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2019-07-25 03:18:54 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #apply-for-staff]  

I'm Fetty.
I'm pretty optimistic about what I can do, I love learning and that is all I'm here to do.
My application is so that and needed work to be done I can extend myself. Not sure how active I would be though, I have financial projects to tend to most of the time.

I haven't been keeping up with the Mueller Hearings, but what I'm watching is certainly interesting so far.

@Deleted User not by definition. WWII Veterans have stated that the conditions there are worse than it was in Auschwitz, I think at least. no genocide atm just shitty treatment of the immigrants

Debate is a forum to learn for me.
For some, most really, its a platform to try and force your opinion onto people.

I love hearing opposing facts and ideas. It helps my noggin expand.

Be careful though, @Deleted User intelligent people can use logical fallacies to make it seem like they are right when they are misleading you.

They muddy the water so you can't see thru it.

Tracksuit, The hat, the name.

Confirmed KGB affiliate

Read up on some logical fallacies. I tend to think I'm pretty smart but even I get thrown off by them. That is why they are used, if you aren't looking for it you can slip and fall.

If something doesn't connect or make sense its possible they are using a fallacy, maybe even without knowing it.

Sometimes you have an idea or remember reading something and can't quite put it in words and end up slipping into a fallacy to get the point across easier.

Can't really blame too many people for doing it. Its just good to know when it happens to avoid getting persuaded wrongfully. This is the key to being a good consumer of information.

The fact that you can think about it like that is good. To conceptualize it. Yeah it sucks that it has to be a "battle". That is totally feeding his ego right there, has nothing to do with learning or debating.

Hey man, debate is totally about practice and learning/knowing the topics.

Oh yeah, naw if he insults you that is a red flag.

That is actually the most common logical fallacy. Its called "Ad Hominem", an attack of the person. He attacked you and didn't attack your argument.

Nothing wrong with a centrist. Centrist can mean you are open to anything. You don't need to make a decision until you know what you are deciding on.

Reactionary I think is extreme left. The furthest left. Radical left winger.

You must have said something really crazy to go from centrist to radical left in a few sentences haha.

References requires thinking

Free Market Capitalism works best for entrepreneurs, regulated capitalism works best for everyone. I think.

We can

Libertarianism is interesting.

Guess what.

Clint Eastwood is Libertarian, never smoked weed.

Get proven, nerd.

I was wrong. Reactionary is extreme conservatism.
Far left is just radical left I think.

There is a term, but I don't remember.

What is Intersectional Feminism?

What. Lol


Feminisms gets a bad rep because there are some very ill-informed feminists.
Its all about equality.

Men and women aren't the same, physically. Mentally too but should still be treated the same as human beings.

What? Anyone can be rich, not everyone can be a woman.

I can't speak on that ||intersectionalism|| shit.

i think you guys are using the oddity of the LGBT "gender is fluid" argument as a strawman to attack and then comparing it to Feminism. Feminism has nothing to do with intersectional ideology or gender fluidity.


Why are you talking about doors.

Dude made a door argumet.


Not all feminist do.

I label myself a feminist as a man, immediately you would suspect I believe that demigirls are a thing and that there is no such thing as two genders.

Nice argument

Watch me out alpha male you

I'm the most alpha male feminist you'll ever meet.

There are two genders.

If I said anything to confuse that, my apologies.

There are two genders.

Settle down lol.

Well, theoretically

Ready for this?

There is a "spectrum"

Some girls are hairy, more than usual. They have more masculine traits. And men with feminine voices. And then hermaphrodites. The is somewhat a spectrum of masculine and feminism. But there is male/female. No more than 2 genders.


Yeah, deep voice vs. your voice. @tripp

Just kidding, but you understand?

Why do guys want the deep growl?

They want to sound masculine.

How come there are search results in google's search engine for "how to sound like master chief". Genetically you can sound more masculine than other men. And the opposite is true.

I am what I eat brother.

If you keep coming at me like that I'll go into troll mode and you'll be done for

That is called singing.

You sing from the stomach, speak from the throat/top of your lungs.

If you speak from your stomach you have problem.

Prolly sound like you just passed a kidney stone after every sentence talking like that.

Did you google "how to sound like barry white" and the guy said "speak from your stomach"

Tripp is gonna catch these troll hands

You haven't not even seen the surface of my trollage

I'm not even in <#542037236053442561> yet

Damn you're right bro

Got my ass

My feminine voice sounds deeper than your stomach voice

You probably sound like urcles daughter bro

Got my ass

"get in voice" oh boy

Damn tripp

Did you sit on your mic

"get in VC" and then gets ghost when I show up

Get out of this server

2019-07-25 05:17:35 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

The report exonerated him or the report was totally erroneous? Which is it. @Vinblob242 ๐Ÿงข

2019-07-25 05:19:21 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

Early onset dementia, but he's competent enough to secure the total exoneration. That is quite convenient.

Is everything okay?

2019-07-26 01:20:12 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #economic-issues]  

I predict we'll see another recession anywhere from tomorrow to 2020 Q4

2019-07-26 01:42:04 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #economic-issues]  

Mortgage Rates are at a 3 year low, the Fed is about the lower the interest rates, and finally the yield curve has exceeded a Quarter as of June 30th, 2019.

2019-07-26 01:42:52 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #economic-issues]  

@Fane the last 7+ times the yield curve inverted like this for a quarter or longer there was a recession on average 12 months afterwards. Last time it was 24 months

2019-07-26 01:46:00 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #economic-issues]  

Combine that with all of the tariffs we keep threatening and utilizing.

2019-07-26 01:47:08 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #economic-issues]  

There is also 1.4 Million americans who have been unemployed long term too. Over 30 days.

2019-07-26 01:47:22 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #economic-issues]  

Probably not 2019. Right. It could, but most likely it'll be 2020

2019-07-26 01:47:31 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #economic-issues]  

It will be a great selling point for one of the candidates on any side.

2019-07-26 01:47:39 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #economic-issues]  

They will say "I will fix the recession" for sure.

2019-07-26 01:48:18 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #economic-issues]  


2019-07-26 01:48:59 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #economic-issues]  

Unemployment rate and stock market is kinda like trying to figure out if you are about to throw up. If your mouth is already watering and the stock market is crashing... well then we're about to have a little problem here lmfao.

2019-07-26 01:49:39 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #economic-issues]  

Yeah that is pretty unfortunate.

2019-07-26 01:53:41 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #economic-issues]  

Yeahhhh I don't know much about NAFTA

2019-07-26 01:53:45 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #economic-issues]  

I ought to learn about it though.

2019-07-26 01:53:53 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #economic-issues]  

@Pokรฉcord I don't care

2019-07-26 01:56:00 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #economic-issues]  

Your paragraph in <#513098339961798676> has impressed me greatly. I aspire to your extent of knowledge.

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