what your donation is being used for!??!?!?!

My question is: Can we get an update on the building fund? They seem to be deliberately avoiding the question for some reason. What is there to hide?

My problem isn't that he can't do whatever he wants with the donations. My problem is that he raised a TON of money and (I'm speculating) lied about what it's being used for. He deceived people who wanted to support his move to another building.

I seriously am not trying to start anything.

I'm not saying I'm the IRS, but why is being curious about where the thousands of dollars of donations went a problem?

If he was being honest, I'd think he'd willingly tell us.

I'm not saying it is. I'm saying that if Jesse wanted to be transparent, why is there any shame about telling us where the money went.

But doesn't it bother you that he lied and is being deceitful about where the money is going?

You seriously don't care that he raised hundreds of thousands for a 'building fund' and hasn't given any significant update for a long time?

If Jesse were using the money honestly and for it's intended purpose, don't you think he'd be giving us more regular updates? Most businesses that ask for that much in donations are very transparent about where the money is going.

I'm not saying he has to do it... I'm saying it would be common courtesy to all the people who donated.

Asking where the money went is not harassing him.

He's bold enough to ask for hundreds of thousands, but not honest enough to tell us where it went? That says a lot about his character.

I will say thank you for not banning me outright and actually having a conversation about this. I honestly do like Jesse and what he says, and the fact that he may be deceiving us over this is very disheartening to me.

I don't. But I do trust people who are honest. JLP isn't being honest here.

Then, in the name of common courtesy and decency, he should disclose that.

I'm not perfect, but JLP claims to be. Perfection means being courteous and honest.

You clearly have a lot of anger. Have you forgiven your mother, @J_G_ ?

Whatever. Just because someone asks a question about or criticizes JLP, doesn't mean they're a 'troll''

So everyone who has a concern is a 'concern troll'?

Celebrating your birthday if you're a man is extremely beta.

As much manliness as is promoted by JLP and his fans, the don't seem to realize that birthday celebrations are for women and children.

There's no reason a man should celebrate the day he was born. What's the point?

If I was a good leader, I definitely wouldn't demand that my followers worship and celebrate the day I was born.

How is them celebrating me doing it for them?

Lol, ok go keep celebrating your birthday like you did when you were 5 yrs old. Beta.

Can you read? I'm not implying that celebrating a child's birthday is beta. A grown man celebrating his birthday is almost the definition of beta.

If you want to have a 'party' celebrating the day you were born, you might as well have one celebrating the day you came out of the closet as a beta.

Women and children are likely to have invented it.

Or men and women with the idea that they will celebrate their children's birth

Good god... I've never met an alpha who celebrates his own birthday.

Real alphas celebrate the day the achieved something... not for just being born.

Only beta males celebrate their own birthdays.

Beta males crave the attention for doing nothing more than being born.

I leg press a quarter ton and if you can't do at least that.. you're a beta.

@๐”พ/๐”พ Where is your evidence that the government literally created fake school shootings?

If your Discord name is @๐”พ/๐”พ , you are a child of your mother the devil.

He'll probably just call me a snake in the grass and hang up

@gorgonzhola flat out told me to ask for one on here and when I did (several times) never responded.

Sometimes I wonder if they're all just a bunch of liars and con-artists.

Which is sad, because I like a lot of what JLP says

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