Message from @Big Smoke Чунгус
Discord ID: 525281957207080961
But it means you're a lot more likely to be competent
no it doesnt
Imo at least
correlation is not causation
something something
he could be the worst politician ever but the longest serving
if anything someone who has been doing politics their whole life
is probably not someone you want in office
they dont know how the real world works at all!!
>>but i wonder if bert and ernie are gay though
Trump 2020
He will win 2020
The Dems will not get a proper front in time
Michelle won't come until 2024
If Hickenlooper wins the primary, Trump is screwed. Joe Kennedy will also give him a decent run.
Trump s u c c
Trump 3030
Lol Ivanka 2024!
Reality is often disappointing
Really though, it's not that big of a deal, bump stocks were never sold serialized so they can't be tracked, and while yes banning them is ridiculous, it's a good looking motion to people who know nothing about how guns work. Do you know what my bump stock is? My damn finger!
u can just 3d print a bump stock if u want lol
You wouldn’t download a bump stock would you
@Big Smoke Чунгус yeah, but that will be illegal
@Murkle I don't agree that banning bump stocks is ridiculous. The point of them is to create a loophole to turn a semiauto into as much of an auto as possible
I don't trust the Dems anymore
There's a reason Ohio turned Red
My gf lives in a city with loads of crime and drugs
Who runs it? A Democrat Mayor because of course
A Mayor who has done fuck all
And that's why people are joining the Walk Away Movement
Compared to undrr Obama
Unless of course those 8 years meant nothing
A lot of numbers got better under the Obama presidency. If it wasn't for the ACA I think you'd be thought of pretty well.
@Tyberius D That's what I mean
Under Obama it went more blue