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Hey is there a way I can post a video of a news situation? The server does not seem to allow it but I think its really important and something Hermit can even discuss.

^^ It truly is transphobia in play but also misandry in play as well.


A year late but my blood boiled after discovering this:

The article in question:

The other side of the story from a Misandrist/Transphobe's perspective:

Both sides were guilty in what they have done but the latter (the black girl and her 20 simps) were the FAR greater evil. The bigotry from both sides are sickening but MUCH especially the misandric (and even transphobic) responses. What infuriates me the most is how the latter side is infantilizing that black girl and as Ally Missandry's video reveals, she herself is trying to act innocent, playing the "damsel in distress" and "Captain Save-A-Hoe" cards to incite a violent witch-hunt after him, all the while spewing transphobic remarks. For all I know, she probably deliberately provoked him with transphobic remarks and actions, and purposely denying to acknowledge his gender just to piss him off for sadistic pleasure. The video makes it seem like she made a careless accident and he went psycho and I almost fell for that myself until I saw what she was doing prior and after.

Also here is her follow up video:

Gotta love how she even tried to deflate the attacker numbers to 15 instead of 20.

Trust NO teenager on their dishonest, unreliable words. Especially teenage girls. Thots often speak lies and manipulate and this is why "Listen & Believe" is a foolish model, neither is "Trust & Verify" necessary either. Trust is only tertiary and one does not need to trust either side (you can distrust them all, as I often do), you only need verification - I say "Trust/Distrust & Verify" or simply "Verify". This black girl, this provocative "Dasjia Mooney" troll is no exception. Trusting nothing of what she says.

Like I said, I was furious seeing this, but I had to be said and done. Someone needs to call out both sides, especially that n*gger thot parasite and her lowlife simps for their disingenuous actions, and I think MGTOW are the best pragmatic ones to give a more unbiased perspective.

I am also tempted to make a video discussing this myself now on my channel, once I can get my business preparations setup for social media.

Also, this is a prime example of how toxic traditionalism truly is. People give feminism and social justice too much credit for being the toxic hellhole they've become but often ignore the ancient cancer that was already traditionalism, and this was evidence to it. The hyper-masculine black community I lived in my entire life as a Native Nigerian, this is all too familiar to me and only fuels my misanthropy for society as well as my distrust for the African descendants living in this United States. They are a far-cry from what their ancestors were in the 20th century. MLK2 would feel ashamed and disgusted if he was alive to see what has come of the future generation, as his father, children, and grandchildren already have.

Truly a disgrace to my race.

A man dare talk down to a woman, 20+ men will kill him on site for it. That's how bad it's becoming now.

Exactly, it is about us men. I'm not on Datoka Kern or Dasjia Mooney's sides, I dislike Kern and viciously despise Dasjia. But it really furiates me when a bunch of sick, deluded, pathetic white knights open their mouth and demand that Kern deserved it because of his penis, and "You a man. you suppose to be able to take brutal beatings from 20 GOD FUCKING MEN!". That simp spewing stupid mouth ought to translate that to "You a man! You suppose to bleed to death!"

Male disposability man... It's like a fetish to these fucktard pussy-boys mate...

I just wish they didn't try to force their dangerous masochistic fetish onto the rest of us men.

I am so GLAD for MGTOW right now.

And nihilism.

I must agree with @ZODD. MGTOW overall has not been so holy or grand the recent years, especially since mainstream exposure and all of those reactionaries and impostors entering the faction.

But I respect HHH the most thus far, he actually speaks the truth of MGTOW and not only that, but he is one o the first to be more fluid with a more nihilistic progressive view on life (without actually going black pill as a result). The only other one I can think of is Black Pill Dollar Gangsta but he went black-pilled after getting sick and tired of the heresy festering in MGTOW.

I do also agree with @Andrew The Meme King's view on united MGTOW, which is one thing they have that differs from Nihilism/The Black Pilled Ones - unlike the latter, MGTOW is in fact a collective brotherhood.

Nihilism is just free-for-all - everyone to themselves. Each to their own.

There are no comrades in Nihilism. I am on my own even among other nihilists.

A major price to pay for pursuing a true, completely unbias perspective in life.

That bot might cause more trouble than worth in the long run. Is there not a way you can modify it to be less aggressive with comments?

Although ZODD seems to make his sentences with a lot of Uppercase Sentence Initiations Like This, so I suspect the MEE6 bot is very jumpy with that stuff.

The archive link does not work due to pressure from the MEE6 bot, so you may have to manually add the link into an archive.

So it's bullshit I reckon? Because I senses a LOT of it.

But I dared not criticize it in the Georgia Game Developers Association or any other IDGA Chapter Facebook page. The place has been PC'd beyond repair.

