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2017-07-08 15:10:46 UTC

They're still at the end if the day capitalism, economically.

2017-07-08 15:10:47 UTC

If you have to compete with the state funded company it isn't a free and fair market

2017-07-08 15:11:13 UTC

the market has become less free when you have to compete with a business that simply will not fail because the state supports it

2017-07-08 15:11:17 UTC

it's not fair competition

2017-07-08 15:11:43 UTC

the freer the market the more capitalistic it is

2017-07-08 15:18:52 UTC

If your definition was true, there wouldn't be monopolies or price gouging or shitty overall employment if there was a free market.

2017-07-08 15:19:09 UTC

But those often happen in free markets.

2017-07-08 15:19:36 UTC

Those happen in every system because the governments grants them special treatment

2017-07-08 15:19:50 UTC

No it doesn't.

2017-07-08 15:19:55 UTC

Look up standard oil.

2017-07-08 15:19:58 UTC

In a truly capitalistic society they would only have to do 2 things to rise to the top: deliver the best product at the best price

2017-07-08 15:20:23 UTC

Name me a system without monopolies

2017-07-08 15:20:24 UTC

The very reason why monopolies don't exist is because every government has anti-monopoly laws of some sort

2017-07-08 15:20:34 UTC


2017-07-08 15:20:36 UTC


2017-07-08 15:20:37 UTC


2017-07-08 15:20:39 UTC


2017-07-08 15:20:43 UTC

the monopoly there is the state

2017-07-08 15:20:57 UTC

Define monopoly

2017-07-08 15:21:17 UTC

Having all the resources, making it very hard for newcomers to challenge you

2017-07-08 15:21:40 UTC


2017-07-08 15:21:44 UTC

The socialist state often make it extremely hard because of all sorts of rules you have to abide to

2017-07-08 15:22:04 UTC

Right, and the socialist state fits that to a t

2017-07-08 15:22:16 UTC

And this would be detestable in a working class government, how?

2017-07-08 15:22:24 UTC

With worker's councils?

2017-07-08 15:22:55 UTC

Because you forbid it to let people make their own decisions to run their own company, it's anti freedom

2017-07-08 15:23:10 UTC

You talk a lot about being free, but a free market rarely sees a lot of freedom for those who are employed by the people who reap the nost benefits.

2017-07-08 15:23:28 UTC

Not everyone will become a business owner.

2017-07-08 15:23:30 UTC

That's fact.

2017-07-08 15:23:51 UTC

Probably because they are hindered in opening their own business

2017-07-08 15:24:03 UTC

It's even worse in Hong Kong, which was rated like the top highest in economic freedom.

2017-07-08 15:24:05 UTC

Have to deal with the unions, regulations and being taxed to high hell

2017-07-08 15:24:20 UTC

Yet people from China fled to Hong Kong

2017-07-08 15:24:54 UTC

They have shitty tenants for their workers to live in. They have lights and water and that's about it, and they have no union representation, and it's often a dirty place.

2017-07-08 15:25:08 UTC

You would not like to be a working class person from Hong Kong.

2017-07-08 15:25:38 UTC

Compared to what other country around it?

2017-07-08 15:25:47 UTC

What's a better country near hong kong?

2017-07-08 15:26:02 UTC

Indonesia? Malaysia? Japan with it's insane work hours?

2017-07-08 15:27:32 UTC

None because they're all shitholes and they can be better under socialism.

2017-07-08 15:27:47 UTC

Compared to your socialist utopia yes

2017-07-08 15:27:59 UTC

I'd rather compare it to other countries in history

2017-07-08 15:28:19 UTC

What socialist utopia?

2017-07-08 15:28:30 UTC

It's quite literally the course of history

2017-07-08 15:28:31 UTC

The one that has never been achieved by any socialist country

2017-07-08 15:28:40 UTC

Uh, wrong.

2017-07-08 15:28:40 UTC

Or can you point to one?

2017-07-08 15:28:43 UTC


2017-07-08 15:28:56 UTC

Very poor compared to the west at that time

2017-07-08 15:29:01 UTC

Very poor?

2017-07-08 15:29:08 UTC


2017-07-08 15:29:16 UTC

It had great relations with the East and West

2017-07-08 15:29:21 UTC

Or did the western people flee to Yugoslavia?

2017-07-08 15:29:25 UTC

Booming economy for a time.

2017-07-08 15:29:32 UTC

People didn't need to flee lol.

2017-07-08 15:29:41 UTC

Until the racism came

2017-07-08 15:29:48 UTC

No but people do to Hong Kong, Singapore and the west in general

2017-07-08 15:29:59 UTC

If it's a shining beacon people will go to it

2017-07-08 15:30:14 UTC

Okay? That can depend on several factors. It doesn't mean they're great.

2017-07-08 15:30:20 UTC

It really does

2017-07-08 15:30:27 UTC

Why else would they come here?

2017-07-08 15:30:32 UTC

Your point?

2017-07-08 15:30:34 UTC

Western corporations fled to China to basically have slave labor wages

2017-07-08 15:30:55 UTC

Because the chinese government promised no competition I imagine

2017-07-08 15:31:04 UTC

I'll be back in a bit, like 15 min

2017-07-08 15:31:07 UTC


2017-07-08 15:31:37 UTC

It's a second world country, no unions, good infrastructure and tons of workforce.

2017-07-08 15:31:52 UTC

And you're telling me we should be promoting this for "freedom"?

