Discord ID: 365975655608745985
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Sent you a DM containing the help message!
Sent you a DM containing the help message!
You must specify a channel to redirect spawns to. For more information see ``p!help redirect``.
You must specify a channel to redirect spawns to. For more information see ``p!help redirect``.
Pokécord will now redirect all spawns to <#489838052609359882>! To allow spawns in all channels again, type ``p!redirect disable``.
Sent you a DM containing the help message!
Sent you a DM containing the help message!
Congratulations @Bellalu! You caught a level 26 Gardevoir!
This is the wrong pokémon!
Congratulations @b̸̕r̴̨͠e͘͢Λ̢d͢͝b͠͞o̡̕x! You caught a level 18 Unown!
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