
Discord ID: 363104510153064452

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2017-09-29 14:03:40 UTC

I've seen her before.

2017-09-29 14:04:41 UTC

Respecting or trusting modern women on the internet... Yeah don't do that

2017-09-29 14:05:59 UTC

She's pretending to have infiltrated the "alt right" when in fact, as I understand the situation, she was all in but started sending nude pics to guys and was shunned and shamed by the community and then she started doxing anyone she could.

2017-09-29 14:07:41 UTC

Leak dem tiddies

2017-09-29 14:07:52 UTC


2017-09-29 14:09:13 UTC

I only have that link because it was sent out in a group chat on twatter.

2017-09-29 14:09:14 UTC

That's her

2017-09-29 14:09:23 UTC

I'm pure as the driven snow.

2017-09-29 14:09:30 UTC

@SonderSchutz TX your pics ain't loading nigga

2017-09-29 14:11:19 UTC

A lot of people will infiltrate by many means, and yea that's a guys weakness so watch out lol

2017-09-29 14:12:16 UTC

My whole email got gassed lol

2017-09-29 14:14:31 UTC

"Your account has been disabled " is the message I got.

2017-09-29 14:17:47 UTC

@502ssOtto nice a warning shot would have been appreciated lmao

2017-09-29 14:20:18 UTC

So just another thirsty whore

2017-09-29 14:21:08 UTC


2017-09-29 14:21:23 UTC

I stray away from those sites I didn't know t existed until 5 minutes ago lol

2017-09-29 14:23:42 UTC

The vaginal jew

2017-09-29 14:25:18 UTC

The whole porn/smut industry is controlled by Jews probably these sites alos

2017-09-29 14:25:24 UTC


2017-09-29 14:25:43 UTC

Women are the real jew

2017-09-29 14:26:35 UTC

Careful now we have ladies here who represent the patriots front and our ideals.

2017-09-29 14:27:43 UTC


2017-09-29 14:27:51 UTC

2017-09-29 14:28:17 UTC

Wtf won't pictures load

2017-09-29 14:29:03 UTC

2017-09-29 14:39:50 UTC

If you don't advocate for Sam Hyde style woman exterminationism get out of my face

2017-09-29 14:56:35 UTC

Damn that karma girl seems like a real asshole

2017-09-29 14:57:23 UTC

At the same token dumb for using full name or real name on his part

2017-09-29 14:57:35 UTC

The women in PF understand that lots of their "fellow women" are fubar.

2017-09-29 14:58:05 UTC

She was dude's girlfriend for two months

2017-09-29 14:58:36 UTC

Fucking thots. Jesus...

2017-09-29 14:58:49 UTC

Agree with you on that it's become dark days๐Ÿ˜ฉ
And he didn't notice anything for two months? I'd be suspicious right off the rip

2017-09-29 15:00:04 UTC

Bruh, she didn't infiltrate shit. She just got mad because our folks didn't approve of her sending tit pics to everyone.

2017-09-29 15:00:21 UTC

Oh roflamo

2017-09-29 15:01:01 UTC

So she was actually a WN then got pissy and defaulted to being a hero

2017-09-29 15:01:33 UTC

That's what it looks like.

2017-09-29 15:02:12 UTC

Too bad but shouldn't have sent the pictures in the first place IMO

2017-09-29 15:03:01 UTC


2017-09-29 15:04:33 UTC

You won't find any pictures I wouldn't want someone to see on any of my devices lol

2017-09-29 15:09:45 UTC

2017-09-29 15:13:09 UTC

Lets not forget to give an email address in the contact info channel. @here

2017-09-29 15:13:33 UTC

@SDO Phil-TX do you and @Thomas Ryan have my private email that comes directly to my phone

2017-09-29 15:14:11 UTC

Shoot it to thomas in a DM

2017-09-29 15:14:23 UTC


2017-09-29 15:19:56 UTC

2017-09-29 15:20:16 UTC

2017-09-29 15:20:19 UTC

You all know this is true.

2017-09-29 15:20:32 UTC

Jfc that's a lot of nudes. Wtf was she thinking?

2017-09-29 15:21:06 UTC

@ZeDwiver Yea I didn't even finish the whole page lol

2017-09-29 15:23:17 UTC

So I've got a ton of vanguard swag. I'm going to take pics and post them to gab, twitter, bbs, trs, etc and see if I can get a vanguard guy or guys to actually meet me and pick it up. What are the chances they'll come get it?