2017-07-08 15:32:15 UTC

Freedom certainly not for the hundreds of thousands of blue collar workers who lost their jobs in the 80s and 90s.

2017-07-08 15:54:22 UTC

Why take China as an example when Hong Kong or Singapore are much more capitalistic?

2017-07-08 15:54:50 UTC

And if you get to say that china is capitalistic than I can open up a can of worms with your socialists utopias all day long

2017-07-08 15:55:14 UTC

Where was the paradise for the millions who starved under backwards retarded socialist policies?

2017-07-08 15:55:25 UTC

Was there any social mobility in the socialist countries?

2017-07-08 15:56:02 UTC

Face it, capitalism won in the end, sadly a lot of countries are now falling into the same trap of thinking the state should provide ever more services

2017-07-08 15:57:09 UTC

And if you say that wasn't real socialism well then

2017-07-08 15:57:39 UTC

It's simply the result of having that much power in the hands of so few, you only need one malevolent moron to take power to bring your people to starvation

2017-07-08 16:24:41 UTC

@Timo))) now I don't really have time to engage with you, but I will quickly reply to something you asked me.
"If you're saying that a free market is not capitalism I don't know what to tell you
What economic books have you read that claim it isn't?"
I'd just like to talk about the statement that the free market or just market is capitalism. Simplifying it to this kinda falls apart when you look at some things. Fx, there were markets, arguably free markets before we had capitalism and some anti-capitalist movements have been market oriented, like market socialism. While not very popular, mutualism is likewise also a radical socialist free-market ideology.
If you wanna keep to your definition, then I'd ask you to explain to me what people mean when they say that the french revolution turned the society from feudalism to capitalism, because the main thing that changed sure wasn't

2017-07-08 16:24:44 UTC

how free the market was

2017-07-08 16:28:10 UTC

Never said it was exclusive to capitalism, just that to have capitalism you have to have a free market

2017-07-08 16:28:44 UTC

capitalism was a thing before people called it capitalism, as with most things the name comes later

2017-07-09 00:44:37 UTC

wow, there's some shitty reasoning there

2017-07-09 00:55:51 UTC

The countries that were mainly part of the Eastern Bloc were already poor and undeveloped before the institution of the Soviet Union and its associated economic structure, along with countries around it, but part of the overall system. The only real exception to that is Eastern Germany, which was destroyed by World War II anyway.

The Western countries had for a long time the benefits of their colonies in Africa and Asia (most notably India for the UK, Africa for the UK and France, and South America and a good amount of Pacific islands for the U.S. After decolonization, they continued the economic exploitation of the third world, along with having the majority of world trade since they benefited from already being the richest countries in the world, due to their previous colonial exploitation, as well as support from the U.S., which was built by settler colonialism against Native Americans.

The countries that were generally able to develop the most in this post-war period, disregarding city states like Singapore and Hong Kong, which is obviously purposely disingenuous since other countries cannot follow their example, were generally those within the Soviet sphere of control or those who were able to remain separate from the control of either the Americans or Soviets.

Compare most of Eastern Europe today to how it was under Soviet rule, today there's more crime, more suicide, more alcoholism, the population is decreasing because it basically doesn't want to live anymore. Russia invaded the Ukraine, but Ukrainians were already killing themselves with heart disease and alcoholism.

Cuba has much higher education and living standards than El Salvador or Haiti, other Caribbean islands.

Nigeria is very rich in oil, but they can't stop their population growth and they don't have control over their own resources, which means the government has not been able to invest in infrastructure and education.

2017-07-09 00:58:21 UTC

Social mobility is not an issue in a socialist country, though the population became much more literate and wealthy, when compared to earlier. The idea of social mobility is a capitalist concept, that there are classes and that people can ascend classes, the idea in socialism is to move with your class, not above it.

2017-07-09 01:00:44 UTC


2017-07-09 01:01:33 UTC

well you have to write a little bit to counter the amount of incorrectness in his posts, I wrote it concisely and clearly

2017-07-09 01:03:14 UTC

I assume that whole wall of text is a statement and you think it's poorly written, or is a part of it your refutal

2017-07-09 01:03:32 UTC

umm, isn't it obvious?

2017-07-09 01:03:38 UTC

I was commenting on timo's point of view

2017-07-09 01:03:42 UTC


2017-07-09 01:03:43 UTC

his reasoning was shit

2017-07-09 01:04:03 UTC

well okay, I thought it was out of context

2017-07-09 01:04:09 UTC

ahh, sorry

2017-07-09 01:04:25 UTC

guess I came a little late to the convo anyway but I just joined ๐Ÿ˜›

2017-07-09 01:04:57 UTC

it's mostly just me not wanting to read it that's the problem heh

2017-07-09 01:05:37 UTC

tl;dr socialist countries started out poor and developed, capitalist countries were already rich before, Hong Kong and Singapore are city states and don't count

2017-07-09 10:04:01 UTC

How come Japan turned into a richer country than China?

2017-07-09 10:04:14 UTC

They were equally poor at around 1860

2017-07-09 10:04:31 UTC

Same thing with Chile, how come they are the most wealthy latin country?

2017-07-09 10:04:36 UTC

US sugardaddy

2017-07-09 10:04:45 UTC

China was exploited by Western countries for centuries, also yes, U.S. support

2017-07-09 10:04:49 UTC

US supported Pinochet but not with subsidies

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