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2017-03-10 16:37:51 UTC

The elites understand that there is an order in nature that simply "is"

2017-03-10 16:37:57 UTC

Not should be

2017-03-10 16:38:13 UTC

The conviction that hierarchy of things must exist

2017-03-10 16:38:25 UTC

That superior things have to be really superior, and inferior really inferior

2017-03-10 16:38:30 UTC

And that it is their natural order

2017-03-10 16:38:52 UTC

Aristocratic forms of government are established in obediance of this sacred principle

So what matters is hierarchy

2017-03-10 16:39:42 UTC

Economy, as merely a form of exchange, therefore is absolutely subjected to *qualitative* relationis, which are personal

2017-03-10 16:40:25 UTC

Economy as a quantitative form of exhange, therefore cannot supress and replace a qualitative organization, which is abstractly and theoretically, the state itself

2017-03-10 16:40:42 UTC

Aristocratic state is nothing else but it's elite and of course, the religion

2017-03-10 16:41:00 UTC

Aristocratic state is therefore this *quality* itself

What makes something superior to something else rather than, say, different

2017-03-10 16:41:17 UTC

"we the people" is just a bushwacking drivel

2017-03-10 16:43:10 UTC

Quite frankly spoken, the superior in terms of these castes, is essentially a personal quality

2017-03-10 16:43:21 UTC

valor, bravery, intelligence, etc

2017-03-10 16:43:57 UTC

In most aristocratic societies, the elites were extremely suspicio of presence of such qualities among low castes

2017-03-10 16:44:08 UTC

Because statistically, they were usually right

2017-03-10 16:44:18 UTC

which is why the idea of aristocracy just drives the current masses mad with rage.

2017-03-10 16:44:28 UTC

Not necessarily

2017-03-10 16:44:47 UTC

I may have made too large a claim. Many are driven mad, not all.

2017-03-10 16:44:54 UTC

Consider Roman Republic. It's borders were essentially the city of Rome. It was easy for a slave to escape to his freedom

2017-03-10 16:44:59 UTC

But few chose to do so

People aren't at war all the time

2017-03-10 16:45:39 UTC

Because the relative safety and comfort of the life of servitued in a house of a Roman noble man was in many ways his comfort zone

2017-03-10 16:45:41 UTC

It seems to be a natural virtue in some to admire and want to emulate superiors, rather than trash them. This virtue has been undermined today, but is not absent totally.

valor and bravery are synonymous

Feudal peasants who fight for their barons were plenty brave

Intelligence is left

2017-03-10 16:46:20 UTC

Most of the slave rebellions in Roman era were started by slave who worked in agriculture, since their life was harder

So they display bravery

2017-03-10 16:47:09 UTC

For many peasants, to leave their lands and actually go to war was a privillege already great enough

2017-03-10 16:47:36 UTC

Again, not because things "should be that way' but because that was the reality of those times

it was part of verbal contacts

2017-03-10 16:48:00 UTC

All of the land was divided among knights and noble men, and nowhere could you just "travel" and go just like that

2017-03-10 16:48:25 UTC

Everyone had his purpose specifically designed for him since the day he was born

So if I'm understanding you, what is important is hierarchy and its arrangement according to intelligence?

2017-03-10 16:49:23 UTC

The important thing to understand today is that we cannot possibly achieve something like that

2017-03-10 16:49:37 UTC

Since there are no essential values today from which to begin, no reference points

feudalism of Europe came about well after a market system with different values than those needed for feudalism to work

2017-03-10 16:50:46 UTC

We can theoretically only imagine some sort of a new fall of current civilization to imagine a new sort of order arising in it's place, but such scenarios are largely today thought to be apocalyptic

I'm sorry I didn't realize you weren't talking to me

nevermind then

2017-03-10 16:53:05 UTC

@༺པརབྱར།བསངཇ༻ NRx is at the same time right and wrong. Their diagnosis is good, their suggested cure won't work

2017-03-10 16:53:43 UTC

People cannot establish an order today that isn't based on the values that are *real* today

2017-03-10 16:54:14 UTC

*Realistically* economic performance is what matters today. If for example we switched current system for some sort of let's say, statism, like Fascism for example

