
Discord ID: 372513679964635138

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2018-07-03 17:39:04 UTC

oh, okay, I didn't realize you were 12

2018-07-03 17:39:11 UTC

nice meme

2018-07-03 17:39:36 UTC

'lol herp derp, I'm such a jerk because of my intellect'.

2018-07-03 17:39:37 UTC

I like how my point is being ignored.

2018-07-03 17:39:46 UTC

Because it's too difficult to argue.

2018-07-03 17:40:11 UTC

I'm not even Christian.

2018-07-03 17:40:25 UTC

@Maw We're discussing the origins of Christian morality, which pre-date christianity in Europe. It goes back to Judaism and Hellenism as well. I'm not ignoring you

2018-07-03 17:40:32 UTC

I'm sorry, but I focused on one person @Maw, sorry if you felt like you were being ignored

2018-07-03 17:40:45 UTC

the origins of morality

2018-07-03 17:40:45 UTC

It's all good, I figured this was about America's founding, though?

2018-07-03 17:41:53 UTC

no, I just said the stuff about the words on the money because you mentioned those words

2018-07-03 17:42:06 UTC

Christian morality has changed since its inception/genesis, arguing about the foundations of it seems... irrelevant when it's been reformed so many times.

2018-07-03 17:42:37 UTC

it is central to my argument against western morality somehow being christian in origin, when the origin of morality is much less rigid than such thinking would have you believe

2018-07-03 17:43:15 UTC

it is not static, it evolves, is still evolving - but it all has a fundamental basis in wellbeing

2018-07-03 17:43:49 UTC

Why is adultery bad?

2018-07-03 17:44:27 UTC

I could think of several reasons why it would be considered "bad", none of which needs there to be a christian god in the picture

2018-07-03 17:44:32 UTC

Why does the west primarily only see monogamy as the only legal form of marriage?

2018-07-03 17:44:47 UTC

I also think pre-christian cultures saw adultery as bad

2018-07-03 17:44:51 UTC

some might not have

2018-07-03 17:45:10 UTC

this can point to different branches in the evolution of morality in certain cultures

2018-07-03 17:46:24 UTC

What the Jews did in the ancient world was pretty unique, because instead of polytheism where the people would just mirror their own behavior onto that of 'the gods' and the natural world, they came up with the concept of monotheism in which the people were beholden to the singular will of *A* god, in a father-like fashion.

Then they merged that concept with the Greeks and christianity was born in which that God was no longer the same as the natural world, but above it and to be compared against.

That's a huge deal. Comparing the individual to a 'perfect being' in order to orient yourself in the world, versus being at the whim of 'gods' that tend to act like the worst of us.

2018-07-03 17:46:28 UTC

Some actually outlaw polygamy, last I remember.

2018-07-03 17:46:47 UTC

I think most western countries outlaw polygamy

2018-07-03 17:46:52 UTC

but I could be wrong

2018-07-03 17:47:23 UTC

Why though?

2018-07-03 17:47:29 UTC

If not for Christianity.

2018-07-03 17:47:43 UTC

Polygamy creates more violent societies

2018-07-03 17:47:49 UTC

anyway, have to afk for a while

2018-07-03 17:48:12 UTC


2018-07-03 17:49:17 UTC

The Romans weren't actually too violent, and they certainly were promiscuous. Before the 'but they took over places', they were very, very kind occupiers.

2018-07-03 17:49:35 UTC

Generally wanted to avoid bloodshed.

2018-07-03 17:49:52 UTC

You had legions. So they used their violence productively

2018-07-03 17:50:10 UTC

Last I remember, back during that time, raping and pillaging were morally acceptable.

2018-07-03 17:50:21 UTC

Not something I heard of the legion doing very often.

2018-07-03 17:50:49 UTC

It's hard to maintain an empire abroad when you've ransacked the new neighbors

2018-07-03 17:51:32 UTC

Tell that to how many other armies have taken over places and done the same.

2018-07-03 17:51:38 UTC

And maintained the same.

2018-07-03 17:51:52 UTC

See also: Afghanistan

2018-07-03 17:52:47 UTC

At the time, the Romans were fairly progressive. I've had this argument come up before.

2018-07-03 17:53:18 UTC

They had volunteers from conquered cities reinforcing their legions.

2018-07-03 17:53:59 UTC

Yes, which is why they didn't usually ransack new lands, until later in the empire era

2018-07-03 17:54:16 UTC

probably helped the collapse a bit

2018-07-03 17:54:51 UTC

Unfortunately, power corrupts.

