
Discord ID: 403299683616686100

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Guys, I do not know whether these offers will be read but invite Barbara from Harlem she has a new book " Escaping the Racism of Low Expectations"

@Hake Hi invite Ted Nottingham to your show he says similar things like Jesse

I am distributing a video with Jesse. people respond perfectly. like shit on the fan

If it were not for my terrible English, I would also make a video for YouTube.<:PepeTux:494352827611611148>

I think they will kill me it is not safe to speak out in Russia thanks for the advice

Catholicism is corporate "Christianity"

the best part of this church consisted of simple followers of Christ but not the papacy itself.

you are like all these fake Christians

they are more about the afterlife than about the right here and now

so you are not about saving yourself, but about people you know only from the words and news of other people

I do not judge you
i love you like a brother but you're wrong

yes Jesus did not want an organization but wanted a spiritual family

they use arabic 5 step this is not a christian prayer

@why it's amazing how easily whites fall into hate for Jews

@why I just wanted to find a topic. People react strongly to "Jews."

Black will save the United States by uniting with White. no one can overcome such power

Jesus is also a Jew. but it does not change anything. we are all the same race

It seems the server administrator does not want someone here<:woke:494355320223694848>

does google own tesla? why is constantly bombarded by advertising?

I think the excitement with Donald Trump exists so that people would not pay attention to the satanic laws and "signs of the beast" on the hands and forehead that will appear in all polls until 2050

I'm not sure that the translator translated it right

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