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You are the first step in transhumanism

I would program myself a NAWALT


it would need a new kind of harddrive to save it

because our brain doesn't work binary


Maybe Quantum Computing will change the possibilities

False, a bit can only represent two states

because of the combination of states the bits can have

its just another representation of a quantity of bits, it still breaks down to bits

you don't recreate gravity, just a simulation of it

qubits however can be both 0 and 1 at the same time

100million times slower

it takes a few megabytes and few seconds to save a picture, what do you think concsciousness has in terms of file format

There is the discussion, as soon as you save your consciousness, you are not you anymore. Data storage has package loss, so you mutate your consciousness

As if you are actually saving your consciousness you only clone yourself

Domestic Violence in Lesbian Relationships

They lack respect in their relationship dynamics

2018-09-25 10:59:44 UTC [Hermit Hangout #heres-a-thot]  

@shadowlessnexus is that real or fake?

I got a topic for @Happy Humble Hermit . we had a really interesting and long discussion about what MGTOW actually is. It wouldve fitted perfectly into a scritped video! While a few people insisted married men can't be MGTOW because you are definitely sacrificing part of your self-ownership to a boundary others argumented that you can do anything you want as long as you are aware of the risks coming with the path you take into consideration. A rather unpupolar opinion of another guy who got banned is that MGTOW is only MGTOW if you could get a woman but choose to reject them. How about taking that into a debate with a few people in a roundtable.. "What is MGTOW for you" .. maybe it would give some people a better grip on what they should pursue joining this journey of individualism

@StoneScarH2 @Iheanacho @the adventures male would fit perfect in such a conversation

@everyone Independently from thottery, how many partners do you consider okay for a girl for you if you decide to enter a (short/long) relationship with them. Does it matter to you, do you have an principles? Im interested!

Maybe some incels can turn into MGTOWs by loosing their misery and anger towards women and accepting female nature

The line separating both of them is thin after all

Their state of mind is dependent on the external validation coming from interactions with women, so they drag themselfes into the plantation but refuse to work instead of leaving it.

They often appear like backstabbers to me. They'll talk shit about women with you but if you look away and women would give them glances, they instantly fall for it.

Incels also have more extreme grievances, for example domestic violence and such. A True MGTOW would not do that by free will

I seek stoicism. love Marcus Aurelius and Seneca!

My ex was a hardcore hedonist. It ends with using drugs and throwing money out until you have nothing left then your 9 to 5 work and mental problems

Worthy to mention that these people tend to always search a thrill which longterm cant give them

Hedonism is a school of thought that argues that the pursuit of pleasure and intrinsic goods are the primary or most important goals of human life. A hedonist strives to maximize net pleasure, but when having finally gained that pleasure, happiness remains stationary

In theory it sounds great, just like Communism

But in reallife, it does not work.

If your happiness is bound to something you have no control over, like it is often in reallife, it contradicts itself

It has much more factors. Hedonism is either minimalistic or a freedom of choice. Freedom is often increased with wealth. And in most cases for wealth, you need longtermgoals

As i said, Hedonism is like communism. Great but doesn't work in reallife

Because everybody has a hedonistic part in his character


it is in the human nature

@Redneo human beings are deemed to make mistakes. And if you had more pleasure before a certain action (e.g. breakup) you only know afterwards

And hedonists only search positive experiences

Thats not how a hedonist thinks

thats how ascets think

@ZODD I pursue mindfulness and stoicism

I am not completely content. But i think you can't be completely. I am surrounded by circumstances that limit my control. However i always work towards that goal

mindfulness is defined as moment-by-moment awareness of thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment, characterized mainly by "acceptance" which i heavily pursue to have at all time

Stoicism is a unreachable goal aswell. Like Hedonism.

Mindfullness is the middlepath that i think is to pursue

And even with that in stress-situations when your cortisol shoots in it is not completely possible

I tend to write messages to myself i read if i am overwhelmed by stress, which makes your mind undeniably cloudy. It helps to some extent

What lifestyle do you see yourself living in @ZODD

@Kazemaru stoicism is defined by "the endurance of pain or hardship without the display of feelings and without complaint."

That is impossible for a human being

It goes against the biology of humans

If you feel a feeling of sadness coming because of a certain situation, it is impossible to make it go away, you are only able to suppress it.

that is mindfulness

Mindfulness is accepting your feelings rather than trying to kill them

play russian roulette and you can see how far stoicism is possible. Thats what i mean.

@Redneo Because you fear dying, thats not stoic

which is not a bad thing

@Nephil The Pumpkin King There is more to stoicism as there are big manuscripts about it, which is why i still follow some aspects of it like virtue and morality and the point you made. I just don't think you can be completely stoic

@Nephil The Pumpkin King thats why mindfullness is a great thing. It makes you question why you feel something, not suppress the feeling itself. That is a way more realistic path to stoic behaviour and self therapy

Actually most therapists try to make you mindfull by finding the root of your problems as this is the way to resolve many psychological problems

@Happy Humble Hermit I have a hard time believing this but if you can mentor me on how to become like this, im interested

this is too fucking true my friend

@Happy Humble Hermit I mean i consume your videos - thats something.

2018-09-26 11:07:23 UTC [Hermit Hangout #heres-a-thot]

2018-09-26 11:08:21 UTC [Hermit Hangout #heres-a-thot]  

On a question on Quora asking "How long did you need to get over your ex" Honest hypagamy women

From a simp/incel to a mgtow

Just a random thought. Does anyone here have a blood-cortisol test before after doing meditation and Yoga? I am really interested in that and i've seen myself getting more calmed down but i unfortunately didn't take bloodwork

modern male

might aswell paint a wall with his hair

i was thinking the same thing

ill get into the chat for a few mins soon




I do kickboxing/Yoga/Pilates/weightlifting

@ZODD its great for your general body health. If you don't like sports you probably have a hard time with it

being a really spiritual person it just fits my lifestyle

Spiritual in the natural sense, not the i pray to gods and sacrifice goats way

anyway you can learn a handstand within 3 days easily, and you feel really happy about it

We are living in an artificial constructed society that indoctrinates values and morals into people which we call culture

@ZODD Go walk in a forest with your dog or go fishing without any electrical devices and so on. It is another experience to get out of yourself

You get the principle. If you do Yoga as a chore because someone told you to it will not help i guess unless you have a medical problem with your body that can be solved by it

But if you are living a sedentary lifestyle it will definitely improve your health conditions.

I mean to wrap the topic up i would say:

Try it for yourself for like 2 weeks and see if it suits you, search some positions (lizard pose, headstand, baby pose, Yoga sit i like much for example) learn how to do them, listen to your body

BUT dont go into a Yoga course with some filthy fat postwall house wives that talk about their children and use it as a social outlet. Thats worse than hell

I would only recommend a trainer if you are really into it. And then still deeply research about that coach cuz most are weird trainers themselfes that dont have alot qualifications

@Dick White it's never too late to get cucked and burnt into the ground, not so pessimistic

Im going to a 18th birthday party of a girl at Friday - Gotta brace myself


i mean the meat is no rotted at this point

i dont get it

oh my god, they are in there

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