Big Smoke Чунгус
Discord ID: 192751252965163009
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how do yall feel about 5G network?
It's sad that some people think that nuclear energy is not clean
why are people reading bbc 😭
begone western propagandist
o o f
im not a commie
u can only go furry if u read bbc
id rather be a commie than a furry
swedes dont exsit anymore bruh
did u mean swedistan
that's better
how can you not love multiculturalism?
first it was about ozone holes, then it was about global warming, now it's about climate change smh
i remember back 10 years ago they were scaring us in schools with those ozone holes lmao i still get flashbacks
jk about flashbacks
Yep, more coming
diversity of thought
diversity of race doesnt mean anything
they dont realize that they are discriminating against white people
they are discriminating against asians now too
libtards are so out of touch with reality
ye people are losing jobs because of that
it all started in the 60s with drugs
shut up
do yall think the soviet union would have been better off with trotsky?
imo he would have surrendered to germany
As all things should be
liberals have come to the point where they dont have anything else to do but make fun of Stephen Miller's spray hair
hitler was a national socialist with fascist ideology
yall do realize that fascism is censorship and supression of the opposition
it can be on both sides, left and right
he was both lmao
yes chief
unemployent under Obunga increased so much until Trump came
shut up nigga
who the fuck made this bot
more like a ...deutchbank
another crazy feminist
lmaooo when is this rat gonna stop embarrassing himself
theresa may looks like she's on cocaine 24/7
these anime girls are hella cute
@The Lemon im not saying she is but she certainly looks like
also, coke doesnt mean energy
so basically if i get arrested as a male and get 100 years sentence i can basically switch my gender and identify as a female so they will have to let me go because the person that they arrested was a male and im no longer male lmao
climate change is real, it changes each seasons and there are 4 seasons so the climate changes 4 times and in some cases 2 times only, in countries where there are winter and summer
i dont know about you guys but i stay away from those muslim women covered in all black and muslims with backpacks or bulky never know when they gonna explode
i cross the road when i see a muslim or a backpack on the street
Reality is often disappointing
u can just 3d print a bump stock if u want lol
@here yall need to see this lmao
They got culturally enriched lmao, i have the video lmk if u wanna watch
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