
Discord ID: 543559567179644928

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2019-08-17 12:38:42 UTC [Athens #the-long-walls_immigrants]  

Am am become God.

2019-08-17 14:23:59 UTC [Athens #the-long-walls_immigrants]  

That's allstate stand

2019-08-17 14:24:03 UTC [Athens #the-long-walls_immigrants]  

are you in good hands?

Andrew Yang

Jordan Peterson is overrated

Jokes on you, my penis IS a lobster


The internet as a concept either leads to anarchy or fascism.

Y'all are sooo edgy

Socialism is not inherently bad.

One world fascist government is the only way guys.

@TheBrsrkrFree healthcare

Y'all fail to realize how much technology & the internet are growing to affect the way the world works.

The internet & technology are growing at a rate where if left unchecked by the governments of the world will render governance obsolete in possibly 100 years

The bell curve

Things will progress faster than humans would've imagined.

Eventually we will be left with a choice: Upload your cocniousness into the internet & launch a self austaining computer into space or stay on earth as a human and die to global warming or other natural disasters.

Y'all ready for life to be like Wall-E?

This chat is schizophrenia simulator.

The Nazis sucked & all, but they had a lot of interesting ideas

I got popcorn kernel in my teeth

cashapp me $jafu1337


Einstein was a furry

This chats collective intelligence (excluding me) is -2

With me its so far low that it loops back & actually reaches maximum intellect

White people are inherently racist prove me wrong

Sun is only hot relative to humans.

Our sun is quite cool comapred to other stars

Transgender atheletes, if they are to be accepted AS their gender identity by the sports committee, MUST be allowed by the committee to play in the sport with others of the gender they identify with.

Programmers programmed the matrix we live in.

Reality is a simulation. Agreed?

Programmers are replaceable by AI.

The sky is green guys. Im gonna die

Being taught how to "act" from a young age is the simulation.

I'm Steven Crowder. Freaky hentai is the sole purpose of the internet. Change my mind.

If Thanos snapped away half of all life in the universe, wouldn't that include plants and microbiology?

@Coolitic I implore you look into fungal intelligence.

Fungi laid out a route for the japanese rail system BETTER than the japanese.

What so you think of the corpus hermeticum?

Remember when games wete kilobytes?


RฬฅฬฏฬŸ8อ•ฬŸฬฃ อขฬ ฬญ
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Jordan Peterson @juts kill nme

Plz force feed me hormones

that reminds me of that guy who tried inventing the parachute suit and jumped off the Eiffel Tower when everyone told him not to cuz he'd die. He died.

Did you know the nazi salute is actually pointing toward the direction of God?

<:Commie_Corbyn:462286635166334986> that way @Laucivol

Out above the horizon. If you keep your head straight, look up and out between your eyebrows, thats where god is, and that's also where the nazi salute points.

@NinjaQuick yeah, up & Out in spacw

Omnipresent, is space not always there?

just cuz you're inside and cant see it, is the moon not there?

as far as we can tell it goes on forever, there is just a limit to what we can possibly observe


yes appear finite


it totally can

thats like saying quantum entanglement is impossible


Prove it

We are in a simulation.

Society itself is a simulation on how humans "should" behave, a social construct is inherently simulated.

Except for dark matter and quantum mechanics

those dont follow our proposed rules

Yall must've never done LSD

and it exists only in our minds... which are part of the universe.

Numbers prove this incorrect

theres an infite amount or numbers

@NinjaQuick prove that it does

who says that energy is used all at once?

Infinitely in one direction over time negates entropy

everything that is is always until its not forever

The universe is conceptual, concepts aren't finite, therefore the universe is not either.

what is in the space between atoms?

there are infite bubbles in the bubble

Conciousness is the final frontier

Can you prove that anything truly existed before your birth?

The truth lies beyond reason

You can see with your eyes closed.

Imagination is the next step in science

it always has been

always will be

Y'all only don't like Andrew Yang cuz he's not edgy like Trump.

Y'all are a joke. Dregs of society. Unless you vote! <:trumpepe:588019356215279642>

Crenshaw is a good conservative.

@The True Legand I know you

That would work in like 1965

We have to face that government has its fingers too deep in too many pies, and that corperate America has is fingers too deep in political pies for that to work out for the American people.

That's terrible


I'm stoned and i see patterns

Today I'm getting fried hicken and fish. Yesterday I got pizza. The day before I got pizza. The day before I got Chinese.

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