2017-09-29 15:23:39 UTC


2017-09-29 15:23:39 UTC


2017-09-29 15:23:49 UTC

Especially from you.

2017-09-29 15:24:11 UTC

She sent those privately or was she being a tumblr porn girl?

2017-09-29 15:24:19 UTC

No idea

2017-09-29 15:24:22 UTC

Doesn't really make a difference tbh

2017-09-29 15:24:30 UTC

Thots gonna thot

2017-09-29 15:24:34 UTC

I'm just so confused by all this

2017-09-29 15:24:59 UTC

Someone had to be taking the pictures and yea i scrolled her page she admitted to sending them via tumble whatever that is

2017-09-29 15:25:25 UTC

They look like a stationary camera was used

2017-09-29 15:25:27 UTC

Thot WN was attention whoring and sending out noods. People call her out. Her response is "omg guys I was undercover xD"

2017-09-29 15:25:39 UTC

Actually triggering.

2017-09-29 15:25:57 UTC


2017-09-29 15:26:40 UTC

In a sense yes its degrading society these social network platforms

2017-09-29 15:27:29 UTC

This is why countries laugh at us , we're concerned with letting men into to the little girls room while Israel is concerned with taking everything over.

2017-09-29 15:27:57 UTC

The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy ......

2017-09-29 15:28:59 UTC

Unfortunately yes and population control is almost a thing of the past. Unless nuclear war, a new plague pops up or something like that.

2017-09-29 15:29:21 UTC

You know all those beta males you see walking around nowadays? If we didn't have modern medicine, those wastes of DNA wouldn't have ever made it to adulthood.

2017-09-29 15:29:46 UTC

Agreeing with that lol

2017-09-29 15:30:03 UTC

The French Revolution was a mistake

2017-09-29 15:31:09 UTC

We just need that good super flu scientists keep worrying about to resolve the weak and the unprepared.

2017-09-29 15:33:05 UTC

Btw I found my local surplus store sells amoxicillin and penicillin among other antibiotics for your "fish" I picked some up apparently you can get around all the red tape as long as it's for your "pets" might be worth looking into for a kit.

2017-09-29 15:34:20 UTC

Here's the thing, women all have mild to moderate metal retardation. So when you don't lead them, a Jew can.

2017-09-29 15:35:34 UTC

Don't be mad at the dog for listening to his trainer. If you want it to act differently you have to train it yourself

2017-09-29 15:36:24 UTC

^or beat the dog

2017-09-29 15:36:52 UTC

^That's the first step

2017-09-29 15:36:58 UTC

I'm not advocating for beating women, guys. White Sharia is sperg tier shit.

2017-09-29 15:37:00 UTC

I think that stands for most people these days
The jew way has already been indoctrinated into schools. Everyone from a early age now is learning this shit every day we have a real uphill battle to undo all that

2017-09-29 15:37:24 UTC

Not physically, but we do need to beat them to a pulp psychologically and emotionally

2017-09-29 15:37:36 UTC

I'm not against that.

2017-09-29 15:37:43 UTC

And everyone under the age with the exception of a few like Thomas I've met seems to be partially retarded

2017-09-29 15:38:04 UTC

Treat these whores like shit. That's all they deserve at this point

2017-09-29 15:38:10 UTC

If you aren't playing emotional seesaw with your woman when you two first get together you're not a Chad.

2017-09-29 15:38:33 UTC

Manipulate the fuck out of them

2017-09-29 15:38:38 UTC

@Kevin Thanks for adding me as an exeption, means a lot

2017-09-29 15:39:15 UTC

@Racist Milk TX after our next state meetup, you should give a hip pocket class on thots.

2017-09-29 15:39:31 UTC

I feel like it'll be helpful for the younger guys.

2017-09-29 15:39:36 UTC

I'm down

2017-09-29 15:39:54 UTC

Step 1: Zip Ties
Step 2: Duct Tape

2017-09-29 15:39:56 UTC

Just don't let them out of your basement.

2017-09-29 15:40:01 UTC

Chris and I will chime in with anything you miss.

2017-09-29 15:40:17 UTC

Did someone say Will Fears?

2017-09-29 15:40:39 UTC

2017-09-29 15:40:44 UTC

Here's a prereading

2017-09-29 15:41:21 UTC

You have to understand sexual dynamics before you can understand how to create a proper society despite our primal instincts

2017-09-29 15:41:31 UTC

Holy fuck lol where did you find that?

2017-09-29 15:41:49 UTC

Very interesting

2017-09-29 15:42:02 UTC

Going to the disk drive lol

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