2017-03-10 16:54:28 UTC

The greatest value would be loyalty to the state

2017-03-10 16:54:42 UTC

Which is again, certainly better value than economic performance

2017-03-10 16:55:02 UTC

But that value would condition everything else

why is it better

2017-03-10 16:55:23 UTC

Let's say you wanted to create some sort of a 5 year plan, or some project to allocate resource

2017-03-10 16:55:37 UTC

You would allocate them according to personal loyalty to the state, not merit

Or I guess why is loyalty to the state the most important thing

2017-03-10 16:56:01 UTC

No, i dont think one-party state is the perfect solution, far from it

2017-03-10 16:56:09 UTC

it's just better than plutocracy

whatever the state is

why is loyalty to it the most important thing

2017-03-10 16:56:35 UTC

Of course, If we are not speaking of a dictatorship of the proletariat which is a whole different story

2017-03-10 16:57:19 UTC

It allows for a dose of transcedence from a personal viewpoint

2017-03-10 16:57:35 UTC

Which again dillutes individualism and to it immanent deviations

"It allows for a dose of transcedence from a personal viewpoint"

What does this mean to you

it could mean a few things

2017-03-10 16:58:30 UTC

And it makes possible to create a new outlook which won't cater only to needs of trade and commercial growth, since power is established not in economical centers, but in centers of military, social authority

2017-03-10 16:59:27 UTC

"What does this mean to you
it could mean a few things" Individual is more soberly aware that he isn't the most important thing, simply put

So the most important thing isn't the individual, it's the state?

2017-03-10 17:01:46 UTC


2017-03-10 17:01:51 UTC

I don't think you understand

2017-03-10 17:01:59 UTC

The state itself doesn't really matter

2017-03-10 17:02:04 UTC

People can live without a state

2017-03-10 17:02:08 UTC

In complete state of Anarchy

That's why I'm asking you pointed questions

2017-03-10 17:02:23 UTC

but in such a state, "natural order" affirmst itself more easily and directly

Without asserting anything

2017-03-10 17:02:57 UTC

However, since through many generations, a civilization accumulates a vast social, material and intellectual capital

2017-03-10 17:03:08 UTC

It starts to produce a certain falsified image of itself

2017-03-10 17:03:43 UTC

And many philosophers of the past contemplated on the question, how to lubricate the engine, how to prevent deviations which were to them apparent

2017-03-10 17:04:35 UTC

Currently, we have Western civilization which believes that it's material prosperity is the most important thing

2017-03-10 17:05:00 UTC

And so it analyzes how to make this entirely wrong assumption, a matter of fact for everyone

2017-03-10 17:05:32 UTC

So it makes another mistake, and assumes that such prosperity is a result of "discovering" a certain abstract form of government which allows it

2017-03-10 17:06:10 UTC

And since its effort to export prosperity had failed, it now attempts to invite everybody over to show them how it works in person

2017-03-10 17:06:22 UTC

Which everybody else uses and abuses cynically

2017-03-10 17:09:12 UTC

If strenght, endurance, intelligence, fortitude, are the causes of prosperity, to the Western civilization, it will not occur that these are important things for example

2017-03-10 17:09:23 UTC

It will only be obsessed with resulting state of affairs

So character virtues are the most important thing

2017-03-10 17:11:27 UTC

@Jake Saga devolved said you were into sociopathy

2017-03-10 17:11:29 UTC

what's up with that

2017-03-10 17:11:42 UTC

I'm making my own attempts to understand this phenomenon

2017-03-10 17:11:59 UTC

and have currently settled on one main point: sociopathy is an iceberg

2017-03-10 17:12:16 UTC

and it's not just about visible/invisible but labelling as well

2017-03-10 17:12:28 UTC

many people labelled as narcissists or borderline personalities are sociopathic

2017-03-10 17:12:50 UTC

the main issue being complete inability to form a visceral loving connection with anyone

so the elite recognizes that these virtues are the most important thing

2017-03-10 17:14:19 UTC

Yes, the elites certainly value character

2017-03-10 17:14:23 UTC

is maarat a sociopath

2017-03-10 17:14:25 UTC

The civilian world should be structured like the military

2017-03-10 17:14:34 UTC

But i could add also the spirit, though that would expand the conversation

2017-03-10 17:15:19 UTC

no @Horns , be serious, this is a serious thing, seriously

2017-03-10 17:15:28 UTC

this should be your face: 😐

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