The last time I tried, one of their faculty tried to make an example out of me and two others, branding us as bigots. Granted one of them actually was a bigot and defeatist, but the other two of us were furious due to different reasons related to the controversy. Martyr 3 was angered at the positive bias Brianna Wu received and how the GGDA looks a blind eye to it. I was furious at the fact that Kotaku is even being taken seriously by the GGDA for all of it's fallacious cancerous lies it has spewed for years, (including the Brianna Wu brown-facing).

How do I join the google hangout?

Oh wait, Sunrise Hoodie interview... Nvm. It's probably restricted to HHH.

Wow... @Happy Humble Hermit looks quite handsome.

And looks like he just came out of the US Marines.

Oh, wait, that's Reverend..

Y'all talking about rapeology? Butt-Humping Nature?

Taming Booty

Seriously what y'all talking about?

Biology is a half-truth.


It's true. I swear it.

Biology is often overrated and given too much credit than it deserves sometimes. I am talking about the guys in the voice chat.

I thought they were talking about hypergamy on that VC.

Oh, well thank God. Getting old of those certain fallacies TFM usually boasts on his channel. What with all the collapse infatuation he has.

I swear that monkey has a fetish for collapses. Am I rite?

And I am totally drunk right now.

Someone in the boy scouts! Ooh-wee!

They still defiling the boy scouts with those little harpie bitches?

I remember when I was a boy scout. Know what I been doing?

I use to sneak in them girls scouts' cabins and making out with some of the girls.

Grabbing panties too. I was a naughty *hicup* kid.

Say, if you see a woman named Kelsey Seneca on Facebook. Ask her if she got them "authoritays" involved on me yet.

Its taking too long to see them.

She can't fucking win. It's pure bluff. Sadly that stunt she was pulling managed to complicate and sabotage my video game. Lost funding opportunites and now I owe money from a failed Early Access launch for my game.

I hate loans...

Just needed her to sign an NDA to use her voice work she already made for my game. No, didn't want to cooperate, she'd rather fuck me over any way she can.

Close. Accusation fo Staukin.

This is her Steam page btw. *burp*

It was a front to spite me because I criticized her behavior to a former mentor and he did not want to keep his word respecting our privacy and secrecy, told her and somehow she's convinced I'm gonna stalk her familiy or some stupid radical shit. Threaten legal action on me. Just basically complicated my life.

Ooh, wee, I need more wine.

She's definitely a gamer, but still a parasite.

A dirty venomous squaw to be exact.

Funny you said that.
Didn't even think emos were feminized. Thought they were more nihilistic if you ask me.

Lazy as the damn goths.

Hardly any relationship at all. Just death trap.

Wait, you are a nihilst @rotrunner ?

Also check out her reddit. This white haired Foxy *hicup* is a dishonest person.

@rotrunner So you are a transhumanist?

@nate112332 Well she sure as fuck ruined my life!

@nate112332 I am stuck with $4K in debt right now. I've yet to pay off thanks her and my tracherous mentor.

Alright look, not asking for war, just showing you how dishonest and shady she truly is.

The gaming industry sucks lately...

And I am done trusting people to work on my game, especially women.

That is the thing, she did not even want to do it at all. I needed a voice actor for the major villain of my tech demo the Psyker and that is where she came in.

No office? No you misunderstood. I work from home.

Most of my work is online oriented. Always been.

Been indie game dev since 2009. But God damn never dealt with a betrayal as cancerous and what happened in 2017.

The most important year I ever invested a lot of money on a project in my life.


In my early black pill days, I had to abandon a lot of core believes. I had to learn to fight people.

I use to hate fighting, was a pacifist. Now I dont hestitate to bash a cunt in the face or a simp in the balls.

That is what Nihilism taught me. The ways of the Black Pill.


Like hell self-defense is treated as murder. Well then they might as well start killing me, because I am still defending myself from parasites. Not throwing my life away for some psychos.

Fuck that.

I will kill the murderer before she/he kills me. If the popo dont like that, might have to shoot them too. Stand your ground or fight to the death.

What do you think of Canada?

When he gonna die yet?

Like John F Kennedy style?

The only solution to the Canada problem.

Sweden is already dead. Love those pussy-ass cowards trying to hopelessly reclaim integrity.

Sweden deserves to perish.

Bomb Sweden to kingdom come.

Firebomb them.

The American Patriot Execution squadrons storming Sweden in titanium heels and storm trooper uniform. Running and gunning with vampire speed and super fast machine guns. Vampire soldiers.

Sweden doesn't stand a chance.

The US Army Death Division.

Americas finest exterminatus divisions.

That helps too.

Universial term limit

How do I post memes?

@rotrunner That is understandable. Trust no one. Trust must be strictly earned.

The key principle of Nihilism.

I don't do trust. Only Verify.

Trust is optional. Verification is required.

I usually go by Distrust & Verify.

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