
Discord ID: 433813600465977344

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<@&782826246873808897> <@&778891353823379457> i am in this server to have civil debates/discussions with conservatives/right wingers

<@&782826246873808897> <@&778891353823379457> i am in this server to have civil debates/discussions with conservatives/right wingers

who wants to disucss fiscal policy

what is ac?


banned from alot of conservative servers

i go around try to debate people

get banned

but does any conservative want to discuss fiscal policy

i support free college, federal jobs guarantee, nit, public option healthcare.

im for a public option tbh

m4a not so much, but more so pragmatic reasons/political

public option is similar to like Germany or France, granted in the us it would be somewhat different

its a option

if you want goverment healthcare you get it

hospitals would still be private

wdym in the us private school is an option

i mean, countries with socialized medicine do pay less per capita, but the issue is sense there is political tensions you run into shortages of for example mris( your from canada you should know).

its not a economic constraint

its just politicans being dumb

atleast in the us its not a economic one its a political one

good we can agree

yes because politicians dog whistle and strawman

its sad

and republicans(alot of dems to) fall for it

@Mystika you seem smart look into modern monetary theory when you get a chance

taxes dont fund federal programs in the us

idc about taxes atleast for now

certain countries have very similar waiting times tho. This is because 100 percent of there pop has healthcare and on average they go to more regular doctors visits. Not saying 1 system is perfect tho

ya ik you brought up taxes

my response was (or should have been) that does not matter in the us

im referring to programs in the us,

how would they work in the us and what can we learn from other countrie

how would they be financed ect


taxes dont fund federal programs

ok sure

in the united states it does not

not sure in canada

i said federal

state and local ya

what is tldr

@Mystika ok in the united states when ever we fund a program the federal reserve credits a account(military contract, pharma ect). The fed types a number into the computer

no no no

that would suckl

states can go bankrupt the us cannot

very simple

i never said that

that would suck

i have no finished

taxes are used for 2 things. For deflationary purposes, and to create demand for the dollar. Notice how "to fund government spending" is not one of them. Hypothetically speaking the us can fund programs without needing tax dollars. In order to do the united states expands credit and auctions us treasury bonds. With that in mind it is also important to understand that the debt, nominally, and even debt(deficit if you want)/GDP are not important figures of finding out our "ceiling" of what we can spend. In order to find this ceiling we must look at inflation, and if we are looking at inflation or rather;how much can we increase aggregate demand without increasing inflation past 2 percent(the feds goal), we must focus on real recourses. This dichotomy flips our political system on its head. Politicians (mostly republicans at this point) use the debt as a dog whistle so that they can block any social programs then go on to push for military budget increases and tax cuts that dis proportionally aid the wealthy. this is a copy pasta i use

that i wrote

woah relax

federal programs are funded by the fed typing a number into a computer, we can do this because we are monetarily sovreighn. This means we issue our own currecny, we have a fiat system(no gold standard its ew), most our debt is owned in our own currency, and we are the reserve currency(just a extra part)

i study econ so sorry if it gets confusing

but you are a nurse

so you very smart lady

i mean still smart

i am saying the deficit and the debt do not matter in nominal terms or ratio terms

as in 27 trillion

or 100 percent og gdp

like i said the question of taxes dont matter

idk if u know but the first question asked on free college is how do u pay for it

many conservatives say but that requires more taxes

ect ect

it does not

if its state funded then you need taxes

federal no

we are not at full employment inflation is not a issue right now

once we start to reach full employment then we should stop increasing

medicare and medicaid is funded federally

public option is federal

free college would be federal

its fine

those countries cant do what the can do

they are part of eu

they have a eu bank

greece got FUCKED


@Mystika do you know organic chem?

I am im bed

Ping me next time

im sorry

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