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2018-06-21 21:27:21 UTC

wait I've seen that before

2018-06-21 21:27:26 UTC

what is that @Reaps

2018-06-21 21:41:53 UTC


2018-06-21 21:41:54 UTC


2018-06-21 21:54:50 UTC


2018-06-21 22:25:47 UTC

--- Real History

2018-06-21 22:40:58 UTC



2018-06-21 22:58:31 UTC


2018-06-21 23:43:54 UTC


2018-06-21 23:55:25 UTC



2018-06-22 00:09:45 UTC

joke: Deporting mexicans back to mexico
woke: Deporting mexicans to canada

2018-06-22 00:10:51 UTC

broke: Canadians spazzing out because they can't handle so many Mexicans seeking asylum

2018-06-22 00:11:35 UTC

I'm liking this.

2018-06-22 00:11:49 UTC

I mean, Mexico lets people wander from countries south of *their* border all the way to the US border

2018-06-22 00:11:55 UTC

US should just wave 'em on through

2018-06-22 00:12:01 UTC

Give 'em a little bus trip and everything

2018-06-22 00:12:21 UTC

Reference cards

2018-06-22 00:12:30 UTC

English-to-Canadian translation booklets

2018-06-22 00:34:58 UTC

Make Canada Brown Again

2018-06-22 04:47:48 UTC

Is canada going to build a wall before we do?

2018-06-22 05:06:11 UTC

@Naveronasis not if we browbeat them for being racist ;)

2018-06-22 05:49:58 UTC

Does anyone know if a significant amount of Mexicans emigrate to Canada?

2018-06-22 09:11:16 UTC

I think so; I believe that was the reason for old satirical proposals to dig tunnels from Mexico to Canada.

tunnels from Mexico to Canada

go ahead, explain building a tunnel that long

2018-06-22 09:53:55 UTC

why do you think youve got a space force now? Trump is gonna build a big ass laser to shoot a laser bridge over usa from mexico to canada

2018-06-22 09:54:03 UTC

come on use your brain bud

2018-06-22 10:34:32 UTC

Naa tunnels are old news. It's all about laser bridges shooting over a huge country now

2018-06-22 10:34:38 UTC


you do realise my country built a 26 mile tunnel under a channel

2018-06-22 10:36:34 UTC

I do because I am too from the union of all of the kingdom's

2018-06-22 10:36:46 UTC

Or as people like to call it, the UK

2018-06-22 13:26:24 UTC


2018-06-22 17:13:05 UTC


2018-06-22 17:13:28 UTC


Illegal memes ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿฟ

2018-06-22 17:19:17 UTC

memers get the bullet too


2018-06-22 17:57:13 UTC

Br00tal episode today

2018-06-22 17:59:22 UTC

I thought Ben Shapiro was against Trump?

2018-06-22 17:59:33 UTC

Is it me or it's out of sync?

2018-06-22 18:00:00 UTC

lol what a sell-out, talking about mattresses

2018-06-22 18:00:11 UTC

Criminal - Today at 3:59 AM
I thought Ben Shapiro was against Trump?```

There are still clowns out there perpetuating that idiotic line?

2018-06-22 18:00:22 UTC

no, I genuinely thought he was

2018-06-22 18:00:27 UTC


2018-06-22 18:00:36 UTC

he called him a liar etc

2018-06-22 18:00:38 UTC

then you're genuinely incorrect in your thoughts

2018-06-22 18:00:39 UTC

and refused to vote for him

2018-06-22 18:00:41 UTC

because he lied

2018-06-22 18:00:45 UTC

and he did refuse to vote for him

2018-06-22 18:00:55 UTC

and he's been pleasantly surprised with how Trump has been doing ever since

2018-06-22 18:01:02 UTC

He praises him when he thinks he deserves praise

2018-06-22 18:01:02 UTC


2018-06-22 18:01:14 UTC

And critiques him when he thinks he deserves criticism

2018-06-22 18:01:32 UTC

like with the north korea thing

2018-06-22 18:01:34 UTC

And shills Israel when it benefits him.

2018-06-22 18:01:45 UTC

like Trump tends to do

2018-06-22 18:02:42 UTC

```A shill, also called a plant or a stooge, is a person who publicly helps or gives credibility to a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with the person or organization. ```

2018-06-22 18:02:53 UTC

Shyeah, noone knows he's a fuckin' Jew or anything <:thronk:441701565607444482>

2018-06-22 18:03:09 UTC


2018-06-22 18:04:47 UTC

Jewish is not the same as zionist though

2018-06-22 18:04:57 UTC

Like Norman Finkelstein

2018-06-22 18:05:23 UTC

Shapiro said multiple times, he generally doesn't like Trump's character, but he will praise Trump when he does good things, and criticize him when he does bad things. As a president, Shapiro is generally happy with Trump.

2018-06-22 18:06:49 UTC

so has he indicated that he would endorse or vote for his reelection in 2020?

2018-06-22 18:14:20 UTC

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Jordan Peterson. The professor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of history most of his lectures will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Jordan Peterson's religious outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterization- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Christian literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff, they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these views, to realize that they'res not just Christian apologetics- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Jordan Peterson truly ARE postmodernist SJW idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humor in Jordan Peterson's existential catchphrase "Clean your room, bucko" itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. l'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated fedora tipping lefties cocks scratching their heads in confusion as Jordan Peterson's genius wit unfolds itself on their fragile postmodernist neo-marxist views. What fools.. how I pity them.๐Ÿ˜‚ And yes, by the way, i DO have a Jordan Peterson tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothing personnel kid. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

2018-06-22 18:27:19 UTC

I don't think Shapiro, or anyone with sense, would endorse Trump this far ahead.

2018-06-22 18:56:14 UTC

i dont know, can the left meme or not?

2018-06-22 18:56:17 UTC

you judge

2018-06-22 18:56:22 UTC

if they finally learned how to meme

2018-06-22 19:11:04 UTC

if we ignore the lefty memes, they'll go away

2018-06-22 19:11:11 UTC

because that worked so well for the SJWs when they ignored us

2018-06-22 19:17:33 UTC


2018-06-22 19:21:39 UTC

thanks for originals... thats my dose of cringe for the day

2018-06-22 19:53:30 UTC

milo joined UKIP

2018-06-22 19:54:33 UTC


2018-06-22 19:54:46 UTC


2018-06-22 19:54:48 UTC


2018-06-22 19:55:18 UTC

not confirmed yet with my contact sorry but hes posted a pic of a paypal notification of 30 pounds to UKIP

2018-06-22 19:55:29 UTC

ill wait for a response to see if hes ACTUALLY joined

2018-06-22 19:55:36 UTC


2018-06-22 21:33:44 UTC

@Fulcrum010 yep. Hes officially a member

2018-06-22 21:40:49 UTC

Sure, and the US has the human right to defend its borders, with lethal force if needed.

2018-06-22 21:42:07 UTC

cool, give a pretest to the US call it a invasion and respond with force

2018-06-22 21:43:30 UTC

some nigga keeps @'ing me and before I can even get to the channel the @ is gone

2018-06-22 21:43:38 UTC

`I will find you`

`And I will kill you`

2018-06-22 21:47:33 UTC

it was me

182,758 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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