Americana - MD

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Wtf is "wheatfield dwellers" role?

@The Huwhyte Ulf - VA all I'm saying is a shield won't stop a round from penetrating your torso. And it certainly isn't a good weapon against anything ranged.

It's America in the 21st century can we act like it?

But why...?

They have a role already, it's called motherhood...

Concealed or open why not?

It's obviously a political statement saying we support the right to bear arms(inb4 muh civil liberties) and it's a decent show of force. it's not childish or larpy, and it's totally legal.

Mouth guards lol

Sanctioned fights with antifa only goys!

I'll be checking gloves

I did myself lol

Didn't want people to cry about it


I love that she pinned a message because it supports her position lmao

We wuz liberals and shiet

Our women are strong too! REEEEEEE

@Convo should women hold leadership positions?

^^ something the women SHOULD coordinate

Well they're already "leaders" in the sense they hold a leadership position, not that they have leadership abilities.

Well it's beyond banning

It's her disrespectful cunty way of disagreeing and her power trips. Did you know she's an "event coordinator"? If not she'll be sure to tell you.

Lol @Erika doesn't need thicker skin because she has white knights all over her

Which is weird, you'd think she'd have a child by now if that's the case

Muh optics in bound

@Tyrone wtf does what Heimbach decide to do have to do with us?

That's not all she did

@HipToTheJQ she's an eceleb? How so? Lol

She's honestly just a cunt ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ


I don't even have a twitter



What is this shit lol

Yes he is

Baltimore here fam


@Uilliam Cionnaoith - MD why haven't I met you goys yet?

lol it's a social group within the DMV area


@Goldstein Riots sounds like a Goldstein to me..

Wait... @AltRightVa are you anti-Semitic or something..?

2017-06-08 14:07:24 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #dc_va_md]  


I'm glad based chopstick man will be there to protect me


@tom (twp) go to Harrisburg so we can have that beer

Flier? For Harrisburg?

Hol up, I find the event page

Can't find the other page

We're not necessarily welcome there by ACT. But they can't stop us ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ


If you guys start counter signaling the klan irl I might just leave and go burn a cross tbh ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ

You fags done with the shit talk? Like children I swear.

Yes we did talk to them directly

And they also have released this press release

Also, I love how this channel is open lmao


@kristall.night what group are you with?

Because that's literally the "optics" most alt right groups attempt

Nah you're fine

I'm vanguard first but the beltway is my home ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป

I come home to a pamphlet from the "Israel Restoration Ministries" today...

I put this together to explain the basics of making a shield

^or jews

Anime is degenerate

Lmao I lost it at concentrated ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป


He can hunt them in hiding. But I'm not fucking prey to be hunted down. Be the predator.


Give me a real link pls

Is that the "veterans group" thing?


He basically did it to counter signal the cuckservatives

He even was yelling at the nogs in the windows

For now

Since the cucks canceled their march...


I want to snag a commie flag on the 25th for sure


It's lit now

Doggos only now

Yeah he's a nigger but he's a trainable nigger lol

๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป shitposting made implicit and wholesome


"Private" server kek


Yeah the 3%ers and oath cucks on the east coast seemed a lot more based than our Texas guys experienced

That being said, their leadership did indeed give push back.

This weekend? Probably making the trek to Ocean City with the 3D

Catch some sun and relax before the 25th ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป

To OC?

Ofcourse lol

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