What Would Jack Conte Do?

Discord ID: 259786965468053505

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.have everyone agree with my arguments

who's on voice

fuckin ghost busters

oh hey, whoever it was i talked to

have you played tannenburg?

still in alpha tho

liberalism ideology is being defined as we speak

probably anything less than that is ancapism

or severe minarchism

yep thats my boi

is it possible the voynich is an early encrypted book


wats all this then


who'd have thought putting rocks on top of each other is an actual skill

it is IRL

IRL everything is hard

that's why i want VR

and robots


verdun again?

sry hold on a sec, getting dinner

we oughta get a verdun squad together

no one's on tho

o shit looks like im out of vocie

where is everyone





imagine if the future of youtube were top 10 videos until the end of time

ginger kid is pissed

he gonna make a brain slushie

wtf is that dab dragon

is that an uzi shooting shotgun shells

gay squad selfie

ive realized that humanity is kind of fucked

as we enter the future we enter new unique challenges to freedom never before encountered in history

we have some historical reference

but back in the day, when history was less linear (eg. medieval times), there was less history to refer to to avoid making mistakes

and every 100 years, the odds that a state would go authoritarian and rewrite history or burn books goes up quite a bit

so in some form or other, history is doomed to repeat itself and we have little power to prevent it from doing just that

once we learn how to avoid things, usually with the power of technology we're given (since we live an age of constant tech progress), the tech to enslave also advances, and we can't keep up

people are only just realizing uber is a scam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgQPj90OrQE


i dont need to get high for this stuff dub dragon

if you're reading

starfox - original furry icon

i wanna have the very best safe space

the safest space of them all

i dont like reality

the feelz is my cause

i dunno other lyrics

pathos so truuuue

there is no destiny

the human race should be cucked

gotta cuck em all gotta cuck em all

is my face red

thats a bad site

that was hard

@franti Leftists like to say that because there was trade going back to stone age times (technically speaking) there were Pockers everywhere

so pockers in bohemia


why the fuck not

the smallest amount of trade, the maximum number of niggers

can you tell when you've been muted on voice

im wondering

but can you hear me


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