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He had a very respectful conversation with race realists irl I forget where he said he was

I was gonna watch JFโ€™s take on it @Wood-Ape - OK/MN

How do you do that anyway?! How do you make emojis

Ciao Jack

StoneToss on the (Not Living)Stream rn

Ralph Retort

It's called a gosh darn recipe book

^ stealing

@Logan what do you mean?

"no longer have the tech to eat"

"black gal" lol so polite

straight up redhead blue eyes goml

Spirited Away top tier everything else is shite

well that's nice maybe it's worth watching

no football poasting

im literally watching the red sox get at me

Yeah I'm "Vince - VA" there can someone change my name here to match that one btw

hell yeah

@Logan lol very subtle We Wuz meme. they didnt write it down!

my god come flip DC next

Just avoid the Jewish influence in rap and youll be good

holy shite Steph you got got

dude the Canadian FBI created a neon nazi chapter in suburban Ottawa through infiltration

@Selma but he learned the pronouncing the H in Japan

White people would make Africa amazing

Really unless your family is originally from somewhere

@Jacob but dual citizens shouldnt be allowed in politicis

literally the throw more money at it meme

Yeah not so hot take in the VC. Clinton Admin wasnt bad

very degenerate things in the WH then. actual sexual assault too i believe

My Jewish """friend""" literally said he thinks the whole world should be globalized except for Israel. Just out and out hypocrisy on purpose no qualifications

Was surrounded by normies. Already made fun of that I'm some Nazi bc they knew I support Trump

This guy was still tryna be all "I'm not a Zionist but....."

I think the problem of globalists of all stripes is a huge problem, but whites weren't that way when we were independent of influence

they'll continue to ID as Jews as long as the cultural influence stays up

you've heard FL has literal Holocaust classes in HS? An entire semester learning about the Holocaust. NOTE: this is only to talk about the cultural influence not the event itself

but like.....a whole class....

literally called holocaust class

the school that got shot up by that mystery meat Hispanic had that class

@JC I'd be feeding redpills if I had that job lol

@JC I don't remember the scale for that test but it sounds barely 100 IQ level

diversity school? @JC

I like to call these "athletes" Basketball-Americans. Very respectful

HuWhites dominate powerlifting sports

we have athletic skills too

More strength pound for pound

where else in the world are collegiate sports televised and marketed? nowhere but the USA.....

@Asatru Artist - MD but is it college sports obsessed? Its weird to me we are a huge exception

whites should be encouraged to stay away from college unless for high IQ STEM

Just watch hockey. The white ethnostate of sports

@TMatthews totally. but if you were interested in being a normie for a bit without the blegs

I honestly dont know what to make of Kanye sometimes. Break people out of their trance, uh ok? But he's convincing Donnie to let out all the dindus.....

not worth like 10 moroe blacks voting for us

they are these weird conservative-styled black identitarians

like hoteps

hoteps but less redpilled than that

@JC whose?

i dont watch every episode, also 4 hour streams


hope it wasnt Hotep Jesus he went on Red Ice and was J Woke @JC

same guy who was on Fox News lol

too long didnt read

theres no TL DR hes awesome

diversity is THEIR strength

Juice have high verbal IQ

the Irish are propagandized by saying "many countries accepted you as refugees after potato famines you have to accept them too" so theres no escaping it even if the Irish are the "oppressed" in the situation <:sad:366743316475281408>

quick read from 2016


New stonetoss

Yeah woodape Also goes by Wormwood I believe

How does an unconnected person get an ISIS sticker? Not normal

F for our fallen goys

oh......hold on

@StevePines -WA lol i just RTed that

@Wood-Ape - OK/MN i dont disagree!

a confederate statue doesnt make you be le internet raysis but any statues from your history keeps you rooted

re these bombs and packages: what do Obama, Clinton, DWS, Brennan, and Holder all have in common? they sent the package to Brennan not to CNN in general.....supported Iran deal.....those who reject Iran deal.....are who....?

@Procella Eques oh hope you're i love these internet comics

let's see if ISIS claims the attack but I could see it being a red herring

yet this still destroys his DR3 dems real fascists BS


he did condemn it at remarks hes giving now @missliterallywho

Melania too

calling it now this will be memory holed like Vegas

@Virgil former CIA, current CNN talking head

even the ricin from antifa was 2 bit feces

@Sam Anderson is that a joke?!!

very dark comedy lol but i love a troll

i dont understand how this is happening. a globohomo shitlib believer isnt gonna date RS bc hes novel

somethings up...

our IE women understood right away why they're dating

Jeez Richard have some class if you have any left

*searches what prima nocta means*

oh my god MAGABomber is #1 trending

see? wamen can be funny

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