2018-07-03 18:31:43 UTC

If only Caesar hadn't gotten shanked

2018-07-03 20:49:37 UTC

Yes, the roman legions did have *auxillary* of local forces, but to the romans they were more or less meat shields. And it in turn lead to a lot of the issues as the foriegn elements were soon let into the senate and broke the whole system down.

2018-07-04 00:09:45 UTC

That's... sort of just the whole concept of a vanguard.

2018-07-04 00:23:38 UTC

There were plenty of native auxilliaries that the Romans respected. The Romans had little of a cavalry or archery tradition, so they were quite welcoming to native auxilliaries that could take care of those problems.

2018-07-04 00:28:30 UTC

@Somi hi again

2018-07-04 01:58:44 UTC

i think with that meme, capitalism shoe is a bit higher

2018-07-04 01:59:01 UTC

maybe there's a car jack helping lift it up a bit (economic growth let them invent it)

2018-07-04 01:59:09 UTC

or you could just replace 'capitalism' with neoliberalism

2018-07-04 02:17:20 UTC

"Stop being so smart because these other people aren't as smart and we can't meet our ethnicity quota. It's absolute cancer." >> Later someone responds with: "I just used your Affirmitive action argument, and made a hardline liberal rage quit in five minutes or less. IRL." <:pepe_smile:378719407977005068>

2018-07-04 02:30:51 UTC
2018-07-04 02:48:55 UTC

The sad thing is, somebody needs to legit save the Dems from spiraling down into irrelevance.

2018-07-04 02:49:19 UTC

Because we know there are lunatics in the Republicans too.

2018-07-04 02:52:29 UTC

The country needs democrats.

2018-07-04 02:52:53 UTC

In much the same was as it needs republicans. Or at least some kind of opposition.

2018-07-04 02:53:38 UTC

The crazy repubs are already dying off in the party. Another party will replace the dems

2018-07-04 02:55:07 UTC

No, we saw some biblethumpers come out of the woodwork to blame video games again last mass shooting.

2018-07-04 02:57:00 UTC

Hmm, I guess. I don't see the populace being like that though

2018-07-04 03:06:00 UTC

It'd be great if the death of the dems leads to a power vacuum that new parties can fill

2018-07-04 03:06:02 UTC

eg. libertarians

2018-07-04 03:06:08 UTC

don't just prop up a corpse

2018-07-04 03:06:11 UTC

let it die

2018-07-04 03:27:22 UTC

video from 2015 tho

2018-07-04 03:32:43 UTC

i think they're right about some things, wrong about others

2018-07-04 03:32:46 UTC

but I can't fully analyze it

2018-07-04 03:32:56 UTC

the comments that complain about the video are mostly just pedantic on certain facts the video gets wrong

2018-07-04 03:32:59 UTC

i believe anyway

2018-07-04 03:37:58 UTC

What part bothers you? @What Would Jack Conte Do?

2018-07-04 03:52:22 UTC

Seemed pretty accurate to be honest, albeit somewhat simplified for normie consumption.

2018-07-04 04:44:55 UTC

Quick Question for you all

2018-07-04 04:45:02 UTC

What do you put on a Grilled Cheese?

2018-07-04 04:45:25 UTC


2018-07-04 04:45:33 UTC

dude u aint black

2018-07-04 04:45:34 UTC

What do you mean

2018-07-04 04:45:38 UTC

u cant say that

2018-07-04 04:45:41 UTC


2018-07-04 04:45:52 UTC

I mean, what stuff do you put on a Grilled Cheese?

2018-07-04 04:46:00 UTC


2018-07-04 04:47:21 UTC


2018-07-04 04:47:50 UTC

Because fuck people that put shit on grilled cheeses ok?

2018-07-04 04:47:54 UTC


2018-07-04 04:47:58 UTC

Not a Grilled Cheese

2018-07-04 04:48:52 UTC

Stop getting yo panties twisted

2018-07-04 04:49:12 UTC

Grilled cheese is barely food

2018-07-04 04:49:44 UTC

The cheese isn't even fucking grilled in a grilled cheese, get the fuck over yourself. @Hotzendorf

2018-07-04 04:50:18 UTC

This is a pressing political issue that should clearly be discussed in <#372513679964635138>

2018-07-04 04:52:23 UTC

All grilled cheeses are equal

2018-07-04 04:58:57 UTC

Oh shit.

2018-07-04 04:59:03 UTC

Just watched the portland vid.

2018-07-04 04:59:16 UTC

That dude that got KOed in one hit had the ambulance called for him.

2018-07-04 05:00:04 UTC


2018-07-04 05:00:18 UTC

Let's go America

2018-07-04 05:00:24 UTC

Time to dab on the haters

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